#1399 heartz




This is really happening for all of them, she could smell the nerves in the air, all the girls were nervous who wouldn’t be?! It was the first performance on live broadcast, did they rehearse enough?? There was plenty what ifs filled in her own mind, what if they make a mistakes or look at the wrong camera? So many evaluations prepared for this moment but is it enough? Jiyeon didn’t want to show the other girls her nerves otherwise everyone end up spiralling down with her. She had to remain like she had everything under control even practicing the choreography on the occasion asking from pointers from more dance inclined group members.  

The moment she saw Luda approached her, she look at her with a soft gaze as she knew exactly how she is feeling. “It’s okay, it is natural to be nervous, if you wasn’t nervous then something would be wrong with you~” she joked lightly, smiling at the younger fixing the other hair for them so they were would be perfect picture for the camera during the live broadcast. Jiyeon took a deep breath trying to keep herself calm, bless the power of meditation in times like this. 

The older held onto her friend arm, holding it tightly when they were linked together to reassure her but also herself that everything would be okay. She got her girls so there is nothing they can overcome together, the surprise thank you did catch her off guard. There is could be many reasons for it but she couldn’t pin point why she thanked her. “No need to thank me, we always got each other ok?? I’m lucky enough to be sharing a stage with you especially your voice. Who knew, that shy librarian would be taking the stage alongside me in this moment. I bet your younger you probably think this was never possible, we have come far and we go even further. As long we got each other, there is nothing we can do. Let’s make HEARTZ 1/3 name to remember ok?” she said with a determined smile despite her worries she was on mission and she will not fail this no matter what. 

Jiyeon’s words were instantly calming, even just standing next to her was.

“You’re right, thank you,” Luda answered, forcing her tensed shoulders down in an attempt to trick her mind into calming down, at least a little bit. Hopefully their debut stage would be more successful than this. “Thank you,” she repeated as Jiyeon fixed her hair. “You’re looking gorgeous, this concept suits you really well,” she commented, smiling.

Linking arms really did wonders in helping her nerves, though and Luda was glad that the other didn’t seem to mind. As the emotional roller-coaster that the day promised to be, now Jiyeon’s words almost made her cry. Since it was a happy day and she didn’t want to ruin the already done make-up, she did her best to blink the tears away, but the memory of how long they’d already known each other was touching, still.

“We do! And definitely not! I’m really glad you caught me singing in the library back then, I think I wouldn’t have given the mgas or becoming an idol a chance otherwise,” she grinned, doing her best to push getting emotional until later, after their stage. “You’re right, the road only leads forward now and we’ll do our absolute best!”

“I’ve always known you’d be famous one day,” Luda added chuckling, figuring that Jiyeon must be nervous as well, so maybe Luda could help her with that, just like how the other had helped her. “You’ve just got that air about you, you know? Hard-workig, beautiful and skilled, I wonder how many heartz you’ll steal today, hehe.”


@rkxluda (debut morning)

yuzu was a mix of adrenaline, caffeine and exhaustion the moment she got into the car. head immediately falling into luda’s shoulder the moment they were all buckled up and on their way to their first music show appearance. it was their first schedule. they were about to have their debut stage.

to say yuzu was nervous would be a vast understatement.

she grumbled as she tried to get comfortable on luda’s shoulder, hoping the soothing scent of her eonni would help calm her down a little to at least get a bit of rest. with so much nervous energy thrumming through her veins, anxious of screwing up steps she knew she could dance in her sleep by now, yuzu knew she had to try and find something to help put her at ease.

gaming had helped her fall asleep last night but now? 

Luda was lost in thought when she felt the younger girl’s head lean onto her. Her lips pulled up into a soft smile, quite contrary to the chaos of emotions she felt. It was a welcome break from her own thoughts and she figured the others would be similarly nervous or at least excited.

“Didn’t sleep too well?” she asked, whispering so she wouldn’t bother the others too much in case any of them tried to sleep a little bit more. Surprisingly, she’d actually managed to sleep last night, maybe she’d been so nervous that it’d simply knocked her out, but now she was wide awake. Still pretty tired, though.

She tried shifting a little bit, so that her shoulder was a little bit lower and more comfortable to reach for Yuzu, though with her small height that may not be too much of a problem.

Surreal, that’s the only thing that was on the girl’s mind really. Personally, while it felt like a long journey, it really wasn’t, if she thought about it logically. She’s only trained for a bit over two years before debuting now, the more she thought about it, the less it felt like enough time, the less it felt like she was really prepared for what was to come.

“I’m nervous,” she said to Jiyeon, maybe a bit unnecessarily so as they surely all were. At least she couldn’t imagine that anyone was calm in this kind of situation, but if so, she wanted to know their ways. “Do you think we’ve practised enough?” she continues asking the female, eternally glad that she’d at least known half of her subunit-members before the project. Being in this with complete strangers, even if she got along with them, just wouldn’t have been the same as this.

