#inbox meme



Sinful Ask Meme

Original by ladys-roleplay-meme

Various Sins, old and new, from: Latin, Greek, The Inferno, and LaVeyan Satanism. Send a sin and I’ll answer when my muse committed that sin and why! Specify muse if applicable!

  • LIMBO - A time my muse acted faithless and disloyal.
  • LUST - A time my muse cheated, or was overwhelmed with sexual desire.
  • GLUTTONY - A time my muse spent too much money, time, or effort on something that was fruitless or materialistic.
  • GREED - A time my muse hoarded something selfishly and/or refused to give something away, materialistic or not.
  • ANGER - A time my muse wallowed in a dark emotional or mental place, refusing to get out.
  • HERESY - A time my muse went out of their way to troll or act contrarian, especially out of spite.
  • VIOLENCE - A time my muse attacked someone unprovoked or without reason.
  • FRAUD - A time my muse manipulated and outright lied or even gaslit someone.
  • TREACHERY - A time my muse betrayed someone after building up a relationship.
  • LUXURIA - A time my muse went out of their way to peacock their wealth.
  • GULA - A time my muse overindulged to the point of harming themselves.
  • AVARITA - A time my muse greatly envied wealth or a goal so insatiably they could not be stopped.
  • ACEDIA - A time my muse was extremely indifferent, apathetic, or bored to the point it hindered their progress in life.
  • IRA - A time my muse was impatient to the point of agitation or acting out.
  • INVIDIA - A time my muse was vindictive and held a grudge or wished harm upon others.
  • SUPERBIA - A time my muse put others down in order to boost themselves up.
  • TRISTITIA - A time my muse was overcome with needless self-pity.
  • VAINGLORIA - A time my muse was so jealous they acted out for attention or to divert attention from someone else.
  • STUPIDITY - A time my muse willingly acted without judging ahead of time.
  • PRETENTIOUSNESS  - A time my muse made an unnecessary scene of things or twisted a scene in order to be right.
  • SOLIPSISM - A time my muse didn’t or refused to realize that the sun didn’t revolve around them.
  • SELF-DECEIT - A time my muse lied to themselves to avoid the truth.
  • HERD CONFORMITY - A time my muse followed orders without question.
  • LACK OF PERSPECTIVE - A time my muse refused to acknowledge the impact of their words or deeds.
  • FORGETTING PAST ORTHODOXIES - A time my muse claimed an old idea, innovation, or otherwise as new (or claimed something new as something old) knowingly and purposefully to reach their goals.
  • COUNTERPRODUCTIVE PRIDE - A time my muse held themselves back for the sake of keeping an image.
  • LACK OF AESTHETICS - A time my muse lacked pleasant and harmonious balance to themselves and those around them.


Sinful Magic Anons

Spice up your sinday with these magic anons! Anons decide the length.

  • Pride: The muse receives a significant self-confidence boost.
  • Greed: The muse becomes obsessed with making and keeping as much money as possible.
  • Sloth: The muse is now incredibly lazy.
  • Envy: The muse is now extremely jealous of [person of Anon’s choosing]
  • Wrath: The muse now has uncontrollable feeling of hatred and anger.
  • Lust: The muse is hornier than usual.
  • Gluttony: The muse now has an unsatisfied hunger.


Greed Questions

Since we know not everyone’s into the nastiness of lust, here are some questions about one of the other sins: greed. Send one in and I’ll talk about my muse!

  1. How do they make their money?
  2. What do they spend their money on?
  3. Do they have to pay bills? Taxes?
  4. How do they spend their money? Do they hold onto their money for as long as they can or do frequently spend it?
  5. How stingy are they with money?
  6. What is their financial situation currently?
  7. What was their financial situation in the past? Growing up?
  8. Are there any businesses they spend their money at?
  9. Do they think that money can buy happiness?
  10. Send your own!

Send  for a description or picture of my muse’s house

Send + a character’s name to hear my muse do an impression of that character.


Battle Theme:
Battle Intro:

Send  + a question about my muse’s pet(s) for my muse to answer

Send my muse “would you rather…” questions

Give my muse two options to make them choose. Go nuts!

Send  (or ‘basket’) to give my muse a easter basket.

Bonus points if you include what you’ve put into my muse’s easter basket.

Send my muse(s) questions about their family

Ask my muse questions about their romantic life!

