#in reference to coping through fiction


Shout out to the survivors…

… who are in therapy.

… who want to be in therapy, but can’t afford it.

… who aren’t sure if therapy is going to help.

… who cope with trauma through art and writing.

… who cope with trauma in “ugly” ways.

… who have personality disorders.

… who struggle with executive dysfunction.

… who are trying to catch up on the childhood they never got.

… who are LGBT+ and closeted.

… who are LGBT+ and out.

… who are still finding themselves.

… who struggle with body image.

… who need reassurance and encouragement to get through the day.

… who have cut ties with abusers, and those who haven’t.

… who keep themselves going for the little things.

… who have a hard time finding reasons to live, but keep on going anyway.

… who have lost people close to them.

… who might need to hear this today…

You are worthy of love. You are worthy of respect. You are worthy of healing. You are loved. Be patient and kind with yourself today. You’re amazing! ♡
