#missed opportunity



Pls can he have an autograph???



I think Immortal Desires is great so far and I do enjoy some teenage angst, but am I the only one who would have rather had a story about the single-parent medical investigator trying to solve a bunch of murders and accidentally discovering vampires are real? And that their new boss is secretly a vampire leader?


I would even take a duo-POV book. Like Princess Swap, but one story is the daughter and the other is the mother. Like Gilmore Girls with vampires

The fact that Daphne didn’t say “See! Life is a simulation!!” After getting turned into a literal video game character. lsksj

Just imagine if Fantine got a super swole revenge bod after Tholomyès left her and put him in a headlock until he promised to pay child support ✊ So much suffering could have been prevented!

why is the toph x aang x teo ot3 NOT called taango???

The drumroll in your chest

The blood pumping in your head.

When the distance between you is almost nothing and everything at the same time.


Someone on twitter said something along the lines of ’it was never Villanelle’s redemption arc that we were interested in, it was Eve’s corruption arc’, and I have been thinking about this for days. Because there should never have been a Villanelle redemption arc in the first place - she should’ve been left alone to live her s1 best life. And it was Eve we should’ve explored and broken down so she could end up living her s1 Villanelle-adjacent best life too.
