




Sorry to butt in, idk if you’ve updated this but I went on twitter for more info. i hope it’s ok if I make additions to this post.

The Tekua Itakupe tribe managed to put the fire out themselves but a lot of people were hurt.

They’re asking for donations to help them. They need water, they have wounded ppl, and also need to make repairs. I think only Brazilians can donate this way bc it’s direct deposit.  So let me huh. Well. translate

If you could share this with your Brazilian mutuals, friends, and followers, that’d be great!

Brasileiros do tumblr, a tribo Tekoa Itakupe sofreu com um incêndio ontem dia 21/06/2020 (#incêndiojaraguá) e embora tenham conseguido apagá-lo, muitas pessoas estão machucadas, e ocorreu danos à floresta e à distribuição de água. Desculpa se qualquer info aqui estiver sem detalhes, eu acabei de ver isso no twitter. Se puderem fazer doações para a tribo, aqui está a informação da conta bancária.

@ultrastimpaks@cephalonsuda​  acho q vcs sao os unicos BR aqui q eu conheço, se puderem repassem para BRs que voces tenham contato aqui, vai  q alguem pode doar


Black lives matter resources for the U.K.

Petitions to sign - you must confirm your email every time you sign, confirmation emails can take a few minutes to come through. The Government will not respond to Change.Org petitions.

Improve Maternal Mortality Rates and Health Care for Black Women in the U.K.https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/301079

Teach Britain’s colonial past as part of the UK’s compulsory curriculumhttps://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/324092

Make Anti-Racism training mandatory in all UK workplaceshttps://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/324896

Require all police officers to take Anti-Racism educationhttps://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/324879

Make black history a compulsory part of the national curriculum for all ageshttps://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/323654

Making the UK education curriculum more inclusive of BAME historyhttps://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/323961

Introduce Gender and Race equity for GCSE English Literature set textshttps://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/324934

Amend the Equality Act 2010: National curriculum and protected characteristics https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/327300

Places to donate if you can:

Black Minds Matter UKhttps://www.blackmindsmatteruk.com

Black Lives Matter UKhttps://mobile.twitter.com/ukblm

The Race Equality Foundationhttps://raceequalityfoundation.org.uk

The Runnymede Trusthttps://www.runnymedetrust.org

The Red Cardhttps://www.theredcard.org

The Stephen Lawrence Foundationhttps://www.stephenlawrence.org.uk

Stand Against Racism and Inequalityhttps://www.sariweb.org.uk

Coalition for Racial Equality and Rightshttps://www.crer.scot

Discrimination Law Association


Please feel free to add!!!


In the wake of yesterday and some productive conversations I had with members of the team, I had hoped maybe there was a way to move forward, and held out hope that positive change could come from the MCCC Discord’s team. Unfortunately, what I learned this afternoon has made me realize that’s not possible. I do not think it is safe to be in the MCCC Discord. This is largely due to this user, and the team’s reaction to their actions:


I’ve learned that this member sexually harassed at least two members of the server. When reported, not only was this user defended by EG and other members of the team, but EG also insulted the worth of those reporting it. They sent messages in sexual nature and NSFW game scenes using Wicked Whims to users they did not know well, and didn’t even know the age of.

The victims have tried to come forward in the past, but were not heard. This is my attempt to help them be heard, and to warn off others.

Keep reading




“Chrystul Kizer, now 19, was 16 when she met a 33-year-old man named Randy Volar. In February 2018, police arrested Randy Volar on charges including child sexual assault. But then, they released him without bail. Volar, a white man, remained free for three months, even after police discovered evidence that he was abusing about a dozen underage black girls and operating business by sex trafficking underage girls. He remained free until Chrystul, then 17, went to his house one night in June and allegedly shot him in the head.

She was and still is a vulnerable child taken and manipulated by a man nearly twice her age.

Let’s raise money to post bond so that Chrystul can organize her defense from outside prison and get some very needed medical care mentally and physically. She has suffered through years or sexual, physical abuse and trauma. She needs HELP. She does not need to rot away in prison for the rest of her life. There is a lot of hope here. Please research and help.”

[from the website: https://ca.gofundme.com/f/exyhfm-free-chrystul-kizer]


Her bail is set at $400K. They have currently raised $23,512 towards that goal. Note: this is the fundraiser for her BAIL, not for her lawyer’s fees, which I was raising awareness for before this post. Please share this around, and donate if you can! Chrystul has already contracted coronavirus in prison. It would be healthier for her to be at home with her family while she prepares for her trial.

Right now it’s at $23,932. Just so you guys know, one of the four officers involved in George Floyd’s death was released on a bail of $750,000 last week. It was a lot less than Chrystul’s bail, yet he got out within a very short time period. Meanwhile, Chrystul is still in prison after two years.

