#im rambling





You know, this is going to be a disorganized post but hear me out! I’m a fan of folktales and mythology and I spend a lot of time on Wikipedia, especially on the In Popular Culture content section. And it hit me, while there’s a recent surge in reaction fic in TCF fandom, I haven’t seen a lot of outsider POV fics.  Or at least, the one like the Wikipedia part mentioned above.

Like, give me a Wikipedia on the characters as if they are truly historical figures we learn about in history class. Or at least, something like the cultural depiction of that character (Cale, especially) in the future generation time. Because even as we readers have a more in-depth read on the characters’ journey and motivations and reasons, in-universe outsiders don’t. And this could be great!

Imagine, how some people might think and agree that Cale is a saint-like figure (courtesy of some crazy legend lunatic) who was so kind, heroic and must be protected at all cost. A more realistic mindset people might believe that this depiction might be exaggerated by history and countered back, using the original Cale Henituse’s drunkward actions, to show that Cale Henituse was not a perfect angel.

Other folks (descendants of the nobles who wanted to control the royal family and/or jealous of the Henituse family’s wealth) instead argue that Cale is a more ambitious figure since he managed to capture the attention of the back-then-crown prince Alberu Crossman and became ally with powerful people of all races. You can twist it into something more scandalous, I guess, by making it seem that Cale was a Helen of Troy sort of beauty. Some believe he had a beauty that made even the most beautiful race, like dragon, bewitched. That he seduced all of those scary, powerful people into fighting for the Roan Empire.

Yeah, I was reading Anne Boleyn (who was often depicted as a seductive vixen who convinced the King to split from the Catholism church) and Hurrem Sultan (a red-haired concubine who eventually schemed her way into becoming the wife of the sultan).

But that’s all. I will come back to this if I can think of more.

Bruh, from an outside view, Cale Henituse is a whole CONSPIRACY.

Like, this guy already emerged with a swordmaster by his side. The Black Blade Choi Han was said to be his bodyguard since before the Plaza Terror Incident. Cale Henituse had the worst reputation ever at the time. So why did the swordmaster followed him?? So sus.

The then-crown prince Alberu was understandable if he decided to ally with Henituse. He owed him for saving his people. Alberu Crossman was a ruler that genuinely cared for his subjects.

But then there’s Toonka. TOONKA. A barbarian that at the time, never had a single ounce of sympathy for the weak. He said that Cale was his friend, the only person that believes that the non-mage faction would win even when the civil war hadn’t even started yet. Many argued that Cale was the reason the war started in the first place.

The Jungle fire was the one with the most speculation. So Cale Henituse just happened to be in the path of no return, somewhere between the Whipper Kingdom and the Jungle, which is no where near Roan, while Queen Litana who just happened to be there, in a final effort to find a solution to an unusual fire that’s never been seen before? Yeaaahhh too much coincidences. Many speculated that Cale Henituse was the one to start the fire in the first place. He used the same fire in the Gorge of Death remember? Why does everyone conveniently forgot about that when singing praises about him. The whole thing was way too sus.

And the whales. The WHALES. So Cale Henituse saved the prince? Who was poisoned by mermaid poison? A poison with no known cure, even by the whales that have been battling them for generations????? I CALL SUS!!!



Ya know, his past was pretty sketchy. No, i don’t mean that we-don’t-know-much-about-his-past sketchy, but something-doesnt-add-up sketchy.

He was the first born of one of the richest noble families in Roan. He’s someone that has the power and money to do whatever he wants, and to order people to do whatever he wants.

Why is this important? Cuz of what we know about him in general. Remember, he was the trash of the Henituse, he had a horrid personality, always drinking in bars and causing general chaos and discomfort, he always did property damage, etc.

But why did he even do all that? If the whole drowning in alcohol really was a grief response from losing his mother, why did he even need to go to bars and taverns if alcohol is what he wants. His house probably has better alcohol than any bars in the kingdom. He’s rich, why did he even need to spend energy to actually go somewhere? And for something lower quality than what he could get while lounging on his sofa?

