#ikemen vampire jean


Thief, pointing a gun: Your money or your life?!?

Jean, raising both hands in surrender:Take my life now.

Thief: …Man are you okay?

Jean, taking out his wallet: I can give you both if you’re not convinced.

Bet Arthur was really proud too when he gave Jean that advice


Headcanons that I had in my mind for quite a while now, considering that I just woke up to write those:

Vincent taking it upon himself to help Jean love his body.

Well, in his own soft way

Vincent, the epitome of an angel

And Jean, a confused boy that doesn’t have social skills and is scared of trying to interact with anyone at all

They’s balance eachother out so nicely too, I believe


Let’s preted that Jean has scars and burns all over his body from the time he got ressurected from. Now that he is a vampire, they healed pretty much and alot of them aren’t there anymore but his body is still littered in scarred skin, stretched and pink lines everywhere he looks.

Especially the side of his face.

He never adored the moment of morning where he needs to wash his face with cold water. It always urges him to look up into the mirror, and admit and remember that yes he went through all of that. He survived sitting in that damned flame, getting his skin melted off, as if he truly deserved it. Jean was never one to think lightly of himself, and even blames his own persona for things like war, for not winning it.

What a lowly person, he’d think as he gets changed for the day.

How ugly I am, he’s almost breathe out as he hides his eye from the world.

I deserve everything that has happened to me, he’d get out of his room with this thought in mind.

But Vincent was having none of that.

“Jeeeaaaann!"the moment Vincent would catch a detail of the beautiful man he’d be following after him.

Jean doesn’t undersrand why Vincent, an artist no less, would want anything to do with him. Especially not when he gets asked to model for him for the first time.

He is ugly. A person he himself hates to look at. A glance in the mirror is disgusting to him already, so what could an artist see beautiful in him? Uhhh bby no pls why do I hurt myself like this-

You cannot come to me, and tell.me that Vincent wouldn’t offer Jean to let him draw his portrait or SOMETHING.

With how often Jean is considered beautiful and pretty in the game, Vincent has to at least side glance at him when the two pass by eachother

"Can I draw your hand today? I need to exercise on my anatomy and you’re the best candidate I have right now.” Vincent would smile, a rainbow and millions of suns exploding from behind him and Jean has to squint as he looks. Every. Damn. Time. Whenever Vincent can catch Jean alone, anywhere in the mansion, he’d ask.

Que Theo crying in the background

Jean would be ready with a sort of retort, to escape the situation and run. Poor baby is scared out of his mind when Vincent suggests anything to do with his body. Even compliments on his clothes are too much for him sometimes, and it feels like a sinking feeling when Vincent compliments him on anything, at any time

It catches Jean off guard so many times too

“Wow, Jean, your hands are so beautiful. Can I sketch them?”

Jean is so shocked he petrifies himself to the place he was seated onto, while Vincent took his silence as a good answer and got out his sketchbook and started scribbling

To note, this was the first time Vincent asked him to pose for a drawing

It wasn’t even full on body posing, Jean just happened to sit on the same couch as Vincent, and his hand was on the arm support of the couch.

That’s it

“I…I don’t- I mean I have gloves on…”

“Oh, that’s not a problem. I meant it with the silky material on as well. The structure of your bones and skin makes the material shine so much more.”

Vincent you have no idea what you’re doing to this man you’re desTROYING HIM

Jean has gotten pretty used to it though. But not too much.

In the beginning of, whatever this was between the two of them, he still had to catch himself from running in the other direction when Vincent was in the same room with him.

The man scares him to death.

Vincent is a dangerous person.

With that smile, that personality, that encouragement, that simple acceptance of life.

Jean cannot cope sometimes.

“Wow, Jean, your hair is so beautiful. The colors are amazing! And the lenght of the strands are so balanced yet unbalanced at the same time-”

“Jean, you’re so lean but strong in your posture. I saw you practicing outside and I couldn’t help but compliment you.”

“Your eyes are so crystal like. They remind me of amethysts. No wait, the depths of the ocean. No no, not that either-”

“Actually, I wonder if I have the same color as your hair up in my room-”

“The proportions of your face are so perfect I’m actually jealous.”

Jean cannot handle all of this.

