#incorrect legends of tomorrow


Barry: I like to think none of this would’ve worked out if you weren’t, at heart, just a little bit a good person.

Snart: And if you weren’t, deep down, just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing.

Charlie, to the Legends: And I realised, it doesn’t matter where you go, there’s always gonna be bitches and assholes in your life. So the only thing you can do is surround yourself with the few bitches and assholes you can actually stand being around. And for me, that’s you guys.

Ava: I mean, goddamnit! You’re all self-destructive, barely functioning, co-dependent weirdos!

Nate: Yeah… yeah.

Ray: I know.

Mick: Sounds about right.

Zari: That’s pretty spot on.

Amaya: Those are not good qualities.

Sara: We’re gonna work on ‘em.

Sara Lance, about the Legends: We started as a team. We chose to be a family. And if there’s hope for us… there’s hope for anyone.

Zari: I remember that story, Ray. Charlie and I read it in your diary.

Ray: You read my diary?!

Zari: Hey, I just showed her where it was, she’s the one who picked the lock with a bobby pin.


Leonard Snart, to his younger self: Listen. This is just a dream. But very clever people can hear dreams. So please just listen. I know you’re afraid, but being afraid is all right. Because didn’t anybody ever tell you? Fear is a superpower. Fear can make you faster, and cleverer, and stronger. And one day, you’re gonna come back to this house, and on that day, you’re going to be very afraid indeed. But that’s okay. Because if you’re very wise and very strong, fear doesn’t have to make you cruel or cowardly. Fear can make you kind. It doesn’t matter if there’s nothing under the bed, or in the dark, so long as you know it’s okay to be afraid of it. So listen. If you listen to nothing else, listen to this: you’re always going to be afraid, even if you learn to hide it. Fear is like… a partner. A constant partner, always there. But that’s okay. Because fear can bring us together. Fear can bring you home. I’m gonna leave you something just so you’ll always remember. Fear makes legends of us all.

Constantine:Are you sure you lot can handle it?

Sara: Easy, last minute, and crucial as hell? Meets all the Legends criteria.

Sara: We’ll handle this the way we always do.

Charlie: Brute strength?

Zari: Almost dying?

Sara: No and no. By sticking together and never giving up.

Sara: Tell me exactly what happened.

Zari: Well, it started with Ray wanting to say the word ‘succulent’.

Sara: Oh, no.

Zari: And it ended with a small riot, in which Mick set Nate’s nap couch on fire.

Ray: It’s a Feeling Stick. Whoever is holding the Feeling Stick has permission to say whatever he or she is feeling without being judged. I’ll go first: I feel like I wanna know what you’re feeling.

Ray: *passes Mick the Feeling Stick*

Mick: *snaps the Feeling Stick in half*

Ray: Believe it or not, that’s not the first time someone’s broken my Feeling Stick.

Ray: *pulls out a smaller Feeling Stick*

Ray: I have a travel size.

Sara, about the Waverider: You love it here.

Charlie:I think I’ve just developed stockholm syndrome.

Mick: Catch yourself on, you’ve never even been to Switzerland.

Sara: Well! It seems we got here in the nick of time! What does that make us?

Jax: Big damn heroes, captain!

Sara: Aren’t we just.

Ray: I’ve found that not killing people is pretty easy. I go long periods of time without killing anybody.

Snart: Hey, listen, we all have droughts, Raymond. Don’t feel too bad.

Ray, about Nora: I’m just saying that considering her messed up past and how she was raised, she could have turned out a lot worse.

Nate: You’re right, Ray. Let’s go find her and give her a medal. The Not-as-much-of-a-jerk-as-you-could-have-been Award.

Zari: Hey, how do I get revenge on those who’ve wronged me?

Ray: The best revenge is letting go and living well.


Zari: Hey Mick, how do I get revenge—