She linked arms with Jiyeon in an extra attempt to calm herself down a little bit further and hopefully the other as well. They’d known each other for so long, from her library days till now, the elder had taught her how to properly walk in heels, had encouraged her singing… “Thank you,” she then added out of nowhere.



the moment they step outside together, yuzu raises her gaze up towards the cloudy sky. it was a shame that all the nights kept most of the stars hidden. she’d always miss the nights at the beach when she and her middle school friends would take a quick trip down to the coast in canada. the night sky back then was amazing and nothing she had seen in korea could come close to it. perhaps jeju- maybe.

the feeling of- could she call it homesickness- remained persistently stuck in her gut. it was a sign yuzu knew she should address sooner or later but she didn’t want to worry anyone and potentially if she ignored it for long enough things would solve themselves eventually.

the songs are neat, she responds, expertly dodging the question about how she was adapting. all of the girls were nice no question there but to narrow herself down to this extend, losing about all her comfort go to things from her cat to her roommate to her computer set up, she really wasn’t sure if she could find herself ever truly at home in the dorm. the constant fear of stepping on anyone’s toes kept her quiet and a lot less lively than she actually was or people knew her to be.

Her gaze followed the other’s up to the sky as she enjoyed the air, wondering if she would ever get to see a cloudless, star-filled sky. Seoul surely wasn’t a good starting point and she’s only been to one place where it would’ve been possible, hadn’t she been too busy training.

So, compared to Yuzu, she’s never really been anywhere outside of Korea before the Heartz Project. For her, wanderlust was much more relatable, though, of course, she didn’t know how the other felt. She couldn’t read minds, after all.

“Hmm,” she hummed nodding, getting the feeling that she shouldn’t continue asking about it, so she quietly sighed instead, eyes lowering to wherever they were walking to instead. The girl didn’t mind silence when around friends, but with anyone she didn’t know as well, it was easy to feel a little awkward.

“I wonder where they’ll send us for the unit filming,” she said eventually, finding that she liked travelling a bit more than staying at the dorm, feeling a little bit more free than when they were stuck inside.

Bingle Bangle


it was a little bit hard to register the fact that mina was in a debut project with girls who have alreadydebuted already. though she has met jiyeon beforeshe’s met the other girls (and that was just by fate, if she wanted to be delusional), she still feels a little… alarmedby the reality of the situation. with the fact that yuzu was eventually debuting soon made this even moresurreal.

so of course she’d be excited to run into luda. of course, she’s alarmed because she didn’t expect to run into her. yes, they were in the same company and were apart of the same project. but meeting thelee luda who also had the opportunity to be on the mgas with some of the other heartz girls (and her brother) as well as being the second heartz girl to debut/ it was insanity.

“ah! thank you so much, sunbaenim,” she answers with a polite smile and a nod. she looks at the little pouch the girl held out to her and looks at her curiously before pointing at herself. “for me?” she asks, her smile returning but brighterat the realization. “thank you so much! you really didn’t have to!”

she doesn’t open it yet, but she could already tell she was going to cherish the gift a lot. so much so that she looks up at the senior with a bit of an apologetic look. “i feel kinda bad that i don’t have to give you something in return because it’s really nice of you to get me this.” she pauses when she remembers the other asked her a question. “oh! yes, i’m fine! a little overwhelmed with so much happening in such little time, but i think i’m adapting to everything.”

She nodded once, affirming that it really was meant for Mina. Personally, she found the reaction relatable, most likely, she would’ve reacted the same way. Or, rather than that, she had reacted quite similarly when she first became a trainee. Either way, a bit of a distraction from the usual daily routine could always be of use, she thought, and gifts were also always nice as well.

“I really wanted to,” she smiled, “I’m not sure if it’ll give you any good luck, but I thought it’d be a nice way to welcome you. And don’t worry, I don’t expect anything in return!”

She listened to the other girl’s answer in understanding. The project had been a little much right from the start, but she’d been a trainee for almost two years already, she didn’t want to imagine how overwhelming it must be for someone almost entirely new to this style of life.

“I know it’s a bit impractical since I’m never around as much, but if you do happen to have any questions, always feel free to ask,” she offered smiling. Luda had no idea how to best choose a song for the month’s evaluation and do exactly what the trainers wanted, had always had been happier to be in a group, so maybe she wasn’t the best to ask in this regard, but she would still do her best to help where she could.


once in a lifetime.

a closed starter for @rkxluda

gahyeon feels like the entire heartz project has been a whirling experience for herself, she simply can’t imagine how the project has been for the other girls. although gahyeon guesses it’s a little different for the already-debuted girls, considering the fact they weren’t doing monthly evaluations anymore but trying to figure out how to navigate life as an idol. but still, gahyeon imagined it was just as confusing to navigate through, the fact that gahyeon was confused meant the other girls were probably much the same. she just felt like she was being whisked around at the whims of sphere - and she imagined debut felt much the same.

but quite honestly, gahyeon hadn’t seen many of the debuted girls since they were taken away and put into the dormitory. after all, they were idols, technically. and now with the subunit complete with yena’s addition and plans to start getting things together for the girls, gahyeon could only imagine.

how’re you doing ?gahyeon asks one day, care to make sure luda wasn’t in the middle of doing something particularly important. two years ago we were just getting used to our schedules as trainees, and now you’ve officially debuted and you’re going to be debuting in heartz first subunit … is it strange ?she asks, brows raised. because gahyeon, well - she couldn’t imagine it. she hardly believed that she just had her contract renewed, actually debuting seemed like a foreign concept. you guys have a busy month prepared for you, don’t you  she asks, with a slight frown. yet another month sphere is keeping you all away from the rest of us. they think you’re too good for us trainees.  she jokes with a chuckle.