The fact that Vincent wasn’t sugarcoating anything was even worse for poor Jean’s heart

Well, at first he outright bolted away from Vincent.

Now, that he’s used to the antics of a painter,he can only let the confusion and embarrasment show with a curt nod and a lowering of his gaze to the floor

It is getting easier to accept the compliments after a long period of time, and as much as it both confuses and makes him happy, he gets used to it

And so, a very strange relationship has developed between the covermagazinemodel solider and the painter, one nobody expected there to be

Oh wow this has become increasingly long. If you wanna read more, it’s all under here

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Reader Crying — Jean D’Arc

Characters: Jean D’Arc x reader

Warnings: animal abuse, extortion, violence. read under your own risk

A/N: jeaaaannn my babyyy when I saw this request I almost screamed shdhdh you’ve won my heart with this request!! Hope you like it!!

  • even if it didn’t seem, Jean looked up to you so much
  • for him you were a strong woman, the one who not only had the patience to deal with him but accepted him with all his flaws and cons
  • you always stood up everytime dazai or arthur were messing with him.
  • he felt grateful, he felt like you cared about him, and defending him only made his heart to beat faster than it did when you were around
  • yes and that’s why he loved you
  • but he didn’t felt ready to tell you, what if he ruined everything? or what would happen if you stopped talking to him?
  • what he would do without you?

Keep reading


Thank you for writing this for me!!

Guys please go check out this new blog! Its super wonderful! ❤️

[⚜️IkeVamp⚜️ Art] The Saint of Orleans

Fanart of young Jean that I finished a few days ago! ⚜️ I love him to pieces y’all—



♡ summary: now fugitives on the run, jean and his princess seek temporary refuge in a forest—and jean grapples with the less-than professional feelings for her that threaten to spill forth from him.

♡ word count: 3.5k words

♡ additional tags/warnings: royalty AU / mentioned past war, violence, torture & rape + sex slavery / some biblical references (explained at the end of the fic)

♡ notes: this is a very belated fic for day 1 of the jean route countdown party, for the prompt ‘jean and chérie’though there ended up being less chérie than expected lol rip. also, this is the 1st installment in a bigger series that spans the rest of the countdown party so yeah, keep an eye out for them

♡ tag list (feel free to DM me if you’d like to be added to the tag list ❣): @juminly@nafeary@iridescent-hana@blu-tigerr @judgemental-seal@loverofmanyrandomthings​ @sweettangy​​

AO3 link


“We should be safe here.”

“Good,” the Princess gasps. The moment they reach a clearing in the forest that opens up to a lake, she releases his hand and all but collapses on a mossy boulder, drawing in each breath harshly like it could be her last. “I’ve never run this much in my life! I knew being a soldier required you to be physically fit and all, but now I have a deeper appreciation for just how much you had to go through to be as strong as you are, Jean.”

Ah, she’s always doing this to him—looking up at him with those crystal-like eyes, clear in their sweet honesty, uttering words that causes an admittedly not-unpleasant heat to rush up his neck to his ears.

“There is nothing much to admire about me,” Jean states plainly, turning around so she wouldn’t glimpse the rose blush threatening to invade from his ears and neck to his cheeks. Even shrouded in the dark cloak of night, he doesn’t trust his body to keep the secrets his heart bears—secrets that he doesn’t dare admit to even himself.

Just then, a loud rustling in the bushes catches his attention. Instantly, his hand flies to his sword, ready to draw and swing at the next provocation. This was what he was trained for—to do anything, even devolve into a soulless monster, previously for his country and now for his Princess. He shifts his position so he’s blocking her from view, only hoping he is enough to hide her petite frame behind his back.

Surely they wouldn’t have followed us THIS far— 

Keep reading


[⚜️IkeVamp⚜️ Fic] Under the Table (Jean x Reader){NSFW}

Please Read:

Ok I’m not sure if anyone has done this before but I’m a sucker (no pun intended) for imagining Reader give Jean a BJ under the table during dinner so I wrote a fic about it.

Also I started this fic a while before I began playing Jean’s route (which was literally around 14 minutes after it came out xD), and I’m not too far into his story yet, which means that I would appreciate if you didn’t include spoilers when correcting me about any inaccurate details, since I want to find out about them myself.

But anyways, hopefully you enjoy it!

