

The Anarchist

Illustration made in 1894 by Sascha Schneider (1870-1927), German painter, sculptor and illustrator

All my prompts for ‘Whynoctober’ by Dorywhynot:

cursed blade - labyrinth - moths - seer

“Halloween Costume” for a discord prompt, because I think that Anathema would rock a vintage witch outfit.

+ (sketchy) Bonus with a very supportive Newt - in a matching hat.

For the prompt “Overgrown” by the lovely Natasailincic on IG


Birthday present for the talented @heavydirtysil inspired by one of their pieces (check them out!)

“For six whole years you would be obliged never to speak or laugh, and make during that time six little shirts out of aster-flowers. If you were to let fall a single word before the work was ended, all would be of no good.”

Swans and curses and girls- thank you brothers Grimm for the inspiration.

Another discord challenge, this time the prompt was Fairytale.

I picked “the six four swans”, as recorded by the Grimm brothers. In the story six brothers are cursed to live as swans except for a quarter of hour everyday, unless their sister will sew them new shirts made of aster flowers. Originally there was a drawing with Aziraphale as the “taylor”, but I ended up reworking it into an original piece- so here we have the swans :P


“Yes,” said the King, “That should not be so hard. It is often easier to put things back where they came from than to take them out of their place.” He still sounded distracted, but neither of the magicians felt quite comfortable asking why.

He gathered some birch flowers and leaves that had fallen from a tree and strew them about the magicians. Then he cut some fresh branches and bound them into a rod, and placed it between them.

Illustration based on the stunning story “the past is a foreign country” by @bookhobbit, for the @jsmnbigbang - thank you for organizing the event !

My take on the gorgeous wives designed by the lovely @tweedfeather (whom will probably tire of seeing this on yet another social media ). Happy birthday Tweed!

A sketch that eventually evolved into…this?


(definitely better if you click on it. Lots of details and texture and all that)

A reworked thing that I did for a discord challenge: the prompt was “Historical fashion”, so I went with Edwardian!Dagon


(as usual, probably better quality if you click on it)

Mary_dimary DTIYS, with a Slavic twist ✨

(Click for better resolution)

Another discord prompt: What If

Successful trials- or a (sad) twist on Episode Six

(Click on it for higher quality)

Another discord prompt: animal omens. I just think that Gabriel would make an excellent (and very spoiled) borzoi.

+Bonus: a sketch that I dropped because it would have required more effort that I was willing to give - but I still love it

A quick drawing of a friend’s DnD character done over lunch. 

A quick drawing of a friend’s DnD character done over lunch. 

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Drew my best buddy in the world!Best friends since we were babies. Probably the greatest musician I’

Drew my best buddy in the world!

Best friends since we were babies. Probably the greatest musician I’ve ever known. The man can cut a keyboard like you’ve never seen. Go check out his music, he’s brilliant!


Lov ya buddy

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