#ikemen vampire mozart


I hope y'all know what this is from so I just don’t sound insane, this audio has been stuck in my head forever.


Things are getting heiß over in Mozart’s route!

Nice contrasting imagery with his cool hands and MC’s warm face


He’s caught feelings! ❤️

Yeah… I’m not entirely sure why she did tbh. That whole exchange was a bit of a head scratcher.

Ohhh the feels


Ikemen Vampire: History’s Greatest Clean Freaks

aka Mama Comte and the tsun children

Comte, I think you just triggered a tsun-explosion?

LMAO HE PLAYED HIMSELF THERE like Sebastian told it was Comte who decided the teams and thought he’d have it easy by pairing with the tsuns lol

Mama Comte is mad, this isn’t what he was expecting so he yeets the tsuns into the library, because yanno… what could possibly go wrong in sending them to the place that might as well be considered Leonardo’s second bedroom?

Awwww bonk me in the head too, mama comte

Arthur, holding blankets and a pillow: What’s stopping me from napping outside on the grass?

Arthur:*falls asleep within two minutes for the first time in his life as he listens to birds, wind and the rustle of leaves*

Mozart, observing him: Sebastian, why didn’t you pick up the trash you scattered across the lawn on your way to the container?


Promised Henry - Mozart relationship

As you may know, Mozart holds a peculiar disgust towards Henry, mainly because of his profession, but also disinformation (or rather creating stories on his own based solely on Henry’s being Arthur’s friend who surely has to have the same midnight adventures as him) and lack of communication.

For a long time—as fast as he noticed him spending time with Arthur and Theodorus—he has been avoiding him. The very idea of putting hands into a dead body just to find out how it works, dealing with mutilated corpses sent by the police, repulsive experiments and any contact with the “dirty blood” was sending a shiver down Mozart’s spine. However, after Henry came back from his another trip (the one he ends prematurely in his route, thanks to which he has the opportunity to meet MC) the frustrated former surgeon decided to get closer to Amadeus using all the charm he had in storage and one of the mansion dads’ help once again.

The task wasn’t easy, but after a few long talks with Henry, which cleared his behind the times thinking of medics crumbling in the pianist’s head, as long as he didn’t tell him any details about his work, Mozart began to enjoy the company of the mellow and bright Henry, almost always holding a smile on his face. What surprised Mozart the most, Henry didn’t mind his coldness, nor too long lectures about music, which Henry could not understand. As much as Henry Gray was trying to awake his creative side it was impossible for it to emerge in the regular art from - music, painting, sketching and not even decipher notes was a strong side of his constitution, but this didn’t stop Mozart from trying to teach the doomed-to-fail, optimistic student.

“Stop. You have no sense of rhythm, your hand is too stiff, curl it up a bit, and don’t drop your wrist.”

“Like this?”

“That’s even worse than it was. Ah, I think you’re just doomed to stay in your distasteful basement.”

“Hahaha, I’m sorry.” Henry laughed, closing his eyes. “I guess you’re right. If the Mozart cannot bring himself to teach me how to play music and Leonardo da Vinci himself cannot teach me sketching, then there’s no hope for me.”

Mozart started at Henry’s face, brightened with a wide smile for a moment. He snorted and put his head over the piano, laughing quietly as well.

“Then why do you sound so happy about it, you idiot?”

They don’t have many common topics to discuss, but at some point Mozart had to admit he loosens his guard in Henry’s presence and lets himself crack a soft smile listening to him. One could say, Henry tamed a wolf, which even tried to understand Arthur at some point. This didn’t end too well, what Mozart commented: “You can get along with everyone, but not all your friends can be friends with each other”.

Since tumblr decided to delete the post I’ve been writing, does anyone want to read about Henry’s relationship with Mozart after it twists and they start to get along? Much better than Amadeus would have thought

Amadeus:*leans over the door frame in the prologue of ikevamp, his white hair falling freely on his face, his gaze tired with the life he had to lead and mouth curved with displeasure someone dared to interrupt him, even tho im pretty sure it’s a scene that lives in my head rent free and it’s not even canon because no one mentioned that part*


I think about Mozart rambling about music every day. Like, yes speak to me about your silly, little notes I barely decipher while I try to play on my own

Playing this route after Arthur’s route makes it even funnier bc now I know karma getting back at him in the form of Theodorus Van Gogh

I told @humi-and-co​ I’d post Mozart after finishing my assignment so here we are uwu 
**Please excuse the wrong music notes (according to Humi) in the design bg - I don’t know music u___u

Candy Charm Interest Form: https://forms.gle/cpC48YdwacnMKZXm8

The other boys: Leo| Mozart | Arthur|Vincent|Isaac|Theo|Vlad

!!! Please do not repost or use my art without permission !!!



I don’t care how many times I read this when I’m re-doing Mozart’s route, it will always be absolutely hilarious

[In a car]

Theo: Hey guys, I’m scared to drive at night

Arthur: I’m afraid of the dark

Mozart: I’m claustrophobic

Jean: I’m scared of people yelling

[through a tunnel]