Word Count: 3k+

Tagging:@blu-tigerr,@delicateikemenmemes I hope you like it

Two BJ related fics in a row too pHEW—



One evening at around 8:30, peaceful silence was interrupted by the sound of footsteps bouncing off the mansion walls as the residents hastily bustled into the dining hall. This wasn’t a rare scene during dinner time, since at this hour, many of the vampires were hungry and more than willing to eat a hearty supper. Sebastian was in the kitchen as expected, pouring drinks and preparing the feast as the others took their usual seats and began conversing amongst themselves.

However, something was out of the ordinary. Unlike on most evenings, Jean appeared to have arrived before any of the others had, a rare sight to behold. Though what seemed even more startling was that you were the absentee this time. Well, at least that’s how it seemed to the rest.

Unbeknownst to the others, you were most definitely in the room. Crouched underneath the table between Jean’s long legs, you eyed the prominent bulge in the midnight haired vampire’s pants. Your (color) eyes wandered up to his face from under the long table cloth that was oh so conveniently veiling you from anybody else’s sight, but gave you the best view of Jean from below.

For what reason were the two of you in this position? Ever since you and Jean had gotten together, you had been trying to get him to come out of his shell little by little. It eventually started off with baby steps, such as joining everyone during mealtimes or becoming more social with less familiar residents, and before you knew it, you had even managed to persuade him into attending a party. Even though he remained at your side the entire time, it was great progress nonetheless. Though while you cherished every second of this journey alongside him, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander into more… otherworldly depths.

Intimacy was something that both of you shared and enjoyed equally, but experimentation was a fairly new subject for both of you. However, you weren’t opposed to it at all, and Jean was always silently content with the subtle strings that you’d pull. It was only a matter of time before you came up with a terrifying yet absolutely brilliant idea: You were going to take a steeper step this time by deepthroating him under the dinner table.

Of course, Jean seemed hesitant at first, and you understood. After all, this was a huge thing for him, and he usually wasn’t a big fan of such intimately drastic measures. However, you were his everything, and he absolutely adored you with all his being. It didn’t take long for him to oblige to your request, cheeks flushed a darling pink as he pictured you beneath him under the table cloth, your lips wrapped around his member as you sucked him dry while he desperately held in his dirty moans, trying his hardest not to attract suspicion from the others…

And here you were, on your hands and knees beneath him, just as he’d imagined. You couldn’t help but grin up at him in excitement; this was absolutely thrilling, and the chances of getting caught were so scary yet arousing, and with Jean above you, so tall and mighty… you couldn’t help but melt under his gaze. His violet eye was hesitant, but you could tell that he wanted this as much as you did. Bliss.

Soon the room fell silent while the sound of steel wheels skidded across the floor. Sebastian stopped the cart and cleared his throat.

“Dinner is served,” he announced as he began setting the hot dishes on the dining table.

While Sebastian served the residents, Comte scanned the room, a look of concern evident on his usually calm face.

“Before we begin eating, has any of you seen (Name) anywhere? It’s unlikely of her to be this late,” he said, earning a slight hum of thought from the others.

Panic engulfed your mind as you stared up at Jean who grunted ever so slightly at the flaxen haired gentleman’s question. While he usually avoided speaking to Comte, he couldn’t afford to out you, especially in such an embarrassing position.

“She’s…” he began. “…not feeling too well. She told me that she has a stomachache of some sort.”

A concerned murmur filled the room.

“Stomach ache?” Vincent inquired worriedly. “Will she be ok?”

Jean nodded, ignoring the lump in his throat.

“Yes. I have given her medicine to help her feel better. She said that she’ll rest for the time being,” he responded.

Despite the pit of doubt in both of your stomachs, you and Jean breathed a sigh of relief when the others bought into that little fib.

As the chatter commenced again, scrumptious aromas that wafted in the air made your mouth water, but you had a job to do. A very importantjob.

You looked up to see Jean staring ahead at what you assumed was the food, and while you could tell that he was hungry, so we’re you. You lightly poked his bulge with your index, smirking when you felt him shudder. Jean’s little reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Mozart, who sat nearby with an eyebrow raised at his friend’s behavior, but decided to let it go and resume his feasting. Sebastian also passed by but only nodded at Jean as silent encouragement to begin eating.

