

Tony: A lot of things changed after I got that girl pregnant

Peter: Like what?

Tony: My name, my address, my-

Peter: Hey Harley?

Harley: [from the other room]Yeah?

Peter: Where’s my moisturiser?

Harley: On my feet

Peter:[running] You bastard!

Tony: You said that you were interesting

Tony: But you’re just always in bed

Peter: I said I was into resting

Peter: But how did the guy drown?

Tony: He couldn’t breathe underwater kid, keep up

Peter: Can you bring me my water bottle?

Harley: I’m not walking all the way over there

Peter: It’s only like a 2 hour drive


Peter: Or a two minute canoe ride

Tony: Guys it’s like 10 feet why are you like this

Tony:- and kid, you’re from Queens right? I can swing by and pick you up

Peter: Okay first of all, May lives in Queens, I live in the moment

[knock at door]

Pepper: Come in, James

Rhodey: How did you know it was me?

Pepper: The restrained knock, Tony plays that door like it’s a marimba

Peter: Mr Stark we think you’re depressed

Tony: Both of you?


Tony: Well for the two of you to agree on something I must be damn near suicidal

Tony: Why are you all standing on chairs?

Harley: We’re playing a game

Peter: Yeah it’s called “Harley lost the damn spider”

Tony: [jumps up on a chair]

Tony: I told you not to go patrolling in the rain

Peter: [soaking wet] How else am I gonna get struck by lightning?

“I’m sorry but there’s no way that I have a cat brothel going on in my room and I’m still the only normal one in this compound” - Peter Parker

Tony: Anything is funny if you put an old man in it

Peter: Except for the ground

Peter: It’s like clearing a video game on easy

Tony: Okay combat is NOT like a video game

Clint, in the background: Hey look! Coins!

Steve: I’m dating Bucky

Sam: I mean I knew your standards were low but not that low

Peter: Eat shit, Keener

Harley: I would, but I recently went vegan

Tony: How is your project going? The one where you had to interview Morgan?

Peter: Well the first thing she told me was that ‘Daddy pooped on the shed’


Peter: [checking his notes] And that your bum was shaped like a triangle


Tony: I mean whatever about pooping on the shed but I can’t have her going around telling people I have a bum shaped like a triangle I have a reputation to maintain

Tony: [telling a story]

Peter: But what happened to the guy?

Tony: He died

Harley: Ah he was DC to JC


Peter:[sigh] He was Discharged to Jesus Christ

Harley: [driving]

Tony: I think we hit something

Harley: I hope it’s Peter

Peter [in the backseat]:

Doctor Cho: How many units of alcohol do you drink a week?

Tony: One

Doctor Cho: That’s it? One drink?

Tony: One shelf