The only thing Luda was sad about when it came to being chosen so early, was that she didn’t really get to spend time with the others as much anymore. They were already 6 at the dorm, so she wasn’t lonely at all and she wasn’t sure if she looked forward to being 12 eventually with as little space as they had, but she was worried for how much longer she would be able to see them at least occasionally. No one could tell who Sphere would choose eventually, after all.

“Pretty well, aside from the nervousness, what about you?” the girl returned the question, rather not going into too much detail, but also feeling much more at ease than the past months already.

“It’s really strange… you know, there’s always those idols you hear about, having trained for 5 years, some even for 8 or more, so I didn’t really think about debut until the casting call… it still doesn’t feel entirely real, actually,” she chuckled, trying to explain herself as best as she could. “But it’s exciting, too, in a good way.”

“We haven’t actually gotten the schedule just yet,” she continued, tilting her head in thought, wondering how busy they’d really be, “but I guess so. It’s better than just sitting around, though, right? I wish we could come back to train with you once promotions are done, but I guess that’s unrealistic…” It may be a bit of a weird wish, but she would much rather go back to them for the usual training until the whole group debut… unless Sphere had more surprises in store.

Luda chuckled at the other girl’s words, still convinced that she was no better than them and simply having suited the concept very well, but she understood that it was a joke and a serious answer would make their conversation rather awkward.

“Aaah, they’re keeping the best for last, they’re simply using us to get Heartz’ name out there, to propel you to stardom,” she joked back.

 Heartz September EvalTravelling far and wide + Heartz 1/3 Luckily, her hair was extremely easy to c

Heartz September Eval
Travelling far and wide + Heartz 1/3

Luckily, her hair was extremely easy to care for these days and just like the first time, no dyeing was necessary as her hair was naturally black. While a colour would have been fun, after her past adventures of dying it a lot and probably in much too short time-spans, it was good to give it a rest and simply treat it with conditioners and oils and such. She couldn’t remember the last time her hair had been this healthy.

New Zealand was their first goal and it would be a huge understatement to say that she was excited. The whole travelling situation was exhausting of course, spending so much time on planes and all that, but it was more than worth it. And the time on the planes wasn’t at all bad when she could spend it with the others, like that one time she joked around with Yena, the younger girl recording her, asking her questions befitting a debut-travel log.  Hong Kong wasn’t any less exciting, either and she was a little sad once they’d gotten back home.

The restrictions idol live brought with it weren’t exactly fun. She dearly missed her mother and wanted to talk to her about everything in person, but as a busy almost-idol, she couldn’t check in with her mum quite as much as she would’ve liked to. The girl knew that the shop was still going well and that her uncle visited a lot more frequently, so that was definitely good.

As per usual, she was nervous, this time because of the unit debut. It was an entirely different thing than the solo preparations, especially with promotions, but she was also very, very glad that there was five of them in this unit and hoped her joy would be visible in everything they’d filmed, well, only as far as that was appropriate in the scenes of course.

One thing that changed and that was rather surprising though, was that she was sleeping much better than she’d done during the first couple of months of the debut. Sure, she was much more tired as well, but still, it was nice to feel more rested and it did calm her down a good amount as well.

And even more surprising was that she actually felt good about herself, felt as though she’d done as much as she’d been able to and as good as she possibly could. Sure, it wasn’t perfect, but then she’d never done something exactly like this before, so room for growth was to be expected, right?

Post link

— `, ● insecurities .


Yoorim isn’t sure exactly what she expected upon asking for advice, for she hadn’t at all planned to meet Luda in the first place, but she is thoroughly relieved to notice that the debuting idol is happy to help someone like herself—not to say that Yoorim isn’t important, but she admittedly feels very much insignificant in comparison to the other trainees. She is new, not only to the project, but to the life of a trainee as a whole, and as someone who is typically quite confident, Yoorim is strangely insecure.

Her own curved lips grow into a broader grin of her own, grip tightening slightly around the papers that she holds in her hands. If one thing always remains true about Yoorim, it’s her expressive nature—courageous or fearful, she will always show her true emotions. “Thank you!” She says, before she has even come far enough as to express her concerns. She nods a couple of times in response to the latter part, smile lingering for another few moments as she replies. “Yes, that sounds like a good idea.”

“I think this room is available.” Reaching out, Yoorim then begins to move towards the practice room that she initially intended to borrow for the time being, but only for a short while. Soon enough, she is expected to train with the other girls. For now, however, she checks the room, only to smile and wave at Luda as to say that it’s clear. “I was hoping to hear what you did… if, uh… you focused on something in particular? Like, facial expressions, or eye contact?” She knows very well that the details matter.

Luda smiled in return, only making a movement with one of her hands to show that helping was no problem. In retrospect, even if everything had turned out well for her, she felt like she should’ve asked more people for their help or even just opinions on her solo eval picks and ideas. But that wasn’t anything she had to concern herself with anymore, she supposed.

She followed Yoorim into the room, curious to see what the other had planned. If she was honest, she couldn’t really remember what was expected of them that month, or what they should focus on for that month. With the door closed and them able to fully concentrate once more trainees would show up at the building, she hummed in thought.