Jean sighed in relief once more before looking it you with an almost pleading expression. You giggled into your palm before resuming playtime.

Bringing your fingertips to your mouth, you slowly slid your tongue along them, all the while gazing seductively at the man above you. He gulped at the naughty sight and you could’ve sworn that his pants seemed a bit tighter than they were a few seconds before. Eager to tease, you rubbed your wet digits along his clothed member and smirked when you felt his hips jerk.

The warmth of your saliva was almost too much for Jean, who practically had to grit his teeth in order to keep himself from groaning your name. He was so sensitive and you loved it. Without thought, you wrapped your fingers around the zipper of his pants and slid it down with a loud ZZZZIIIP!!!

Unfortunately the sound of conversation and the clatter of cutlery wasn’t enough to drown out the noise. You and Jean’s eyes widened when the room fell dead silent again. It wasn’t until Theo spoke that the tension rose ever so slightly.

“What was that noise?” He asked and looked around with narrowed eyes. “Did someone’s fly just open?”

“Beats me,” Arthur responded before immediately changing the subject. “But all I care about right now is eating until I’m stuffed. Hey Napoleon, could you pass the salt?”

“Of course,” replied the raven haired man, smirking to himself while he sneakily handed the pepper to Arthur, who unawarely sprinkled it onto his food.

While this was happening, Jean leaned a bit lower to speak to you.

Mademoiselle, I would appreciate it if you were a bit more careful,” he said in a hushed whisper. “We were very close to getting caught, especially this time.”

You gently pressed a finger against his lips.

“Just sit back and relax Jean,” you cooed. “Let me handle this~”

The indigo haired male had no choice but to abide by your words. He inhaled shakily before sitting back in his chair, patiently waiting for your next move.

Pushing stray locks of hair behind your ear, you leaned down and pressed a kiss against his pelvis, trailing lower and lower until your lips touched his shaft, still clothed beneath the cotton of his underwear. You looked up at him yet again with that same glint in your eyes, the glint that he knew all too well. You were going to misbehave.

As he stared ahead in anticipation, Napoleon noticed the lack of food on his friend’s plate.

“Hey Jean,” he said. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

Jean flinched at the question and immediately sat upright.

“Y-Yes. I-I was just trying to decide on what to try first,” he responded, hastily reaching over to grab a serving of rotisserie chicken.

His green eyed friend blinked.

“Alright then,” said Napoleon, still a tad suspicious of Jean’s strange behavior as he eyed him for a little while before going back to conversing with Leonardo.

Jean was about to begin eating until he felt something warm and wet engulf his member. He inhaled sharply and flinched at the sudden sensation, awkwardly biting his thumb to stifle an embarrassing moan that threatened to spill from his throat. His eye flitted down to you and widened.

You were already taking him so well, with your mouth stretched out to fully wrap around his thick veiny cock while you rested your hands on his muscular thighs for support. But what really arose something in him was when your eyes finally met his. It was almost as if time stopped, and Jean couldn’t help but bite his lip in desperation. This was so sinful yet so… irresistible. It overwhelmed him immensely. Though Jean was stubborn, and was in no mood to give in to his carnal desires so easily. Putting on a stoical face, he grabbed his fork and knife and dug in.

The rotisserie was delicious, probably the best he’d ever tasted to this day. Though the movements of his hands as he cut the pieces with the fork and knife were very rigid, almost as if he was hyper-focused on making them look natural. His eyes were narrowed in concentration and his eyebrows furrowed as his teeth dug into his lower lip. This may have looked strange to those unaware of your little tryst, but you both knew the truth behind his peculiar actions.

Though despite his desperate suppression, he felt much more at ease with the lack of unwanted attention in his direction. His thighs eased ever so slightly and he eventually leaned back into the chair, hands relaxing onto the table while his eye glazed over as he relished your touch from under the table.

However, this moment of solace was soon interrupted by Leonardo’s voice, causing Jean to spring upright again.

“So Jean,” said Leonardo. “I hope you don’t mind me asking but what compelled you to join us for dinner tonight? Usually you stay in your room if (Name) is unable to tag along for some reason.”

His eyes could have been deceiving him, but Jean could’ve sworn that he noticed an almost menacing smirk on your face through his peripheral vision before you engulfed his cock with your mouth again. The lump in his throat only swelled as you quickened your pace, tightening your lips around his huge length to egg him on.

