#incorrect trek



Bones: *dramatically* Leave me here. Don’t be a fool. Alone, you have a chance. Now do what I say. Go!

Jim: Look, I know it’s overwhelming, but there’s a better way to tell me you don’t want to go shopping.

Spock: *internally screaming at the prospect of having to go shopping* We go together or not at all.


Bones: That was my sarcastic voice.

Jim: You know, it sounds a lot like your regular voice.

Bones: I’ve been told that.

Kira: Welcome back, Odo! How was your journey to learn more about your heritage with the Founders?

Odo:Very educational, Major.

Quark: Hey Odo. How was your trip to goo-niversity?

Odo: I’m not going to answer that.


Redshirt: Happy Easter, everyone, where we celebrate the Resurrec-

Bones:*Rushing up out of nowhere, breathing heavily, with medkit in hand* Did someone say resurrection?


Bones: Because I can do that. I got this. I do it all the time. Who is it?


Bones: My god, man, don’t waste time! Do I need the serum, or *taps forehead* the old Katra box? Who??

Redshirt: Doctor, I think I saw the Captain about to ritually consume a plate of eggs.

Bones: WHAT?? JIM, don’t you dare, your cholesterol levels - *runs off towards the Mess Hall with a hypo*

Redshirt: So, as I was saying…


*Kirk, Bones, and Spock are locked up in a cell*

Bones: Well, you’ve really landed us in it now, Jim.

Spock: Captain, I agree. That fight was ill-advised.

Jim: Now, Spock, I wouldn’t so much call it a fight. It was more just a-

Bones: Don’t you dare-


Bones: Jim we are literally CHAINED TO A WALL right now
