#ikemen vampire


Cybird got us marriage certificate with the suitors


First time I give you a birthday art

Inspired by Ikevamp JP current proposal event, what do you think he will write to prepare a secret proposal?




So… what do you think she will do to him?


I read from @ana-thedaydreamer post (source) about Chinese Valentine’s Day and seeing her gorgeous art made me want to create my version with mon chér (yes I know I can’t help being this obsessed with him *hides*).

ButTHERE WILL BE TWO MORE PANELS TO COME and I’ll be uploading them on MAY 23 (Japan’s Kiss Day)!! So please stay tuned and see the next move from this adorkable couple! XD

ASHAAAAAA I can feel the ((U W U))

This is so so adorable

I just know 23rd May is Japan’s Kiss Day , I need to get busy

Today is 520 Chinese Valentine’s Day

When you were trying to kabedon him but failed in the end

5201314” means “I love you for a lifetime



a/n: My dear Chase, this may come as a surprise since it’s been so long since you sent me your request! I know you like some angst in your reads, so I hope it’s to your liking! I combined the original prompt with one from @xxsycamore’s and @chaosangel767‘s Valentine event prompts, which greatly inspired me to write this story.

Wordless “I love you” Prompts #15: Calming them down when they have a bad dream

+Be My Valentine Feb 11 Prompt: Dancing with each other while no one is around

[Requested by];  @crystal13unny

[Characters]: You, Comte

[Word count]: ~800 words

[Tags]: established relationship, fluff, comfort, lil angsty Comte


The scratching sound of the fountain pen was le Comte’s only companion in his room, at the late hour he dedicated to responding to his letters. The stack beside him hailed from all sorts of connections he had made—some during the 19th century and some even older. The routine of it became a chore to him, but one that he intended to keep. Le Comte reminisced back to a time when receiving a letter was the highlight of his day, especially one that arrived from a friend abroad.

As time passed beyond the span of a human lifetime, his enthusiasm for letters from his human connections waned. More times than he would like to admit, letters from so-and-so friend would cease to arrive without explanation; or rather, without written explanation. How bittersweet it had become for him to wait for a response. The more he looked forward to it, the stronger his was his grief when it never arrived. He would learn through experience that he would rather hold onto the hope of waiting than to seek the reason for their discontinued contact.

Ink dripped from le Comte’s pen, hovering frozen in place above the letter. He would need to restart, but he could not stand being in the room that had overfilled with his sorrowful thoughts. A change of scenery was in order.

Keep reading

This is so sweet aaaaa

The way he calmed MC down when she hà a bad dream is perfectly his style





Game: Ikemen vampire

Source: me

☆ please reblog if you love the game


I’m a happy Leo lady~ uwu

This is so interesting ~~

Tagging@kissmetwicekissmedeadly@ana-thedaydreamer@ashavazesa@nad-zeta@namine-somebodies-nobody@queen-dahlia and anyone who wants join ~~


In February I went to Paris for two days (where I only visited places with dead people : St Denis Basilica, Les Invalides (Napoleon’s tomb), Père Lachaise Cemetery and Montmartre Cemetery.)

At the entrance of the cemeteries, there are maps with famous people’s names and where to find their resting places. I swear I gasped so loud when seeing Murat’s name

So here it is, I’ve been planning to draw Napoleon in front of it since I took the photo

Also I wanted to add Murat in the background trying to figure their position in the map (let me tell you it was pure hell to find our way in le Pere Lachaise Cemetery )

Try to guess who is taking the photo

Don’t repost, only reblog


They r so cute ahhhh

Two hearts, Two lives, One love

I did it! The way Comte tossed MC’s garter belt is !








I was tagged by @arquitecturadelanada. I didn’t want to spam op, so new post. Thank you! [Picrew]

Movie date with Ushijima and cuddling time with Giyu!

Tagging (no pressure):@iernos@yuujispinkhair@sabyss@isseikuns@oikawabreakme@damn-geto@love-oikawa@peachsayshi@librarianqueen@akutashi

ty for the tag

yes oikawa and i are wearing matching hoodies

no pressure tags: @vs-redemption@honeybunny-sawamura@izhyperfixates@rae-ryuuguji-sano@sillykawa+you!

@love-oikawa why do you and oikawa always look so cute in these?!
I tried to make Iwaizumi but he ended up looking like Eren Yeager and it made me kinda sick to my stomach (lol) so I had to change it to Diluc.


Thanks for the tag!!! I just now realized that we are twinning JEAN DIDN’T MEAN TOO

Anyone is welcome to hijack this!!

WHAAT THIS PICREW IS SO CUTE LOOK AT US!!! Tagging @aquagirl1978@chaosangel767@queen-dahlia@queengiuliettafirstlady@devonares@atelier-maroron@ikemenlibrary@themysticalbeing@tiny-wooden-robot@moonstruck-writing@lordsister@namine-somebodies-nobody and whoever else wants to join!!