“I-I felt,” the blue haired man gulped. “I f-felt like I would be w-wasting… h-her effort if I didn’t do as I had p-promised.”

Leonardo raised a curious eyebrow.

“Promised?” He asked.

Jean nodded and sent you an almost unnoticeable glare with his lust-glazed eye before looking back at the inventor. This time he inhaled shakily to maintain his already cracking composure, subconsciously bucking his hips against your lips as you continued to deepthroat him.

“I-I had promised her that I would t-try my hardest to— to overcome my distaste f-for interaction with o-others… a-and that I-I would try to b-be more so—social,” he responded, toes curling in frustration.

While Leonardo seemed taken aback by Jean’s disposition, he could tell that the lesser vampire had no intention of explaining his situation any further. So, with a nod, Leonardo resumed his dinner, despite the evident curiousity on his handsome face.

Jean couldn’t help but scowl slightly. Of all the dinner times he’d spent with the other residents, why was was it tonight that his housemates found his actions and affairs so interesting? Perhaps it was because of his red hot cheeks, or his stuttered words, yet he couldn’t do anything about them even if he’d tried.

This wasn’t easy for you either. It was very difficult for you to stifle your gagging and panting, the wet sound your mouth made as it devoured Jean’s enormous throbbing cock like it was your last meal. Though it was so delicious and oh, so filling.

As you feasted on him, Jean closed his eyes and bit his lip, gripping the silverware tightly in his gloved palms, his cheeks flushed like roses. The sudden feeling of your teeth grazing against his long shaft sent a bolt of ecstasy down his spine, and it was only a matter of his sharp instincts that he stifled a gasp with his trembling hand while the other dropped the fork and clenched the table.

Comte looked up from his plate at Jean’s sudden reaction to lord knows what. Jean’s strange behavior hadn’t gone unnoticed by him, and despite the soldier’s unwillingness to cooperate with him, Comte couldn’t help the growing longing that urged him to find out what troubled him. Jean felt Comte’s gaze upon him and returned it with an icy glare that was intimidating enough to send a chill down anybody’s spine. Despite this, the golden haired man responded with a calm smile before returning to his meal.

While this happened, all you were focused on was bringing Jean the pleasure he deserved. Your fingers continued to add stimulation by caressing the base of his shaft and around his scrotum before trailing along his leather clad thigh, which only added to your frustrations thanks to your aching desire to see him fully bare in front of you. You watched him gaze absentmindedly at the food in front of him, fork and knife still in his hands as he shakily ate. It was clear as day that he had no intention of looking down; the scene under the table cloth would’ve been too much for him, and he obviously wouldn’t allow anyone to find you somehow. This was for him only.

It wasn’t long until he felt himself nearing his end, and without thinking, he put the knife in his right hand down on the table and brought his palm down to your head, burying his gloved fingers in your hair as he began thrusting in your mouth. You forced yourself not to choke on his hugeness as you swallowed him whole, looking up at him with teary eyes. His teeth were clenched and his eyes were just as moist as your own while he squinted down at the edge of the table, still unable to meet your gaze. The sturdiness of his strong feet was the only thing keeping the chair from rocking with each sharp thrust of his hips as his massive cock ravaged your throat.

You were so overcome by love and lust that you wrapped your arms around his waist, urging him to thrust even further into your aching throat. You shut your eyes tightly due to the mere forcefulness of his movements while all worries of being noticed by the other residents completely clouded with ecstasy.

Jean noticed this and felt his lips curl into a rare smirk, full of unusual pride about the effect that he had on you. As a result, he increased his speed, pushing your head lower so that your face was completely pressed against his pelvis as the thickness of his member abused your poor throat at a jawbreaking pace that made your vision go white.

This was your punishment for serenading him, and needless to say, no mercy was involved.

With each eternal moment, Jean grew nearer and nearer to attaining bliss, and eventually, after what seemed like hours…


Jean stifled a gasp through gritted teeth and clenched your hair tightly as his lava hot semen flooded your mouth and coated your throat. You clenched his thighs in response to his sudden release, seeing stars at the salty taste of his warm milk.