Tell me what the “fanon” interpritation of my OC if they were a canon character would be.

Anonymously prank my muse!

Please be sure to specify if you’re a multi

Send  to find my Muse playing an instrument.

Send + for the reverse scenario.

Send my muse(s) questions about their parents

Please be sure to specify a muse if you’re a multi


want me to write you up a starter? inbox me a color for a specific theme/mood!

redfora violent starter
orangeforan urgent starter
yellowfora scary starter
greenfora friendly starter
blueforan angsty starter
purplefora silly starter
pinkfora romantic starter

Send  to hit a flat note,  to hit a sharp note, or  to sing it just right.

My muse will react to this !!

if you want to see my muse talk about a specific ex, or a specific topic in regards to their ex, add the name or topic.

ten things i hate about you.

  • “I caught you cheating, you had the nerve to say you were sleeping.”
  • “I made a list so I never forget all the things I hate about you.”
  • “You’re selfish, you’re jaded.”
  • “You’re the dumbest person I’ve ever dated.”
  • “Talk a big game ‘til you’re naked.”
  • “Only six seconds, and I had to fake it.”
  • “You’re toxic, can’t trust you.”
  • “You still got mommy issues.”
  • “Years of your bullshit I can’t undo.”
  • “I hate the fact that you made me love you.”
  • “Your friends must suck if they think you’re cool.”
  • “Keep buying bottles with your daddy’s money.”
  • “I don’t know how I fell for your shit.”
  • “You gross me out and now I’ve got the ick.”
  • “I’ve got a list of why you don’t get to fuck me.”
  • “How’d you make love you?”

mr . forgettable

  • “I know that you’re waiting for me like a dog”
  • “Have some patience for the part of me that’s lost”
  • “There’s been a hundred times where I don’t recognize any of you that love me”
  • “It’s all getting foggy”
  • “Just pray I come around”
  • “Hello, are you lonely?”
  • “I’m sorry, it’s just the chemicals”
  • “Hello, do you know me?”
  • “I’m called mister forgettable.”
  • “The hold me hides, while the new me fights”
  • “Look in my eyes, he’s still in there, right?”
  • “What about your name?”
  • “You used to be my heart, now you’re just a face.”


  • “I don’t need the comfort of any lies”
  • “I have seen the ending and there is no ascending”
  • “When I was younger, was told by other youngsters, that my end will be torture beneath the earth”
  • “I don’t see what they see, when death is staring at me”
  • “Would your life even matter anymore?”
  • “I’m sure there won’t always be sunshine, but there’s this momentary beam of light”
  • “Sure, it’s a calming notion, but it’s a lie”

pink rover

  • “Oh, you like me now?”
  • “Bless me father, for I have sinned.”
  • “It’s been a week since my last confession.”
  • “Please send the coward over.”
  • “If that bastard whistles, put a knife up to his boner; cut him.”
  • “Do you like that?”
  • “You’ll never, ever, ever, ever, ever take me home.”
  • “Touch me again and I’ll fucking scream.”
  • “Covered in blood, just girly things.”
  • “Down on your knees boy.”
  • “It’s been a week since my last confession, and too long since these motherfuckers learned a lesson.”

questions best asked for those who portray canon characters, and for those who’d like to get to know the author behind said canons better.

  1. What made you pick up this character?
  2. How did you get into this franchise/fandom?
  3. What’s the best thing about the show/series/books/comics/etc.?
  4. What’s the worst thing about the show/series/books/comics/etc.?
  5. What’s the best thing about the fandom?
  6. What’s the worst thing about the fandom?
  7. What’s the best thing about the canon you are writing?
  8. What’s the worst thing about the canon you are writing?
  9. Have you tweaked the character from canon? If so, what did you tweak?
  10. Would you say that your portrayal is canon divergent or not? 
  11. Are there some things you dislike about how the show/series/etc. portray the character you have picked up? If so, what?
  12. What would you say is the most unique trait about your character?
  13. Are there any other characters from the franchise you’d like to play?
  14. Are there some characters from the franchise you can’t stand? 
  15. What are your thoughts on the canon ships for the character, if any?
  16. What is your personal ship bias for your canon character?
  17. Are there any ships you can’t stand, why?
  18. How long have you been writing the character?
  19. Should people get into the franchise your writing from, yes or no?
  20. If you could sum up your character with one sentence, what would it be?
  21. Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?