“I’d pick out some extra practise time for that where I wouldn’t sing or dance and try to find tips on the internet. Watching popular idols fancams was helpful, too, finding out what made them so popular in the first place. It’s easier to do that than actually practise though, so for expressions, I’d try different ones I thought would fit close-up on camera until I was happy with them and then I’d do the same but while going through the song singing and dancing,” she started to explain, “for eye contact, I put little marks on the mirror, to stare at and made sure to switch from one to the next as well. Keeping eye-contact while talking to someone helps as well.”

At least that’s what she thought worked for her. When it came to charisma, she definitely wasn’t the best to ask, but maybe her tips could still work for the other. “For the most part it’s really just a lot of practise, like singing and dancing,” she added after a moment of thought, though that was probably not quite as helpful, but she knew how she’d struggled to keep making faces at a mirror when she could be singing instead.



the set of ‘you & live’ really made her feel nostalgic as she was back at school being part of sports team, she felt they were all in some cute aesthetic anime about friends working together to get over challenges and learning about what it is like to fall in love for the first time, the typical shojo manga plot line. jiyeon really loving the whole concept she is debuting with, she is relived it wasn’t something hip-hop or sexy style as that is not her. she is literally typical princess character troupe so it wouldn’t suited her at all so she is really was pleased, and in the typical anime fashion she decided to grab juice boxes not only for herself before luda too since it was break time. some reason juice boxes are big thing in their music video cause plot twist yena locker is filled with so many of them due to her being android which is funny cause yena is always plugged in to her computer so it makes sense.  

“lovely luda~ would you like juice box?” she offered as saw her sitting there on bench probably resting her feet from all the running on the spot we had to do in previous scenes early. the moment she accepted the juice box she sat down next to her to unwrap her own straw piercing the hole on the top sipping on it while looking at her friend wondering how she was feeling right now. “so….what do you think so far? are you enjoying the idol life? is it everything you imagined?” she questioned curiously wanted to check up on her friend resting one hands on her shoulder looking at the other intently waiting to hang on her every word.

It really was an interesting concept they got for their debut music video. A cute high school romance with a twist, a rather unusual twist, she found. But she liked that, who would’ve thought that Yena was a robot, trying to befriend the girls? She’s definitely never read this in one of the many books she’s devoured so far. But then typical shoujo romance wasn’t what she looked for in a book, even if it was nice to switch genres up here and there. And shoujo romance was easy to get invested in, at least for her. For the mv, though, she loved the concept.

“Thank you very much,” Luda said, smiling at her friend. She made quick work of the straw-wrapper and hole, holding the juice box with both of her hands as she took the occasional sip, not wanting to empty it too quickly.

Sitting there, glancing at the scenery in front of them, she really felt lucky to be debuting with so many people that she knew, or even was friends with already, like Jiyeon. She could’ve ended up with 11 girls that had no interest, or even hated her after all.

“Hmm,” the girl hummed, “I’m not sure what I imagined idol life would be like, I only ever really thought about practising and standing onstage… filming and recording. But I’ve never really thought about the less obvious things. I’m really enjoying it, though, even if it’s exhausting, it’s exciting, isn’t it?” She stifled a yawn, as if her body wanted to underline that it was indeed rather exhausting.

“What about you? You seem like you’re always mastering everything with ease! But how are you feeling? Is everything like you expected?”

。˚∘ glitz ;


“i mean we all start somewhere!” she offered optimistically. not everyone came out of training ready to be on video. some struggled with lip syncing, some looked awkward in final cuts of the video. that’s to be expected. it was nothing to be worried about. but chungha understands wanting to do well and being frustrated when it doesn’t come out how you envision it. “i think you did great. i think you’re a natural for the camera!”

as if to prove her point, chungha holds up her thumb and index fingers to form a square. “the camera would love you luda~ and everyone who watches will fall in love too. it’s fate!” she chuckles. though chungha always figured actual soloists would be lonely on set doing something like that, the heartz girls wouldn’t truly be alone. they have the girls and other filming to do together. it must be tiring….but incredibly fun.

“honestly if sphere manages to send everyone all over the world….wow….they must have a lot of faith in us.” usually it was the opposite: newer groups weren’t invested like that. sphere was dropping bank to create their videos whether people realised it or not. but chungha figures they had the funds for it. convex was a successful group after all. “who knows, maybe that’s the concept of heartz: they’re world travellers!”

ah, if only that were guaranteed. “i hope so. i’m not sure what the last subunit’s concept is going to be but i feel like if i don’t get into the girl crush unit i’m boned.” although chungha says this with a chuckle, she doesn’t find it to be a laughing matter. it’s more true than she lets on. although of course there’s always a chance for her to (somehow) suit the last subunit concept, she was really banking on the next subunit. “i wonder how heartz will be as a group if everyone has such different visuals and concepts. how would fans of subunits be able to be fans of the group too?”

“That’s true,” she answered, “and thank you very much!” Even if the girl couldn’t quite see herself that way, compliments were nice and she didn’t take Chungha as someone who just said whatever. 

Luda couldn’t help chuckling and blushing and even though her mood had been good originally, it was lifted up even more now. She still didn’t know the other too well, but definitely enjoyed spending time with her. The topics may not all be happy, but he didn’t mind.

Forever bad at dealing with compliments, she rather focused on the other’s next words, nodding along, wondering if they’d really send everyone, because if so, she’d love to go and see the world. It would be a great experience, but also good for bonding. There were many countries left, after all.