And even when he was a jackass, the damage he did wasn’t really up to par with what you’d expect from an actual jackass. He never hurt anyone physically, he threw bottles but only at other jackasses, and even then it never hit. He causes property damage but it was never something important or life-ruining, always something replaceable like furniture or something. He’s an asshole, but not as big as an asshole that you’d expect from someone so infamous.

He’s so infamous in fact, that even foreign countries know that he’s an asshole. Let me repeat myself, HE’S RICH. He has all the money and power to keep people’s mouth shut. Enough family influence to stop rumours and stories from spreading, or at least dampen his trashy reputation at least. Why didn’t he? If anything, his trashy rep was kinda blown out of proportion. It’s like he wants to be known as trash.

So here’s my own theory. Let me ask ask you something, if you ever want to get to know the latest news and gossip, or to meet up and make deals with people, where would you go? *slams table* THE TAVERNS!!!!

Cale Henituse has been using his drunken outings as a cover for information gathering!!!!

No but LISTEN IT ALL ADDS UP!!! The Henituse territory had been a little too prepared for the war don’t you think? They had fortified their castle walls, gathered more knights and mages, made evacuation plans, gathering extra food and farming tools…

Those would need a couple of years of preparations. Are you telling me, that a small territory of the northeast, bordering a Forbidden Region, with no known route for any foreign invasion, had been that prepared for one?? Especially after only a couple weeks after the announcement by the Indomitable Alliance and only 3 days after the discovery of the wyverns?????

They contributed a third, A THIRD, of the funds needed for the Ubarr Navy Base. They contributed as much as the royal family!! And for what?! THEY WERE A TERRITORY KNOWN FOR ART AND CULTURE, NOT MILITARY. SO WHY??????!!!!

Even Marquis Ailan, who actually known as a military household, was not as prepared for the war as the Henituse. How the heck did the art nerd with no known connection to the outside world could predict the war even better than the actual war jocks??

Okay, let’s just step back a little. I know that it’s highly possible that the Henituse just had more money to buy better information than anyone in Roan, and it might not even be Cale Henituse at all, maybe it’s just HENITUSE in general.

But remember the start of all this. Remember the Plaza Terror Incident. Remember how the mana was disturbed just as the terrorists was trying to detonate the bombs, remember how the bombs flew over and detonate at the mountains, like someone had transported the there, like someone had deliberately prepared to counter the attack, that someone had been ready.

Cale Henituse was there instead of his brother Basen. CALE Henituse attended, when his brother had been attending the functions for the past 2 years. Why? If it is a Henituse operation, Basen Henituse would have suffice. No need to make a change that would draw eyes to them. But CALE Henituse was there. Like it needs to be Cale. Not Henituse, but CALE.

Perhaps we never really know who Cale Henituse was before his rise to being hero. At least, nothing that wasn’t what Cale Henituse himself wants us to know.


Mister Spencer (S.R.)

Pictures of: Matthew Gray Gubler smiling, two people holding hands, an elementary play stage, and a small child in a lion costume.

Summary:Reader has a crush on her kid’s teacher.
: Spencer being a kindergarten teacher and your kid being a student his class, and wow what a beautiful teacher is he, maybe your kid is like is like mommy i found the perfect daddy for our family
A/N: Note that, as with all of my works, the pictures above do not indicate the appearance of the Reader or Child! I hope you enjoy this fluffy little AU!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warning: Single Mother Reader
Word Count: 3.8k


Line break - begin story

There was a special feeling in the air that night; the cool Virginia breeze carried with it a frantic, albeit happy, energy that was unmatched by any other. It was the evening where parents would brace with a strange mixture of fear, fun, love, and loathing.

It was the night of the annual concert at the local elementary school.

The parents herded their children into minivans and tried to find the willpower to sit through what would almost certainly be an off-key horror with an animal theme. I was doing very much the same.

