#ikevam leonardo x oc


A little while ago I wrote a few drabbles of my one of my OCs Freda with her boyfriends Theo and Arthur; You can find that post here!  And so I decided to do this for all of my OCs, how exciting (❁´◡`❁) This one is Jane x Leonardo and y’all can find Jane’s character profile at this link~


Please note that drabble 3 contains some suggestive content but nothing explicit, please proceed with caution.

And you can find my OC Masterlist here!

- JJ x


Jane’s bright forest green eyes blinked a few times, taking in the space around for the first time with curiosity, “You library is magnificent, Monsieur,” she spoke softly, taking one small step further into the room. The former Queen smiled ever so slightly, her delicate little hands clutching at the green velvet skirts of her dress in anticipation, jumping a little in place when she saw a broad, olive skinned man curled up underneath the coffee table in the corner, “Monsieur, is that man alright?”

Le Comte chuckled warmly when his golden honey eyes found Jane’s concerned expression, resting his warm hand on her shoulder carefully, “Leonardo enjoys taking his siestas whenever the mood strikes him. He doesn’t seem to care where he falls asleep, ma chere.”

“I gather so,” the lady smiled carefully, her gaze finding Leonardo once again, her pale cheeks flushing pink when the man’s eyes opened and he smirked at her, “Oh! I apologise for staring, Sir.” Jane turned her gaze to the floor to hide her blush and curtsied to him as he began to stand up, “Jane Grey. Queen Jane. ‘Tis a pleasure to meet you … Monsieur Leonardo?”

“Si,”his voice was smooth and confident, alluring in it’s huskiness, “Leonardo Da Vinci, signora,” he took her hand in his own and kissed her knuckles affectionately, once again making the lady blush. Jane gasped softly as she heard his name. an excited twinkle bright in her wide India green eyes which made the Italian man’s thick brown eyebrows raise curiously, “Oh? Ya like that, Your Highness?”

“No non è quello,” she replied almost breathlessly, turning his hand over in her own to shake it excitedly, a grin spreading across her face, “È un piacere conoscerla Signor Da Vinci!“

Leonardo chuckled warmly, shaking Jane’s hand - which was tiny and pale in his own - in return, his eyebrows still raised as he glanced over at le Comte, “She speaks Italian?” He turned his attention back to Jane who had stopped shaking his hand but still held on to him, “Il piacere è tutto mio, cara mia.”


“Leonardo, I need your help!” Jane called from the mansion’s foyer, her arms full and her tiger red eyebrows turned downward with effort.

Leonardo walked briskly from the direction of the kitchen and picked up the pace when he saw Jane, rushing to her side and scooping up the large white and ginger cat from out of her arms, his amber eyes softening when Jane’s expression relaxed, “Cara mia, what is this?”

The lady let out a sigh of relief, now only holding one tiny white Persian kitten, and she smiled a little guiltily, “I saw them on the side of the road and - a-and they looked so helpless, I couldn’t leave them, Leonardo-” She held up the impossibly small kitten against her cheek, flashing her boyfriend her best pleading puppy eyes, “We can handle just two more!”

“You said the same when you brought our pup home, Jane, mi amore,” he smirked at her, his big warm hand already stroking the fat Norwegian forest cat in his arms. He sighed, giving in - though, he knew that Jane could convince him to do anything, he loved her that much - “We can keep them. Lumiere needs more cats to play with.” Leonardo wandered closer to Jane and reached out to the kitten she held, “Ciao, gattino,” he cooed down at the tiny cat, smiling fondly at it, “Have you named your new little friends, cara?”

“Mhm!”Jane nodded happily, gently stroking the back of the white cat’s head with the back of her index finger, “This is Lady Katherine - I think she looks like a little lady and that,” she cocked her head in the direction of the big fluff ball that her boyfriend held, “That gentleman is called Piero.” And with that, Jane and Leonardo now had taken in four strays between them: Lumiere, Lady Katherine and Piero, their band of troublemaking kitties and Edward, their loyal Great Dane who acted like a big grey lapdog.


“Mhm, principessa,” Leonardo hummed lowly, his saffron eyes fluttering shut as he pressed a kiss to Jane’s cheek and they lay in bed naked, cradling each other underneath soft cotton sheets, “I feel like we should stay like this forever.”

Jane smiled tiredly as she snuggled up to her boyfriend’s side, sore beyond compare but unbelievably happy when his arms tightened around her small frame. The lady felt the blush on her cheeks - that had been present throughout their entire evening - deepen as realisation dawned upon her, “G-goodness me … we just - Leonardo, do you realise? We just-”

“Made love?” He chuckled quietly, brushing Jane’s blushing left cheek with the calloused pad of his thumb, his brow quirking with curiosity when his gentle affection didn’t slow the racing of her pulse, “Somethin’ wrong, bellezza mia?”

The shy young lady shook her head smally, averting her big forest green eyes to look at anything else but her beloved’s inquisitive gaze, “But, we’re not married. Surely we shouldn’t have-” Jane was cut off by Leonardo’s mouth on her’s, his lips kissing away her worry slowly and carefully. When they parted, there remained a look of worry painted on her pretty face and that sinking dread in her heart.

“Do you regret it?”

