#im so so sorry for taking ages



— `, ● insecurities .

It has taken some time, but Yoorim has finally managed to learn the general layout of Sphere’s company building, she can now sprint through the corridors to make it to practice in time. It’s only a month ago, though, when she relied heavily on certain people to guide her through what she referred to as a maze. This time, she has come a little earlier than usual, papers in hand as she tries to memorise them, and she practically walks blinded. It’s by her peripheral sight that she notices someone close-by, it’s someone that she isn’t familiar with.

By now, Yoorim has grown accustomed to the other girls of Heartz’ project and their typical movement—this one was different from either of them, so it brings her to look up from her paper that’s filled with lyrics and notes. If the other hasn’t noticed her presence yet, she will when spoken to from a distance. “Hello, sunbae-nim!” Yoorim smiles warmly at the other female, body bending at the hips in a formal bow to greet one of the girls who are already confirmed to debut in Sphere’s upcoming girl group—though, she has practically debuted.

One day, she will debut too and hopefully, it will be in company with Luda and all the other girls. Despite Heartz being an enormous group, perhaps it will be fine, even if she would prefer a smaller group herself. This isn’t the time to be picky, though, because an opportunity like this is rare—no, she isn’t part of the debuting line yet, but she sure hopes that she can land herself a spot. “Are you busy? I was wondering about some advice regrading my solo evaluation, but I can ask someone else if you don’t have the time…” Now, her smile is shy.

— ● a closed starter for @rkxluda .

Luda had made it a habit to go to Sphere early, just like she did when she was still at kt. It’d been a bit difficult to get used to the surroundings, her memory wanting her to take turns, where there was wall in the way and such. She’s always been an early riser though the long hours did make it a little bit more difficult to wake up and get going, but she didn’t want to come in later either. After two years of trainee-dom, she’s found that most interesting things usually happened rather early in the day.

“Good morning,” Luda replied back after a little start and the girl bowed as well. Unless she came with one of the Heartz girls, she wasn’t really used speaking with anyone this early. Though she’d been here for a while, being busy with the project there hadn’t really been much time to get to know anyone from Sphere really, which admittedly made her a bit sad.

Either way though, she recognised the girl as one of the new additions to the project and her usual, soft smile spread on her lips. She made a mental note to ask the other how she was doing, getting used to everything, as the other’s words were out quicker.

Her smile widened, always happy to help, but also happy that she was even asked at all, surely someone else would be better help than her. “I’d love to help!” she replied warmly, “what do you need help with? And should we head somewhere a little more comfortable?”