But there was something odd about my son that night. Each time I would glance back at him, I’d find him staring vacantly out the window like he was missing something. Each time, I would glance over at the empty passenger’s seat and wonder if that was the presence he was missing.

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wow okay i got the prologue for Epoch done actually and have started a draft for chapter 1. however i’m going to wait to actually fully post things until i have at least a backlog for that fic and may put off posting it until i have a better idea of what im doing for the other two, Zenith and Approaching Apotheosis. 

i’m not sure if i’m gonna make Approaching Apotheosis a full on fic honestly? it may just be the highlights of the twinleaf trio’s journey, maybe more as a oneshot collection? then i can add memories as dawn recalls them in Epoch?

maybe a set of oneshots to cover dppt and then the latter.

5sos, love the sentiment, but we want this on streaming platforms not YouTube.

Michael how did your pocket tweet that? How did your pocket typed that particular string of letter and tweeted it and how did you notice it happened that fast? I’m so confused, Michael. I need answers.

Calum learned 4 words in Spanish and called it a day and respect him so much for choosing “my friends are hot” for that.

All things aside, it takes guts to approach Ashton Irwin, how the fuck do you work yourself up to approach SHIRTLESS Ashton Irwin?? I would forget how to breathe let alone how to talk and how to hold a camera steady enough to get a picture.

Me to myself: i need to write

Me: *writes 4k words about Calum and Lena that will never see the light of day*

Me to myself: that’s not what I meant

Calum was the slowmo of you during more really necessary??

…is I obsess too hard. I’m like a tree that dug in its roots a little too deep and now I have to pull them out one by one. It hurts but there is some relief after. But when I think back, the ghost of a pain is still there. I wonder how long I have to pull. It seems like forever now and while I feel untethered to you to some extent, I know I’m not free of all of you yet. I want to be. I know I’ll be some day. I just wish I knew when that day will come. Can you tell me? I wonder if you know. I wonder if you’ll let me be free.

Elantris & The Emperor’s Soul↳ Selish System Four planets orbit Mashe, the system’s star. Donne,Elantris & The Emperor’s Soul↳ Selish System Four planets orbit Mashe, the system’s star. Donne,Elantris & The Emperor’s Soul↳ Selish System Four planets orbit Mashe, the system’s star. Donne,Elantris & The Emperor’s Soul↳ Selish System Four planets orbit Mashe, the system’s star. Donne,Elantris & The Emperor’s Soul↳ Selish System Four planets orbit Mashe, the system’s star. Donne,

Elantris & The Emperor’s Soul

↳ Selish System 

Four planets orbit Mashe, the system’s star. Donne, while existing in the habitable zone, is barren and prone to dust storms. Sel is the system’s Shardworld, containing the shards Dominion and Devotion. Sel’s moon is called Oem. Beyond the asteroid belt are two gas giants, Ky and Ralen. 

All the planets in the system have a secondary name, tied to the aons: Donne is also known as Doo; Sel is known as Seol, connected to the aon Seomeaning “loyalty” and “service”; Ky is known as Kii, meaning “justice”; and Ralen is also known as Raa.

The Cosmere Galaxy Project
Greater Roshar||Greater Roshar II||Scadrial||Scadrian System||Nalthian System||Sel System|| Selish System II ||Drominad System||Threnodite System||Shardworlds||Astronomy

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There he is.

I’ve never done proper gifs for Spiderman 2 so that’s happening.

Lowkey wanting to read an InuKag fic where InuYasha is a Masseur and one of the best in and Kagome became his client. Like they’re both attracted to each other but ofcourse, they’re both idiots in love. Like Kagome doesn’t have any idea what Inu’s job is and then one day, she’s over stressed from work and decided to get a home service massage probably recommended by Miroku and Boom! Here comes Inu. And well, you know what happens next…

so guys I’m so tempted to gif the naked monty and alex in season 3 (alex in episode 5)and (monty in episode 13) but the last thing i need is for Tumblr to flag my blog as nxfw just cause I can’t contain my thirst… ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