Thank you for the tag!

Me and Ray watching horror movies

Tagging@otome-reblogs@fluffyneko@chaosangel767@aquagirl1978@i-am-totally-a-weirdo and anyone who wants to join

Oh my gosh this picrew is so cute

Thanks Dahlia for tagging me

I’m with my three boys(Arthur,Theo & Isaac)

TAGGING ~ @nad-zeta@namine-somebodies-nobody@alby-rei@ana-thedaydreamer

Anyone who wants to join

I think I can watch romantic movie w Leo and horror movie w Lucien

(♡(> ਊ<)♡

Plus, I wanna see Leo tie his hair back like this

(~ ̄³ ̄)~

Everyone come come~

Two hearts, Two Lives, One Love

He said, “I’ll never seen a more beautiful bride” and then he kissed each of your fingertip gently.

What a sweet man he is ❤️❤️❤️


I just got in the mood after reading the epilogue of the current event, would want to draw Comte took off MC’s garter belt by mouth, too

Portrait Painting - Part 6: Theodorus Van Gogh

My sweetness in you

Happy Birthday to Theo

Finally I continue the series.

Here is Elsje (pronounce as Elsie) is my OC for Theo, she’s smart and good at analyzing people. She’s Dutch and love to do different styles of braids.

Hope you enjoy reading ~

Theo’s Wedding story event is just

Yes, just my hand was so craving to draw this why am I enjoy drawin‘ Theo’s hawt content so bad like thissss


  • A/N: Leonardo’s birthday is coming up on April 15th and I just finished my first readthrough of his route. What better way to celebrate this man than to create something he’s the focus of?
  • I have not read anything outside of his main route and romantic ending. Any similarity to side stories is purely coincidental.
  • Pairing: Just Leonardo and his thoughts.
  • Setting: Shortly after the moment in his route where he has told MC what he is and what happened between them after that. This is pretty angst-driven.
  • Word Count: 568

Smoking is a filthy habit. I really should quit. Then again, what does it matter? It won’t kill me.

Still the cigarillo remains between my lips, unlit. I can’t quite bring myself to light it. Why not? 

I know the answer. Yeah, I do.

I sigh as I remove it, turning it between my fingers. When had I even started smoking? I can’t remember. It was so long ago. Memories from that time are hazy, half-heard melodies playing in a distant room that I can almost make out. But not quite.

Keep reading

I’ll share first and will read it later ❤

❤❤❤❤ my big big world ❤❤❤❤

Buon Compleanno Leonardo

Ever since I met you in someday in April, I knew that my journey with you is going to last long. This is the 3rd year celebrating your birthday, I wish you all the best things in the whole world.

I’m looking forward for nexr year and many more years together ❤

Yours always

My small corner


I made a small gif for him click to see y'all

This is from his 5th Birthday card in JP ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡

O H M Y G A D You guysssss

He’s here ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Honestly I’ve never received such a wonderful belated birthday gift like this. Normally I will just hangout with friends to have a small celebration.

This masterpiece is above than beyond and it melts my heart.

Thank you for drawing a lovely story of Leo x Annalisa ❤ @is-me-ahhuang

I will put the translation under, from left to right, up to down

11th March, Morning


“Leo… I’m going out now”

“The bookstore is too busy, I need to come over and help a bit”

“I promise I will come home soon and we can have a date later”

Suddenly he hugs her tightly

“Are you forgetting something?”

“You don’t have to say it out! I already know it…”

She gives him a smooch on the cheek ❤

“Okay…I’m going now!”

“Such a cutie, be careful going outside”

“I know, I know. Bye!”

“Now the place suddenly so quiet. Everytime she’s not here, it feels like something is missing”

11th March, Evening

“Good evening ~ Aiko-chan, Leonardo is in the kitchen at the moment” - Dazai

"The kitchen?”

“Cara Mia, welcome back”

*let she sits


“You must be tired working hard all day. Now let us enjoy the rest of the day together, today is your special day, alright?”


After dinner

“This is the last one in the menu tonight”

“Now, salute”

“Is there anything that you can’t do? Even your cooking skill is better than mine”

“Haha, you are so cute when you are pouting your face like that”

“…Are you teasing me?”

“Now now, lend me your hand”

“What are you planning to do?”

“There there, you will know soon”


“Hmhm, done”

“Also, I have some words that I wanna say to you”

“I’ve never imagined myself living without you anymore, even in the future”

“I want to keep holding your hand tightly until you hate it, I want you to be by my side to live a whole full life.”

“Ah, maybe you think I’m selfish…”

“But I don’t want let you go, not a chance”

*She’s crying like a river

“Are you okay? Why are you crying?”

“You can never ever take back what you just said, keep your words ans stay by my side forever, do you hear me?”


- The End -