Jane blinked, confused, “Whatever do you mean?”

Leonardo sat himself up and pulled his girlfriend up onto his lap, one of his large hands holding onto her slender waist and his other tenderly cradling her jaw. They held eye contact, the intimacy between gentle green and emboldened amber speaking volumes as their hearts beat as one, “Do you regret sleeping with me, Jane? Would you be happier if we waited until we got married?” Jane didn’t answer, stirring Leonardo to continue, a cheeky grin on his lips, “If so, I’d put a ring on your finger by morning.” 

“No,” the queen thought out loud, placing her hands on Leonardo’s cheeks and craning forward to give him a fleeting, butterfly light kiss. She felt the stormy seas in her heart settle and self-assuredness wash over her like fresh rain in the garden, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you,” Jane smiled softly at her boyfriend who squeezed her waist with both of his warm, capable hands and smirked at her, “And an experience so heavenly couldn’t be sin, of that I am sure.”


Jane giggled in the summer sun, gently holding onto her shopping basket as she spoke with her friend William Shakespeare. Her white summer dress seemed to gleam under the bright sun but even that looked grey compared to her radiant smile and anyone who saw her would surely say she was sweeter than the season’s finest fruits. Despite her joyful mood, Leonardo, her darling boyfriend, scowled when he spotted her from the other side of the town square conversing with such an unsavoury character as Shakespeare. The artist handed the now-fixed violin back to the little girl he’d been sat with and hurriedly strode towards his beloved Jane. The lady jumped a little when she felt a squeezing hand upon her side, but relaxed at the voice that followed, “Sorry to interrupt, but cara mia and I have plans now. Scusa, Will,” Leonardo almost growled the poet’s name before grasping his lady’s wrist and leading her towards a secluded alleyway.

“Leonardo?”Jane’s thin eyebrows raised in surprise and confusion when the couple stopped, with Leonardo having pinned her against a wall, “Leonardo what has gotten into you?” She put her hands up against his broad chest and pushed him back so she had room to properly observe his face, sighing when she recognised his darkened expression, “You don’t need to be jealous of him, cuore mio.” Jane gently cupped Leonardo’s cheeks with her delicate hands and she smiled sweetly when he nuzzled against her touch before burying his nose against her neck.

Leonardo sighed into her pale skin, leaving a few careful kisses on her neck before he raised his head, his expression a mixture of a wounded lion and a heartbroken schoolboy, “I know, Jane, mi amor.” The taller vampire smiled guiltily, standing back a little and anxiously rubbing the back of his neck, “Scusa. I just …” he looked away, Jane’s rich Spanish green proving too beautiful, too much for his heart to handle, “I want you all to myself. I don’t want that scarafaggio crawling in here.” Leonardo placed his warm left hand over Jane’s heart, smirking smally when her pulse beat faster underneath his touch.

The lady smiled softly, throwing her arms around her boyfriend’s waist and snuggling up against his toned body, “Il mio cuore è tutto tuo.”


Leonardo chuckled warmly as Jane’s hand brushed his own when they both reached for the orange paint, “What are you painting with that shade, la mia tigre?” He squeezed her hand softly before withdrawing to grab a jar of dark green paint instead.

“Hm, you’ll see,” the former queen grinned confidently at her lover, sending Cupid’s arrow straight through his chest and filling his heart with overwhelming warmth and affection. They both turned their attention back to their paintings, comfortable in the warm sunshine that streamed through the windows whilst the radio played quietly somewhere in the background. Leonardo noticed Jane occasionally peeking up from over her canvas and gazing at him before turning back to her painting. Likewise, the pureblood was doing the same thing. Without much warning, Piero, the couple’s fat ginger and white cat jumped from his seat on Leonardo’s lap and onto the floor, knocking over several jars of paint as he padded out of the room. “Oh dear,” Jane sighed, kneeling down to clean up the bright splotches on the floor.

“Let me help, cara mia,” as he reached for a rag to wipe the floor, Jane swiped her index finger across her boyfriend’s cheek, giggling when his eyes widened in shock at the cool feeling of paint on his face. Leonardo glanced at himself briefly in the mirror, frowning slightly when he noticed the bright blue splotch on his olive toned skin, “Hey, not fair.” The artist smirked to himself as he dipped his finger into the puddle of sky on the wooden floor and swiped it onto Jane’s button nose.

The pair of them laughed at each other, continuing to splat paint onto one another until they were breathless, grinning in each other’s arms until Jane spoke quietly, “I finished my painting.”

“Oh yeah?” Leonardo stood up and walked around her easel to view a beautiful portrait of himself with the fluffy Piero in his lap. There was a serene smile on his face which matched the one painted in acrylics which he turned towards his beloved, “ ‘s beautiful. You’re beautiful.” The pureblood reached out towards his own canvas and spun it around to show Jane a portrait of herself in vibrant pigments, “Ah but, this doesn’t compare to the real thing.” He dropped to his knees in front of her and placed a warm kiss to her lips, making the lady gasp softly.

Jane muttered against her boyfriend’s lips, “You’re beautiful too, Leo.” And with that, Leonardo picked Jane up and carried her bridal style to the baths to help wash all the paint off of her porcelain perfect skin.