I hope you all don’t sleep on this post now that BLM isn’t trending as much. Let her be home while she awaits her trial.


alwaysanoriginal: We’re all having “hard conversations” about racism, police brutality, and #BlackLialwaysanoriginal: We’re all having “hard conversations” about racism, police brutality, and #BlackLialwaysanoriginal: We’re all having “hard conversations” about racism, police brutality, and #BlackLi


We’re all having “hard conversations” about racism, police brutality, and #BlackLivesMatter I hope. 

You’ve probably noticed that detractors often use the same “racist talking points” in response. Here’s a researched and sourced guide to help you answer, for the times you may get stuck.

Feel free to save these images and share them!

Originally posted on Twitter

Post link


You might have seen some posts today about MCCC’s Discord and how they allow posts from racists or participating in racism, but threathen or ban people for talking about racism and delete their messages. If not, check the post here and the reblog here. I’m here to shed some light on the situation, and showcase different times I’ve seen discussion on racism shut down, and racists go without warning.

Keep reading


Specifically being a black girl from texas juneteenth means a lot to me!

Happy Juneteenth ✊



felt like getting a lil spicy in the mccontroller discord because of all the racism/anti-Blackness i’ve witnessed there/have been told about there. anyways, if you’re Black and looking for a Sims 4 server that isn’t a trashfire hit me up ;)

here’s some more before i was muted




pls… i beg of you… reblog creations… or else there won’t be any more creations

it makes me so sad to see so many creators talking in the tags about how they’re not creating as much because less and less people are interacting. this is proof that interaction is vital.this is proof that a lack of interaction leads to discouraged creators and leads to less creations. liking—and only liking—does not encourage creators.

and that’s because (1) the purpose of this website is to share things that bring us joy and (2) likes don’t share things or ensure something is seen by more people, not like they do on other sites. so, when so many people decide to only like a post and not share it (i.e. not reblog it), that tells the creator that those people didn’t think their hard work was worth sharing with others. that’s discouraging. 

and the creator isn’t the only one that gets something out of that. you get something, too. you get the joy of sharing something you like; that’s a meaningful experience for both you and for the creator. and that experience—that interaction—encourages the creator to create more, and so there’s more joy to be had for both you and the creator.

long story short, interaction (i.e., reblogging, which is interaction in its simplest form on this site) brings joy. it’s literally all about the joy, people. the joy in discovering and sharing and appreciating and marveling at creations. so please reblog—for everyone’s sake, including your own. 

REBLOG!! Support content creators!








fucked up how cooking and baking from scratch is viewed as a luxury…..like baking a loaf of bread or whatever is seen as something that only people with money/time can do. I’m not sure why capitalism decided to sell us the idea that we can’t make our own damn food bc it’s a special expensive thing that’s exclusive to wealthy retirees but it’s stupid as hell and it makes me angry

bread takes like max 4 ingredients counting water and sure it takes a couple hours but 80% of that is just waiting around while it does the thing and you can do other things while it’s rising/baking plus im not gonna say baking cured my depression bc it didn’t but man is it hard to feel down when you’re eating slices of fresh bread you just made yourself. feels like everything’s gonna be a little more ok than you thought. it’s good.

bread is amazing and it’s also been sold to us as something really hard to make? Every time I tell someone I made a loaf of bread I get reactions like “you made it yourself???” and “do you have a bread machine then?”
I haven’t touched a bread machine in probably 10 years.
You CAN make your own bread, folks, and it’s actually pretty cheap to do so. I believe the most expensive thing I needed for it was the jar of yeast. It was about $6 at the grocery store and lasted me MONTHS (just keep it in the fridge.) The packets are even cheaper.
destroy capitalism. bake your own bread.

You can also make your own yeast by making a sourdough starter, so that cuts cost even more.

But you have to feed the starter daily/weekly and that means it grows quickly, but there are tons of recipes online for what to do with your excess starter. Cookies, pretzels, crackers, pancakes, waffles, you name it!!

Here’s a link to The Home Baking Association’s site. It has recipes and tips.

Make it even easier - “No-Knead Bread”. All YOU do is mix the ingredients together and wait until it’s time to heat the oven. The yeast does all the rest.

Here’s@dduane​’sfirst take on itand the finished product. We’ve made even more photogenic batches since.


Kneading is easy as well; either let your machine do it, or if you don’t want to or don’t have one, get hands-on. It’s like mixing two colours of Plasticine to make a third. Flatten, stretch, fold, half-turn, repeat - it takes about 10 minutes - until the gloopy conglomeration of flour, yeast, salt and water that clings to your hands at the beginning, becomes a compact ball that doesn’t stick to things and feels silky-smooth.

Here’s what before and after look like.