She nodded, very much glad that Sphere had seen her as debut-ready and concept-fitting so early on. If not pure, she wasn’t sure if she’d suited the next concepts, whatever the third would be. The way time passed by so quickly, they’d be halfway through the solos, before they’d know, though. “I’m hoping,” she murmured, even if her hopes didn’t influence anything in the end. “I’m curious, though, we’ve got pure, next comes girl crush, what could it be? I doubt it’d be anything more mature or sexy…”

Luda hummed in agreement, “I’ve been wondering that, too, if someone becomes a fan through the next subunit and the group debut will be super cute, or the opposite… I wonder what Sphere’s got planned to avoid that.”

.・.✭a whole new world


yuzu smiled easily. the last she wanted was to embarrass luda or put her on the spot. to the gamer it was merely funny. a part of her also felt great about being researched. whenever it happened she got surprised how much content one could find when just googling for choi yuzu or sangkeumyuzu. hands in her pockets she also doesn’t mind explaining anyone the world of gaming.

potentially she could even game a bit with luda in the future? considering they could potentially end up in the same group it may be a good call to actually get closer with her. precisely! if y'play ‘em of course ’s more fun ‘cause y'can just thrash everythin’ but if yer a challenger who likes 'emselves a bit of a tough match up, it deffo ain’t neat. if yer on the high tier levels it dun really matter anyway cause yer skilled enough to outplay 'em anyway but for amateurs, the unbalance can be quite frustratin’.

swaying back and forth as she shifts her weight, the streamer smiled. thanks. it ain’t debut quite yet so I dunno if I’m gon’ end up with you n’ the rest. ’s gon’ be fun doe from what yer told me.

Luda nodded along, needing a little bit to put the puzzle pieces together, after all she had no knowledge of gaming whatsoever. There wasn’t even really much of a reason for it, she’d just never gone out of her way to try anything and none of her friends had ever really asked her to try anything either, except for the occasional mobile or some simple, calm single player games. There was probably a word for those, but she didn’t know it.

“Is it seen as a negative thing to play those types of characters then?”s he asked curiously, wondering if there was some kind of gamer-etiquette or anything like that for situations like these. It was then that she realised, was she ever to try a game like this out, she’d probably have to be taught step by step, with an explanation for anything and what it meant.

“But it’s a first step, right?” she smiled back, not trying to think too much about the uncertain future and all the possible surprises it could hold. But this wasn’t the situation for negative thoughts. “I think if they let someone from another company in, that means something already,” she added. And aside from the exhausting and nerve-wrecking parts, it really was fun.


Flower Talk


Ludachuckled, “Not very specific, but I think that will suit the roomso far very well,” she smiled. Both Minhee and her seemed to likecalm but pretty decoration and it would be nice if that continuedwith Seungah, to give the room a nice feeling, but it seemed asthough there would be no problem with that. “What about plants?”she wondered, those easily suited almost everything, depending on thepot, but that could be changed. Plus they were calming and betteredthe air.

Thegirl almost shivered at the thought. While she would’ve loved to go,she was glad to have avoided the cold by staying home. “Oh?” shesaid surprised, not wanting to sound overly childish in herexcitement. “I’m sure they’re the cutest!”

“Haveyou lived by yourself before?” she asked, taking a cute figure outof a shelf, to get a closer look, but deciding to put it right back,after seeing how messy the colouring was.

seungah looked at the multiple different decorations, it was nice to take some time now to be able to do this – who knows how busy she would be when she actually debuts and promotes. there were many different thoughts in her head. seungah wanted nothing more than to keep everything relaxed for her, “you know, i’d kinda like a bonzai tree?” she nodded, smiling over at luda – even if they were hard work, she thought it would suit the current vibe of the room she was sharing with the two other girls.

“they are pretty adorable, i’ll show you when we get back alright?” it was such a simple thing but seungah found them adorable even if they were a little childish.

her fingers dragged over a sleek white lamp, “yes i have,” she nods slightly, “i have lived by myself for the last three years actually, ” seungah remembers moving into her own apartment in her last year of university – it was all very new to her but it was in preparations for her life as a working adult… becoming a trainee halted that ( not that she had any issue with it ), “i’m sure it’ll be different living with everyone but i’m also looking forward to it.”

Luda’s eyes lit up at the mention of the tree, having seen a ton of different kinds and always having found them pretty, she thought they were a good choice. Personally, she’d always feared that they might wilt too quickly in her care. She was curious which type the other would show her.

“A bonsai will fit in just perfectly,” she said. Her own plants were, while cute, perhaps a little plain in appearance, so something a little fancier would surely suit the room well, especially in someone else’s care. And she still felt this way, even if Seungah was to eye a rather calm looking one.

