




he said hi!!!

I love shoebills so much. Also Hi to the turaco friend, too.








absolutely fascinated by this raw pixels on an emulator vs how the game was actually supposed to look on old tvstwitter

People say that old games dont look as good as they remember

Its because they legitimately dont.

The “fuzz” from CRT monitors was something that was definitely accounted for and taken advantage of back in the day when it came to video games! While this effect is noticeable in 3D games, it’s MUCH more visible when it comes to 2D sprites:

Just look how much more depth these simple sprites of Princess Peach and Bowser from Super Mario RPG seem to have when seen through the “dots” of a CRT TV screen!

I somehow did not know this!?!?!?

One of the clearest examples of this is using the effect for transparent waterfalls in the MegaDrive Sonic games

My absolutely favourite example of this is with Dracula’s eyes in Castlevania







The BBC is releasing over 16,000 sound effects for free download

THIS will be sooo good for my soundboard. Those online sessions are about to become even better :D

First music, then voice modifiers… Now this. Perfect.

Also, I’m pretty sure it can be used for a lot of other activities.

Yay, no more Soundbible!

The direct link: https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/photosmultimedia/soundlibrary.htm

For any content creators who’d like it!









what if every Tumblr user suddenly looses their mouse?

J = Next Post
K = Previous Post
L = Like
N = View Notes
Space = Show Photo
Shift + R = Reblog
Shift + E = Add to Queue
Z + Tab = Switch Blogs



I just reblogged this with the command, shit

Do you know how much this helps people who have trouble with the mouse? (Me, other disabled people) thank you

Yup, I use these when my hands get particularly weak (like now)

Alt + R is the new command to reblog
Alt + Q is the new command to queue


Hey tumblr can anyone spare a few dollars for me I am between paydays and I have about literally no food besides noodles and bread. I had to replace my car battery so now i’m like negative $40

So if anyone could help me a little let me know what I can do for u back like i can draw something or paint something or sing something I’d do about anything


Or cashapp$karalunaria

Or venmo@ karaluna



If I could somehow find everyone who ever bullied me and ask them why they targeted me, not a single one would say it was because I was autistic. None of them even knew I was.

Instead they’d say it was because I liked Pokemon too much after it stopped being cool, or my clothes looked ridiculous and I wore the same pair of jeans 3 days a week, or that I was just weird/nerdy/unpopular. In many, many cases, that is what neurodiversity looks like. Not someone with an obvious disability, but someone who’s just weird.

I see so many allistics and neurotypicals on here that claim to be anti-ableism but turn around and make jokes at the expense of people who are eccentric but harmless.

If you’re an allistic that claims to support autistic people, but then you turn around and make fun of the woman wearing a bizarre outfit or the guy who speaks in a monotone or the teenager who carries a teddy bear everywhere, you are hurting autistic people who do those same things.

this is also why even non-diagnosed autistics are punished and abused by society, the bullying isn’t about being explicitly autistic, but rather that society has decided that the traits autistic people exibhit are “abnormal” and therefore worthy of punishment.

thoughtscholar: ● Seize time opportunities. If I have 15 minutes until your next class, I sit down a


● Seize time opportunities. If I have 15 minutes until your next class, I sit down and do homework in the hallway. If I have a long commute, I’ll do flashcards. This works because you most likely won’t have anything else to do anyways, so it’s easier to get your work done.

● Start something. When I get a lab report assignment, the first thing I do is pull up the directions and at least start the cover page and pull up some research links. It takes 5 minutes but it gets the ball rolling and makes it more likely that you’ll finish what you started.

● Auto-mode. When I procrastinating, it’s usually because I’m too busy thinking about what I’m going to do. Instead, I like to pretend I’m in “auto-mode” and just get started as fast as I can. auto-mode means shutting out distracting thoughts or pleas to watch one more funny cat video and forcing your hands to open your textbook. Works every time.

● Personally, creating time schedules don’t work for me because if I fall out of time, the whole schedule falls apart and I usually give up. Instead I use time games. I’ll tell myself something like “work as hard as you can until 11:00 sharp and if you finish, you can have a break”. This is great for developing self discipline because it’s in the moment so you can be more realistic and flexible.

