#im hell



Types of people - heaven and hell

Heaven - lie ins, satisfied smiles, matching stationary, movie nights with popcorn and friends, fluffy socks, having breakfast in bed, naming houseplants, big comfy jumpers, the smell of freshly baked cookies, skincare routines, bullet journals, the studyblr tag, stretching when you wake up, cute group chat names, pastel colours, blowing nails dry, curling your hair, FaceTiming friends for hours on end

Hell - thick eyeliner, sarcastic smirks, getting drunk with friends, safety pins, making bad decisions because you’re prepared for the consequences, ‘it was worth it’, trying not to laugh in formal situations, exploring abandoned places, acting fearless, staying up late and watching horror films in the dark, 3am, tarot cards and ouija boards, layered necklaces, sage sticks and crystals, middle fingers
