

Ichigo here!! Long time no Tumblr post, hello! ^o^ 

I don’t use Tumblr nowadays, but I thought I’d share a tiny project I completed in about 2 weeks (it isn’t my other personal project Merchant’s Tale- FOR NOW.. Sorry friends!!) regardless!

Crystal Confines


You play as Orphrey, a girl who is the Snowglobe’s bell keeper. Next to the Snowglobe sits the Hourglass, which contains a sense of time unlike the Snowglobe. A boy known as Galimatias lives within the Hourglass. Galimatias helps the neighboring village keep track of time by leaving written signals in the sand for Orphrey to ring her bell in sync to.

Help Orphrey ring the bell according to Galimatias’ queues and look for her lost letters!

Game Length is about 15-20 minutes, and there are two slightly different endings! 

You can download it here: Mediafire/Google Drive

If there are any questions, comments or concerns, you can contact me via my Twitter (@ichigogoooooooo) or my personal email ([email protected]) and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Thank you VERY much for looking!!  ❤ ❤

The final volume of the Bleach anime is here! Check out my full review on About.com and then let me

The final volume of the Bleach anime is here! Check out my full review on About.com and then let me know what you thought of the finale! http://anime.about.com/od/Anime-Blu-Ray-and-DVD-Reviews/fl/Bleach-26-DVD-Review.htm

Buy here: http://amzn.to/1H3MDSS

Post link

When you have to kill time at a conbini: Conbini Log 1

Oi Ocha green tea with limited time Sakura packaging.

New! Interesting strawberry milk drink. 0% juice, but 20% pulp.

Samgyupsal onigiri. Deliciously spicy. Would highly recommend.

“平成” (Heisei) gummies to commemorate the end of the Heisei era on April 30th, 2019 when emperor Akihito will abdicate the throne. #平成最後

The OG Boss Rainbow Mountain Blend can coffee. I don’t usually drink can coffee because it’s usually too sweet or too bitter. Yet sometimes, just sometimes, I see some construction workers or day laborers drinking can coffee on their breaks and they just look so peaceful and chilled out in that moment that I start to crave a can coffee too. Does that make sense?? Lol