“How was it to live alone?” she asked curiously, “I’m sure dorm life will be fun, too, but also a little bit exhausting maybe, once everyone’s moved in.” After all they’d be twelve girls in a rather small space, there was bound to be some difficulty here and there, no matter how good she was at avoiding confrontations.

be kind.


juyeon only hopesshe vibes with her solo song. luda was right. she couldn’t imagine being given a song that she hated. it would be hard to debut with a song that doesn’t feel like yours. after all, people liked authenticity. not liking something, not vibing with it, not connecting with it would be a dead giveaway. juyeon sometimes likes to imagine what her solo might actually sound like. she hopes it’s cool, maybe a little more boyish than feminine. she doesn’t want to get her hopes up orvisualize it too much. just in case of it being polar opposite to what she visions. but still, she knows she would begrateful for whatever she was given. after all, it would behers

the casting call, asking for girl crush had juyeon on the edge of her seat. girl crush was more her thing than pure and sweet. it has her a little hopeful for the future of the group. maybe she really would have a place in heartz, somewhere. “i can’t believe we’re at this point already! it feels like we all just started practicing our first evaluation.” juyeon exclaims, resting her head atop of a fist. she sighs. “but hearing they want girls who can do girl crush has me feeling a little betterabout this in the long run.” she adds with a smile.knowing sphere, they would end up surprising not only the girls, but fans and everyone else inbetween.

there probably was a method to their picks, but juyeonhadn’tthe brain power to connect their dots. to her, the picks were random and left her on the edge of her seat. it was funthat way, but also a little stressful, especially since her future was on the line. “yeah,maybe!” juyeon shrugs.  “i mean, at least we’re not heavily criticized at the end of every eval, right?” most evaluations, at the end of them at least, were usually met with some form of criticism. juyeon was used to biting her tongue and trying not to jump orstumble at the slightest bit of tension, even if it wasn’t at her. “i think that’s why it’s hard to see what comes next. well, at least that’s how it is for me.” 

Indeed it felt like they’d just started practising together a couple weeks ago, but here they were. Changing images, she thought, could both make or break the group, people either liking all the different styles or being disappointed that they strayed from what one liked. Personally, she liked changes like these, finding them much more interesting.

“I’m sure hoping for the best,” she said, careful not to say anything that could potentially give the other too much hope, as nothing was really certain when it came to the debuts. If at least twelve girls had been chosen first, it would only be a matter of who getting which solo, but like this… who knew. “I hope they can see in you what I see,” she smiled.

“It’s always more than enough criticism though,” she made a face. Of course, criticism was important to improve, but as a rather sensitive person, it wasn’t easy for her to deal with, sometimes having kept her up at night, though this didn’t only count for Sphere, but in general.

“I can’t tell at all either. Do they criticise those most, that already have been chosen or who they are considering? Or are they simply criticising most where most is due?” Looking behind the scenes really would be interesting, though she also felt as though there were many things she didn’t really want to know.


— `, ● insecurities .

It has taken some time, but Yoorim has finally managed to learn the general layout of Sphere’s company building, she can now sprint through the corridors to make it to practice in time. It’s only a month ago, though, when she relied heavily on certain people to guide her through what she referred to as a maze. This time, she has come a little earlier than usual, papers in hand as she tries to memorise them, and she practically walks blinded. It’s by her peripheral sight that she notices someone close-by, it’s someone that she isn’t familiar with.

By now, Yoorim has grown accustomed to the other girls of Heartz’ project and their typical movement—this one was different from either of them, so it brings her to look up from her paper that’s filled with lyrics and notes. If the other hasn’t noticed her presence yet, she will when spoken to from a distance. “Hello, sunbae-nim!” Yoorim smiles warmly at the other female, body bending at the hips in a formal bow to greet one of the girls who are already confirmed to debut in Sphere’s upcoming girl group—though, she has practically debuted.

One day, she will debut too and hopefully, it will be in company with Luda and all the other girls. Despite Heartz being an enormous group, perhaps it will be fine, even if she would prefer a smaller group herself. This isn’t the time to be picky, though, because an opportunity like this is rare—no, she isn’t part of the debuting line yet, but she sure hopes that she can land herself a spot. “Are you busy? I was wondering about some advice regrading my solo evaluation, but I can ask someone else if you don’t have the time…” Now, her smile is shy.

— ● a closed starter for @rkxluda .

Luda had made it a habit to go to Sphere early, just like she did when she was still at kt. It’d been a bit difficult to get used to the surroundings, her memory wanting her to take turns, where there was wall in the way and such. She’s always been an early riser though the long hours did make it a little bit more difficult to wake up and get going, but she didn’t want to come in later either. After two years of trainee-dom, she’s found that most interesting things usually happened rather early in the day.

“Good morning,” Luda replied back after a little start and the girl bowed as well. Unless she came with one of the Heartz girls, she wasn’t really used speaking with anyone this early. Though she’d been here for a while, being busy with the project there hadn’t really been much time to get to know anyone from Sphere really, which admittedly made her a bit sad.

Either way though, she recognised the girl as one of the new additions to the project and her usual, soft smile spread on her lips. She made a mental note to ask the other how she was doing, getting used to everything, as the other’s words were out quicker.

Her smile widened, always happy to help, but also happy that she was even asked at all, surely someone else would be better help than her. “I’d love to help!” she replied warmly, “what do you need help with? And should we head somewhere a little more comfortable?”


the way luda snapped her hands over her mouth together was admittedly a little funny to yuzu. like a dear caught in headlights the elder female stood in front of her door, ready to come up with a lame excuse once she got past her initial shock of being caught sneaking out.

considering yuzu was about to sneak out herself, she really wasn’t one to tattle on luda either way. so essentially she could allow herself to grin a little to express her amusement.

yeah, kinda, she admitted openly, seeing no harm in it. if they were supposed to be a group, living together for the next years to come, they may as well start to open up to an extend. luda was nice and great elder sister material. so yuzu decided to place her trust in the other.

wanna head out t'gother?