● I don’t like writing down earlier due dates in my planner because it’s confusing so instead, it’s good to have some sort of mental rule. for example, my mental rule is to finish everything at least two days before the due date. following through with that will keep you on track.

● Do a little bit every day. If you have a big project, chip at it within a week rather than stressing out 2 days before it’s due. the same goes for studying for an exam. if you review lecture notes and attend office hours after class + work on flashcards throughout the week, then do a final review at the end, you’ll be well prepared and won’t need to cram. It’s a good habit and you won’t get stressed. Two birds with one stone.

● Use mornings too. I’m not really an early bird, but using mornings to get some work / chores done is great because it gives you a productive start to the day, which makes you feel proud of yourself for knocking out half of your tasks in the a.m. 

a. Lay out your lecture notes / worksheets on the table the night before and open your work tabs on your computer so they’ll be the first thing you see when you turn on your computer.

b. Put your computer far away from your work space and go to sleep.

c. When you wake up, the first thing that you’ll see is your ‘paper’ work, so get it done first. then start on your ‘screen’ work (you’ll be less likely to get distracted if you do your ‘paper’ work first). when you open your laptop the first thing you’ll see are the work tabs you opened the night before. Your job is to go on auto-mode and get started.

Good luck with self-discipline. You’ll do great. -thoughtscholar

Post link


Honestly? Shoutout to those of you who are completely fucking lost in life. Those who don’t know what they want to do with life. Those who are stuck in a certain part of life and can’t get out. Those who are reaching for dreams they feel are impossible to reach. Those who feel like they’re accomplishments are being overlooked. Those who feel like their enough just isn’t enough. It is. You can make it. You will make it. There is an opening at the end of the tunnel.

R e a s o n s t o l i v e



ima go outside for a bit

and their stans are all 39+ yrs old and waitrose shoppers


you deserve to be loved & talked nicely to



I’m both a glasses user (24/7, my prescription is pretty bad and is affected by my hypermobility) and a cane user. Both of my disability aids matter and neither are ‘not as disabled’ as the other. I’ve had people rip off my glasses from my face because they were 'just curious’ to see how blind I really am. I really hope that never happens with my cane.

In any case, people need to start seeing glasses as mobility aid - or at least, a tangential one. Without my glasses I’m severely unable to see. Which means I’m also unable to move around unless I know my environment very very well.

One time, in Spain, my glasses broke and I couldn’t see my way around the town, in Arona, Tenerife. I had to rely on family members to guide me to the opticians. It’s a good thing I can speak Spanish, but still, I would have been completely unable to really fend for myself or look after myself glassesless. There were so many roads I had to cross, it was actively dangerous for me!

I do think sometimes we’ve normalised glasses to a point where people don’t actually consider glasses wearers disabled. But we are and we deserve better. We deserve community too. When glasses wearers have our glasses on, sure, we are able to function. But that doesn’t negate our disability. The same way that mobility problems being eased by a cane or wheelchair doesn’t magically make the user not disabled. We’re just being aided.

I sincerely hope it doesn’t happen to me, but I think there is some real solidarity to be had between mobility aid users- including glasses in that- when our aids get messed with or stolen away from us by ignorant abled people.

I do consider my glasses a mobility aid, the same way my cane is. And I really hope that maybe with dyspunk, we can start bridging solidarity between groups who are constantly told they’re 'not disabled enough’.

I 100% agree here! Glasses are important mobility aids, and they are unfortunately so normalized that many forget this, even glasses-wearers.

I broke my glasses a few weeks ago on a day that I had college classes. Thankfully, I’m registered with the campus disability transport service, so I didn’t have to worry about being hit by traffic, but that didn’t negate the serious issues I still had elsewhere.

I couldn’t interact with anything meaningfully. I couldn’t find elevator buttons, see stairs, or even see hallways. I couldn’t participate in class or get food from the dining commons.

A friend was gracious enough to guide me around until my ride home, and without her I would have been completely lost. I couldn’t even recognize the transport van, so I would have missed my ride without her!

Find a place for empathy.

I admit that I am still angry at BBM supporters, but this is still a very important thing to remember. No matter how different it is to you, these people have a reason—at least the ones who voted for BBM because they actually believe that he can improve the country—and it is important to listen to them.