My Mum used to say that if you were feeling out of sorts with someone, it was good to make bread because you could transfer your annoyance into kneading the dough REALLY WELL, and both you and the bread would be better for it.

Then you put it into a bowl, cover it with cling-film and let it rise until it doubles in size, turn it out and “knock it back” (more kneading, until it’s getting back to the size it started, this means there won’t be huge “is something living in here?” holes in the bread), put it into your loaf-tin or whatever - we’ve used a regular oblong tin, a rectangular Pullman tin with a lid, a small glass casserole, an earthenware chicken roaster…

You can even use a clean terracotta flowerpot.


Let the dough rise again until it’s high enough to look like an unbaked but otherwise real loaf, then pop it in the preheated oven. On average we give ours 180°C / 355°F for 45-50 minutes. YM (and oven) MV.

Here’s some of our bread…


Here’sour default bread recipe - it takes about 3-4 hours from flour jar to cutting board depending on climate (warmer is faster) most of which is rise time and baking; hands-on mixing, kneading and knocking-back is about 20 minutes, tops, and less if using a mixer.

Here ( or indeed any of the other pics) is the finished product. This one was given an egg-wash to make it look glossy and keep the poppy-seeds in place; mostly we don’t bother with that or the slash down the middle, but all the extras were intentional as a “ready for my close-up” glamour shot.


I think any shop would be happy to have something this good-looking on their shelf. We’re happy to have it on our table.

Even if your first attempts don’t work out quite as well as you hope, you can always make something like this


can we have more posts like this in future please? this is really useful and could help those who are struggling



to all uk students affected by this, I’m so sorry. Remember that you’ll be able to vote in the next general election.


The tl;dr is that students obviously haven’t been able to sit exams this year, so the government has devised a clever algorithm that spits out grades for them based on the school’s past performance and moreover the postcode of the school. This has resulted in tens of thousands of students being given grades way below what they deserve and most importantly has denied them conditional university places and bursaries they would have gotten with their correct marks.

In the past two days I’ve read dozens of stories of students who aced their mocks and coursework, who had predicted grades of As and A*s, only to be given Ds and Es because of where the school is. I’ve read dozens of stories of deserving pupils losing their places at prestigious universities because their grades are too low.

Rest assured this algorithm had no ill effect on private schools, which were in some cases awarding their students significantly higher results than their prior grades indicated.


I know this site is very US-centric but I need to say that what the UK government has done to teenagers’ exam results is absolutely disgusting and if you’re in the UK please take a moment to sign this petition (from the Labour party, I recieved this via email because I’m a member) imploring the Tories not to fuck up the futures of kids who don’t go to private fucking schools

The Conservative education secretary was notably quoted saying “The danger is that pupils will be overpromoted into jobs that are beyond their competence”, as if that doesn’t describe the entire Tory cabinet, in particular B*ris J*hnson.


I see a lot of people in the notes saying that they can’t find this because their zip code is wrong, so CLICK THIS LINK FOR A LIST OF A BUNCH OF ENGLISH ZIP CODES YOU CAN USE IN PLACE OF YOUR OWN IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN ENGLAND. This action by the government is disgusting and violently classist and my heart goes out to my British comrades currently dealing with this shit.



9 year old me: mom you’re beautiful!

My Mom: no, I’m ugly. The ugliest. I’m a horrible pig of a person

Other people: (to me) you look just like your mom

Me: so I’m ugly


My 9 year old: mom you’re beautiful

Me: thank you! I don’t always see it very well in myself though because my brain lies to me a lot and tells me I’m ugly even though I’m not. But I can’t be ugly because we look a lot alike and you’re beautiful. My brain is just a bully 

My kid: that’s right! We’re BOTH beautiful!

​Me:​ yes we are!​​​


And that my friends is called thinking about how your self depricating words can hurt other people around you. I can’t see that I’m beautiful most of the time but I can acknowledge that the issue is my ability to see myself in a positive way. 

But calling myself ugly just hurts the people who love me. It could even convince my kid that they are also ugly and further the cycle 

And sometimes it’s really hard just by saying “I’m being mean to myself because my brain lies a lot matters

My daughter: “mama, your belly is chubby.”

Me, internally: ouch

Me, out loud: “well, yeah! Because I am chubby! But also because I grew TWO WHOLE BABIES in it, and that stretched it out a bit!”

My daughter, in the most encouraging tone possible as she reaches up and pets my belly: “it did SUCH a good job.”

And y'know what? Hell yeah it did. #rockon


you don’t have to cancel everyone the second they misstep or do something dumb but you also DON’T have to defend everything that your fave does. you can say “hey this particular thing sucked” without getting into this all-or-nothing mentality. you are not an extension of the things you like. you can think freely and criticize the things (and people) that you like, and a criticism of something you like is not something that you should take personally or feel the need to correct/defend.