In the end, if one tattled on the other, they’d both be in trouble, plus she trusted the other enough not to say anything. Admittedly, the girl was generally a little too easily trusting, but she just couldn’t see a reason why the other would do any such thing. It’s definitely gotten her into trouble before, but would she ever learn?

“Sure,” she smiled, her voice soft, just in case. The tension in her shoulders eased up, once they were outside and she got a good lungful of fresh air. It’s always been calming to her, during the mgas, during uni and library days and probably as a kid as well, but no one tell her mum.

“How are you adapting? And how are you liking your songs?” Luda asked, remembering how both had been a bit difficult at first, especially the self-doubts in regards to her song. She was also glad to be in the dorms already, it would probably be much more difficult to adapt living with 11 other girls at once, than it was to get used to one more every week, getting to know everyone a bit better little by little.

Admittedly, it was a little bit late for a proper welcome. And yet, with everything going on, Luda hadn’t been able to go and buy what she’d wanted to earlier. And then they were regularly out of the country (not that she was complaining), which had only made her plans more difficult to follow, but Luda would rather be late than not do this at all. 

“Hello!” she greeted the new trainee, Mina. “I know this a little bit late, but welcome to Sphere and the project,” she said and held out a cute little pouch that hid a cute, dangly little bracelet in it. 

It’d been a bit difficult to figure out what best she could get for Mina, but she eventually managed to find something that she hoped the other would like. It wasn’t anything special (just in case it really wasn’t her thing, she didn’t want to make the other feel bad for receiving an expensive gift that she didn’t like), but a lot of thought had gone into it, still.

“I hope you’re adapting well?” Luda asked, smiling softly.


Flower Talk


when she had deicded to move, seungah decided that she wanted to briung any of her property from her apartment. instead she had decided to give it all to her mother, that way the older woman could be surrounded by things she loved and hopefully that would create a peaceful envionment for her. with her upcoming debut, seungah did worry about her mother health but she was sure – with her mother being surrounded by nice people, she would be well taken care of.

“hmm,” she ponered at luda’s question, “i’d like something that gives off a peaceful feeling?” she chuckles, before realizing what she sounds like, “that wasn’t very spesific at all…” she muses playfully as she walks past the different decorative items in the shelves, pursing her lips as she wondered about what she should get for her part of the room.

“iceland was great – cold but great,” she nods slolwy, “i got presents for everyone though… i bought 12 sheep,” she wrinkles her nose and grins amused at how she sounds, “they are adorable, i’ll show you when we get back…” 

Luda chuckled, “Not very specific, but I think that will suit the room so far very well,” she smiled. Both Minhee and her seemed to like calm but pretty decoration and it would be nice if that continued with Seungah, to give the room a nice feeling, but it seemed as though there would be no problem with that. “What about plants?” she wondered, those easily suited almost everything, depending on the pot, but that could be changed. Plus they were calming and bettered the air.

The girl almost shivered at the thought. While she would’ve loved to go, she was glad to have avoided the cold by staying home. “Oh?” she said surprised, not wanting to sound overly childish in her excitement. “I’m sure they’re the cutest!”

Have you lived by yourself before?” she asked, taking a cute figure out of a shelf, to get a closer look, but deciding to put it right back, after seeing how messy the colouring was.

variety queen.


is there anything i can do to make you … notfeel awkward ? gahyeon asks, brows raised. she knows that not everyone is a variety person – actually, gahyeon hadn’t even realized she was a variety person until she actually stepped on set for the first recording. but it was fun, and allowed gahyeon to be a little more relaxed in doing activities. recording iqs had become a sort of stress-reliever for gahyeon, but she knew it wasn’t for anyone. i know it’s tough if this just isn’t your thing, but i can still try and help. she offers.

gahyeon nods, i’m glad you had someone there for you then, to help you through it all. i imagine that does make things a lot easier on you, that way you’re sort of sharing the burden … not that debut is a burden, but … the stress, i guess i mean she says, shrugging. that had to be exciting though – was it your first time travelling ?

i’m sure – but it’s gonna be a while before the whole group debuts. gahyeon points out. may as well start getting used to it now before things get really hectic. i mean, twelve girls is a lot. she chuckles. if anything, it’ll just be even more exciting with the twelve of you.

when luda says it’s thanks to her, gahyeon can’t help but blush. sure, it probably was – after all, gahyeon was one of the co-hosts, it probably was thanks to her. she just wanted everyone to be as comfortable and happy as possible. iqs was like a safe haven for her when her mind was overrun, so she wanted it to be the same way with their guests. you’re just trying to butter me up so you can win the next challenge, aren’t you, unnie  gahyeon teases. but i’m sure it’ll all get better – easier. i’m sure it helps that the focus is shifted and there’s no solo promotions so the more overwhelming stuff will be with a group – whether sub-unit or the entire group. gahyeon offers. because that’s probably the most overwhelming part, and they make sure you have some experience, then support, before they actually do that, ya’know ? 

yeah, i hope it all works out in the end. and i kinda hope the subunits do get to promote, instead if you all just waiting while the rest of us battle it out. she chuckles. although, she guesses it would also make the company more money – as successful (and therefore profitable ) as the girl’s solos had been so far, they would probably make even more off sub-unit promotions. but who knew what they’d do.