Understand where they are coming from and work from there.

Source: Emil Hofileña via Twitter

I am personally calling any and all germans on Tumblr to please translate this article here:

Someone replied with the article under this main tweet:

But the one who replied said that the newspaper shown is considered “rubbish” in Germany as it is more of a tabloid, so they suggested the article from faz.net.

If it isn’t too much, I would really like to know more about how the current issues here are being perceived by others outside of the Philippines, and if you can provide more context to the main tweet shown above.

I would put this under my RE: ACADEMIC WALK-OUTS post, but this might be hidden for how long this can get.

An academic institution is not successful because they are able to produce batches of individuals who are merely knowledgeable of concepts and theories. They are the most successful when students are able to apply what they have learned in the context of the real world, and to uphold values necessary to be the best version of themselves.

If anything, an academic institution has failed if it has produced individuals who chose to be ignorant and turn a blind eye to events such as the current ones. This would be the truest waste of money.

The universities here are far from perfect, but if their students have decided to take initiative and take this fight to the streets at “the expense of study time”, then they have succeeded.

“Matatanda na yung mga yan” or “They are old/mature enough [to call for an academic walkout on their own].”

Do not underestimate the students. We know what we are doing. We know what we are choosing to do.


i’m so fucking tired of international media reporting on the philippine election with the undertone of “poor uncivilized savage uneducated little brown asian country is so so sooooo stupid for electing a dictator’s son” as if there aren’t thousands on the streets protesting it, as if there isn’t electoral fraud, as if there aren’t people staying at voting precincts for over 24 hours just to be denied their right to vote, as if this isn’t a product of decades of US-backed imperialism and as if foreign powers don’t have a hand in this decades-long project of historical revisionism. if you aren’t reporting about the philippine election with these contexts in mind then don’t report at all because fuck you we do not need your pity nor your “help”



(Long post but this is important so please read)

For those living outside of the Philippines and are currently unaware of the ongoing situation in my country, we just had our elections yesterday on May 9 (Monday) and results have been coming in since last night. Bong Bong Marcos, the son of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos is in the lead for president while his VP candidate Sara Duterte, daughter of the current president, also in the lead. And this is bad. REALLY BAD.

I can’t give a complete and comprehensive summary of Ferdinand Marcos’ rule in a single post but this is all you need to know. A lot of people were killed, tortured, and raped during his time, and those were only the ones who were found and accounted for. We still have so many missing victims until now that we call them the Los Desaparecidos or The Disappeared. The Marcos family also stole about billions from the country and her people. They literally lavished in their homes while children were dying from starvation.

Already foreign investors are pulling out which can mean really bad things for our economy which not many of us can afford right now.

And as for Sara Duterte if you’ve heard of her father and the War on Drugs then you’d understand why we’re so apprehensive of having another Duterte have a seat of power in the national government.

As of now there are already allegations of the elections being rigged. Some might think it’s a wild conspiracy theory but with the history of these political dynasties and the corrupt system of our government I can’t help but agree that something’s wrong.

Because before elections even officially closed there have already been reports of about 1800 faulty Vote Counting Machines (VCM) , the highest number in election history with VCMs rejecting ballots or malfunctioning effectively delaying the voting process by hours which resulted with registered voters being turned away by COMELEC because they didn’t make the cut-off of 7 p.m.

And speaking of COMELEC (they’re basically the committee in charge of handling the elections) their handling of the whole elections is just downright incompetent and shady. There have been allegations of ballots being manipulated and only a few hours has passed since the tallying of votes has begun and somehow they’ve covered more than 85 % of the precincts just not all over the country but also overseas. Which is questionable considering that about 50% of the country’s VCMs are broken.

There is also a noticeable trend with how Leni Robredo, Marcos’ most serious opposition who beat him for the position of VP in the 2016 elections, always has 47% of the total transmitted votes for Marcos during every election update.


I know that Tumblr can be very Western centric but this is serious. The elections were badly handled from the start and it looks like we’re heading towards another Marcos administration thanks to a combination of Filipinos who would rather deny our history and corrupt government officials. Please help us keep a spot light on the Philippines because we’re not going down without a fight if Marcos wins.