The soldier’s eyes remained screwed shut while he shakily gasped for air, gradually coming down from his immense high. It wasn’t until he opened his eyes that he noticed everybody’s perplexed gazes fixed on him.

“Jean? Is everything alright?” Asked Napoleon, concern lacing his voice.

Jean was too disoriented to react normally and merely blinked in response.

“You’ve been acting incredibly bizarre this entire evening, surely something must be wrong,” Mozart added while he eyed his friend skeptically.

The midnight haired man’s eyes widened and his heart began to race. Though, a silent caress of your hand upon his trembling thigh was enough to ease his mind, and he managed to subdue the anxiety that tread upon him.

“You misunderstand. I was merely holding back a sneeze, is all,” he responded. “I may have caught a cold myself.”

Dazai released a sigh.

“Ah, what a shame. First (Name)-san gets a mysterious stomach ache and now you have a cold,” he said wistfully. “It must be something in the air…”

“Or an odd coincidence,” muttered Arthur under his breath, averting his gaze from Dazai.

“But the bright side is that you and (Name) have eachother,” said Vincent. “With a bond as strong as yours, nothing can bring either of you down.”

Thanks to Vincent’s kind words and angelic smile, the tension seemed to ease at last, much to your relief.

“You’re completely right Broer,” Theo replied with a fond twinkle in his crystalline eyes.

Suddenly, the moment was interrupted by the sound of Leonardo’s chair being pushed back before he stood.

“Well, I’m done,” he said. “So I’m going to go sleep now. Goodnight.”

A few well wishes were heard as the tall vampire exited the room, followed by most of the other residents, until the only people remaining were yourself, Jean, and Sebastian. Of course, you were still concealed beneath the tablecloth, however to Jean, you were the only thing that he could see; to him, your beauty glowed even brighter than the moon in the sky. Your lips were still slightly parted due to how hard he’d facefucked you, and it didn’t help that the pleasure from it all left your vision clouded with ineffable lust. With the faintest of smiles, he reached down to cup your cheek in his palm and gently caressed your wet lips with his gloved thumb.

“You did so well mon amour,” he whispered in the most endearing tone that only made your cheeks flush a deeper shade of crimson.

You bit your lip and brought your hand up to rest upon his own. How could anybody be so perfect? You could never fathom it.

“Excusez-moi, monsieur Jean,” Sebastian’s voice caused both of you to flinch slightly in surprise. “Are you finished with your meal?”

It was then that Jean looked down at his plate and realized that he hadn’t finished the large serving of chicken that he’d so desperately tried to eat in order to mask his situation. Despite his low appetite, wasting it didn’t feel right to him, especially since he had only taken a few bites out of it.

Jean shook his head.

“I am not finished yet,” he said before picking up the cutlery in front of him.

Sebastian nodded and, after swiftly gathering the dirty dishes, he left the room, leaving you and Jean alone at last.

Before you could do anything, you felt your chin being lifted, and eventually found yourself staring up into Jean’s deep purple eye, dark as the night sky. After a few seconds it lowered and your (color) orbs followed it, only for your lips to release a soft gasp. His cock was hard as a rock once more, the veins so prominent that they looked like they had been carved out of stone, glistening slightly from the wetness of his previous release.

You reluctantly tore your gaze to look up at him once again and blushed even more at the sight above you. His lips formed that same proud smirk from earlier, and all you could do was listen to the deep baritone of his voice as he whispered his desires to you, his palm still cupping your cheek.

“Let us continue our feast alone.”

shookspearewrites:Hey there @sweettangy I hope that you’re well, sweetpea! Thank you so much for thi


Hey there @sweettangy I hope that you’re well, sweetpea! Thank you so much for this request, it was so so specific which is cool but, I had to stray slightly off path for it all to make sense, I hope that’s okay ^^’ 

Thank you all so much for reading and sticking by me whilst my uploads have kinda been few and far between, it means the world to me & I hope that I can continue to make content that y’all enjoy!

- JJ x


Napoleon Bonaparte:

As MC prepared herself for an onslaught of yelling, insults and false accusations from her awful boss, her protective boyfriend Napoleon was just finishing his work teaching for the day. He and MC had agreed to meet after work so that they might go out for dinner together so, he had finished up with the children early that evening so that he could go and pick his darling up from work.