Luda smiled softly, happy that the other was putting in so much effort to make her feel more comfortable, but she shook her head. “You’ve already been helping me a lot, thank you, I think I just have to get used to it little, by little,” she said, hoping her words wouldn’t be misunderstood.

Luda chuckled, “It does feel a little burdensome, though, I mean it all kind of depends on you, so if you don’t do well enough, there’s trouble for everyone involved and that’s kind of many people,” she said, “and it helped that Minhee already knew how everything worked, so that took some worry away,” she said, still glad that everything had been wrapped up now. “I’ve been to Japan once before, but that’s it,” she admitted, never having travelled much due to the nature of her mum’s work, having her own little shop and all. “But it was still exciting, and completely different from before!”

“I’m a bit scared of that, I mean I’m sure it will be fun once everyone’s moved in, but 12 girls and only one and a half bathrooms… it seems a bit like that’s asking for trouble,” she smiled. Besides, with so many people on so little space, there was bound to be fighting here and there, peace and rainbows were delusional in the long run. Even if she avoided conflict, where she could, it wasn’t always possible.

“I haven’t thought of it that way, but is it working?” she chuckled, “And I think you’re right. Plus they wouldn’t want someone inexperienced give the group a bad reputation,” she said a bit self-ironically. But there was a reason solo debuts were so rare, why most trainees were put into groups first and then branched out.

“I’m sure they’ll use the opportunity to get at least the unit out there, before starting with the next to get more attention,” she agreed, even just a little promotions, would still be advertisement for the whole group and whatever was to come in the future after all.

。˚∘ glitz ;


chungha nods. to her understanding, kt rookies wasn’t really a debut thing. mostly just a special project for trainees closest to debut, perhaps? she’s still not sure because it was clear that sometimes even the most senior trainees weren’t a kt rookie when she was there. she doesn’t bother to question it though.

it must have been surreal for luda to experience though. “is it hard to do a lot of acting?” based off minhee’s stuff, it seems like a lot of acting. like they’re establishing something for all of them. it must be long shooting hours. but it sure must be fun! “do you know where you’re travelling to?”

luda was probably right. chungha (now) thinks that sphere has a bit of a plan when it comes to the girls. so rather than it be the best debuting first, it might be the ones who suit the concepts being chosen first. “yeah, especially because we were told that they’re expecting cute and pure concepts….that’s definitely not me!” chungha was a little….rough around the edges. it wasn’t a bad thing but it meant she was definitely not getting chosen this time around.

“uh….” were they? maybe they did still seem that way. chungha waved her hand to signify so-so. “kind of but not really? it definitely seems like it’s expecting more. but as of right now i think it’s still on the more innocent sound. though the dance we have is a little more impressive.” it requires more of them. “the vocals aren’t so cutesy though. so it’s a little more bearable.”

It was really hard, especially with barely any experience, but it could’ve been worse, I think, I just had to look calm, shy, and maybe a little bit longing,” she chuckled. But she really was glad that she didn’t get anything more complicated. She really had filmed a lot though, probably best seen in the almost 10 minute long film version. She still wasn’t quite sure whether filming that much was normal, or whether they’d specifically wanted to make that version.

Not yet, but it would be nice if we could all go together and see different parts of the world,” she smiled, though she was almost sure that they’d take only those necessary, after all plane tickets weren’t cheap. “Especially if they continue this for all subunits,” she said, though it would be interesting too, if the other units got their own, special thing.

Maybe you’ll get a spot in the next unit, since it seems like they’re aiming for girl crush,” she wondered. I would be much easier to see who’d fit if they already knew the songs they would be chosen for. Though that would require all songs to have been chosen already and Sphere could still be choosing for the last unit.

Luda nodded to show her understanding, curious if that would change soon. 

「 Caught Red-Handed 」


understandably the female seems hesitant to share too much information. this whole samsung umbrella confused yuzu as well. she guessed that it didn’t matter how long you were signed under one of the big five, the lines blurring would never make it easy to pick apart what others were supposed to know and not to know.

she nods her head at the knowledge she does get and is glad that the female is willing to kind of answer her a few questions as far as she can. realizing this may take a few more minutes longer she remembers she should probably introduce herself first.

ah- I’m yuzu by the way, nice t’meet ya! shall we find a spot to sit down ‘n chat a bit? motioning for luda to go ahead, she points towards an area which had blocks that looked somewhat suitable for sitting on.

She’s glad that the girl doesn’t seem to want to probe for any difficult answers, at least not right there, right then. Luda really was worried to say too much to the wrong person and be cut from the project, or even be kicked out of kt. And that’s why she’d only revealed that she was in the project, not that she was set to debut already.

Most likely, Luda was much too careful, even to her mum she’d only said that she had a surprise in store for her, but didn’t mention debuting at all. Plus, one never knew, what if she told everyone and suddenly Sphere decided to let someone else debut after all? No, better be safe than sorry.

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” she said, almost introducing herself a second time, out of habit. She walked ahead, to where Yuzu had pointed to and sat down. “What do you want to know?” she asked, as usual, with a smile on her face.
