#immortal desires


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‘Immortal Desires will equal BB + NB + WB’


SpreadJoy #530: spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.

Quote in edit by selfcarexpress

SpreadJoy #534: spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.

Quote in edit by selfcarexpress

It’s Gabriela not Gabriella

So I have an Immortal Desires theory, but it is based on a spoiler so I am putting it under the cut. 

Gabe has a vampire form in the files, assuming he doesn’t get turned at some point in the book (unlikely), my guess is that he is part of Llewyn’s faction and that he has been assigned to keep an eye on MC, see what she may or may not know and that reveal will come out at some point, similar to the reveal in Ride or Die about Logan. 

For me, a good triangle involves motives other than just attraction. I like triangles when there is already tension/antipathy from two of the patites and adding the third party is just lighting the powder keg. It was why the MTFL triangle worked for me, why the triangle with Colt and Logan in RoD was compelling and why I am sure the ID one will as well. CAS and Gabe obviously have a history, obviously already hate each other and MC is walking into that situation and causing it to explode. But it means that emotions are involved, that the tension is believable and the fallout likely to be messy.

I can already tell that Immortal Desires is going to be similar to My Two Loves in that the triangle is going to dominate the plot and if you only like one LI, I bet it is going to be really painful and feel forced.

I mean I like a good triangle and so far I like both boys, so I am going to milk the drama.



I think Immortal Desires is great so far and I do enjoy some teenage angst, but am I the only one who would have rather had a story about the single-parent medical investigator trying to solve a bunch of murders and accidentally discovering vampires are real? And that their new boss is secretly a vampire leader?


I would even take a duo-POV book. Like Princess Swap, but one story is the daughter and the other is the mother. Like Gilmore Girls with vampires


So who’s laps did you all sit in during the musical chairs game in chapter 1 of ID?

I played twice. First time did Gabe, Cas, then Gabe again. Second time Cas, Gabe and then flirted with Cas but Gabe pulled MC into his lap regardless.

I really liked the musical chairs scene. It was a great kickoff to the love triangle and it was fun.

I think Immortal Desires is great so far and I do enjoy some teenage angst, but am I the only one who would have rather had a story about the single-parent medical investigator trying to solve a bunch of murders and accidentally discovering vampires are real? And that their new boss is secretly a vampire leader?

Immortal Desires started strong. I like the MC. I think the lore is fun. The triangle has potential.

So Gabe is 100% a vampire (even if I didn’t know if, I would know it) and I am sure part of Llewyn’s clan and tasked with keeping an eye on MC.

My guess is that when the grandmother started digging into the past and their connection to the vampire hunters was revealed, they were killed by the vampire council as punishment for their ancestors crimes or because they had taken up the mission and Gabriel was turned as a sign of Llewyn’s compassion or as a bargain with his family.

I also thought the tidbit about the vampire hunter charms was interesting, especially since we know Cas had one. I wonder who dug them up and dispersed them and how this ties into the teaser with the creator.

I also liked that the vampire hunter was as ambiguous as the vampires. Yeah, he was hunting monsters, but he was also a monster himself.

I love this book.

Immortal Desires - Chapter 4 Small Town Charms - Female MC & Male LI