When Napoleon arrived at the art shop, he witnessed a confrontation between MC and her boss from outside the window. His body moved before he could think, rushing into the shop to shield his lover with his own body so that he stood in between her and her boss.

“Pray tell, sir, what business do you have with my employee?” The shop owner smiled condescendingly, nastily at Napoleon but, the ex-emperor stood his ground, protecting MC.

“I am her protector and I’d like to know what business you have showing her such disrespect. It is incredibly ungentlemanly to mistreat a lady.” The vampire, turned his gaze towards MC before speaking to her quietly, “Get you belongings and wait outside for me.”

As MC scrambled to grab her bag and coat, Napoleon took another step towards the shop owner, his right hand resting on the hilt of his rapier, “Now, sir, I don’t wish to cause you or your business any harm, but, mistreating a lady is the most unacceptable of crimes. I’d suggest that you pay compensation to this poor woman and increase her salary … should you want to keep your reputation untarnished in the public eye, that is.”

“Y-you have no right -”

“Oh, I think you’ll find that I have every right to protect the mademoiselle and see that her honour is kept in tact,” Napoleon turned to leave, glaring at the shop keeper one last time, “If I hear that she has come to any harm by your hand, you should expect a visit from the police.” 

As soon as Napoleon left the shop, MC rushed into his arms, tucking herself tightly against his warm chest. The lady gently kissed her lover’s shoulder and lifted her gazed to meet his, “You saved me…”

“I promised that I always would, didn’t I?” Napoleon stroked MC’s hair comfortingly, a warm smile spread across her lips as his hand fell to grasp her own, “Would you still like to get dinner? Or do you want to go home and relax?”

“Dinner sounds nice…”

“As you wish, my lady,” he replied sweetly, taking her arm in his own as they walked to their restaurant of choice to enjoy dinner, with Napoleon fiercely protecting MC for the rest of the night.

Keep reading


Thank you so much for this!!

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Jean - Ikemen VampireReally enjoying his route :)

Jean - Ikemen Vampire

Really enjoying his route :)

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Jean d’Arc -Ikemen VampireI thought his story was out and got very disappointed when I loaded the ap

Jean d’Arc -Ikemen Vampire

I thought his story was out and got very disappointed when I loaded the app and it wasn’t there yet

Post link

[In a car]

Theo: Hey guys, I’m scared to drive at night

Arthur: I’m afraid of the dark

Mozart: I’m claustrophobic

Jean: I’m scared of people yelling

[through a tunnel]


MC: I took 5 pregnancy tests… and they all came out positive

Arthur: Do you know what it means, Newt?

Jean:-gasp- Are you going to have five children?


Stranger: Hey kid, your dad sent me to pick you up

Little Jean: Really? What does my “dad” looks like then?

Stranger: Ummm…he’s kinda reserved, very tall and has dark blue hair!

Little Jean:-imagining le Comte and taking his hand- Yeah, whatever

Comte, running from behind:JEAAAAAAN

MC, blushing and nervous: Would you like to… -takes a deep breath- go out on a date?

Jean, in a Mozart wig:Ehmmm….


MC: Ugh, this is never going to work!

Arthur: Well… it’s not like Wolfie wouldn’t say that

Napoleon: Jean really got into character

Dazai: Top 10 actors who forgot they were acting

MC, irritated:You guys aren’t helping…

Little Isaac:-wakes up and check the time- JEAN! JEAAAN!

Little Jean, waking up: Huh? What’s wrong?

Isaac: IT’S 9:30!




Isaac, violently entering the room:PAPA!!

Jean: IT’S 9:30!!

Leonardo, suddenly waking up: Wha- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! YOU SHOULD BE IN SCHOOL

Isaac and Jean: WE KNOW!!

Leonardo, putting on his pants: GET IN A CARRIAGE, I WILL DRIVE YOU

Jean and Isaac: QUICKLY, PAPA!

Comte, putting on a dressing gown: …where are you going?

Leonardo, Isaac and Jean: TO SCHOOL!


Comte: It’s Sunday!!


Arthur: Uh oh, someone’s in a bad mood


Vincent: It’s actually “Van Gogh” ^^

Arthur:I think she knows

Theo, behind a chair: Take this, duivel!


Theo:Jean, you said this was going to help me…
