#indie roleplay


send me — ●•

for my character to TRICK yours on halloween,

send me — •  —

for my character to TREAT yours on halloween,

serpentsprince:                           “Independent and Selective Jughead Jones. Mostly Canon Basserpentsprince:                           “Independent and Selective Jughead Jones. Mostly Canon Basserpentsprince:                           “Independent and Selective Jughead Jones. Mostly Canon Basserpentsprince:                           “Independent and Selective Jughead Jones. Mostly Canon Bas



Independent and Selective Jughead Jones. Mostly Canon Based (Riverdale)  Non-canon friendly. Crossovers Friendly. Low Activity.

                                                                                              written by  Pressy.

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Hold on– I’m on the phone with Dairy Queen.

Ofcourse I’m angry! I’m d e t o x i n g for Christ’s sake!

Send for a skill my muse have

Send for something they are bad at

Draw your muse inspired by my fave super mario power ups

=draw your muse after getting super mushroom power up

=draw your muse after consuming a fire flower

⭐=invincibilty star time!!

=Its time for tanuki ears and tale

=Super cape time

=Cat suit time

Not a power upbut still cute idea

=Royalty in super mario(new princess or any of your choice)

= Bowserfy your muse

=Wa version of your muse

Will you make my muse slap yours(Say do you want mine to fake slap yours or do you want a real smack)

///Provoke them, tease just do whatever you want to make my muse smack you

Send “body beautiful” if you think my muse has banging body

Send “face like heaven” if your muse like my muses face.

Send me for a Backhanded compliment from my muse

Get R O L E P L A Y FREEDOM - play the characters you want to play, explore the plots you want to ex
Get R O L E P L A Y FREEDOM - play the characters you want to play, explore the plots you want to explore. Enjoyinteractive plotting, events and activities. Bond with memes, comment pages, character blogs and so many other things. Uncover the mysteries about to unfold everywhere and be careful with might be lurking in the dark. Join the story and become apart of the legend. You just might need to watch out for your –

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howlinginhale:'ashes, ashes, you all fall down'The small town of Haven, Maine seems picture perf


'ashes, ashes, you all fall down'
The small town of Haven, Maine seems picture perfect from the outside but no one knows of the secrets and the unrest it was built on. For you see, Haven is more much of a nightmare than a fantasy of splendour. There are so many things to uncover and everything is about to fall apart for good. What side will you stand on? Where will you belong and most of all what will happen to your Shifting Soul.


'you might lose yourself out there.'

you might be asking yourself, indie roleplayers? why this roleplay and jcink? let us tell you why:

• the active topics link is kind of like your dash, the forums are kind of like tags, it is easier and quicker to post and you won’t lose things or miss a notification. you can be in all your accounts essentially at once with linking them altogether and each account has its own settings. we have interactive things like comment pages, character blogs with entries, plotting pages to make it easier to get plotting rolling.

• you can have muti-verses, multi-ships and all of that. but you can also NOT have that. originals are welcomed with open arms. think of the main rp like one big group verse where EVERYONE can have a slot and then you can have plenty of aus. there can be multiples of characters and faces, just like with indie.

• we are pulling a lot of inspiration from indie into SS along with a lot of interactive plots, events and activities. most of all, we want it to be a really welcoming, warm and fun place.

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'ashes, ashes, you all fall down'The small town of Haven, Maine seems picture perfect from the out
'ashes, ashes, you all fall down'
The small town of Haven, Maine seems picture perfect from the outside but no one knows of the secrets and the unrest it was built on. For you see, Haven is more much of a nightmare than a fantasy of splendour. There are so many things to uncover and everything is about to fall apart for good. What side will you stand on? Where will you belong and most of all what will happen to your Shifting Soul.


'you might lose yourself out there.'

you might be asking yourself, indie roleplayers? why this roleplay and jcink? let us tell you why:

• the active topics link is kind of like your dash, the forums are kind of like tags, it is easier and quicker to post and you won’t lose things or miss a notification. you can be in all your accounts essentially at once with linking them altogether and each account has its own settings. we have interactive things like comment pages, character blogs with entries, plotting pages to make it easier to get plotting rolling.

• you can have muti-verses, multi-ships and all of that. but you can also NOT have that. originals are welcomed with open arms. think of the main rp like one big group verse where EVERYONE can have a slot and then you can have plenty of aus. there can be multiples of characters and faces, just like with indie.

• we are pulling a lot of inspiration from indie into SS along with a lot of interactive plots, events and activities. most of all, we want it to be a really welcoming, warm and fun place.

• a superior inbox with a sent folder, storage folders, message tracking to get notified when someone reads it, friends/contact list, carbon copy/forward the same message to multiple people.

• plotters, which are plot pages to get you connections and things going.

• replying is quicker. you don’t have to reblog/draft/etc. you just post your reply to the thread. you can make it super fancy or plain jane. getting replies is more reliable. you can track threads, subscribe to them or forums to get notified. you can get notified by e-mail and so on.

• can use html in the threads and can have neato templates for mock instagram, tumblr, twitter, texting and so on. they look really awesome.

• you can link all your accounts together to make them super easy to switch between and not have to log in and out. you sign into one account and you’re in ALL your accounts.

• since everything is on the forum, things won’t get lost and you won’t have to worry about tags eating something.

• mini profiles tell quick/important details about your character to make it easier to know who you’re responding to. plus you get to have a regular image and then a gif too.

• there is a chance for doing the au’s you want but still participating in the group setting/plot line too. you get the best of both worlds. think of the main rp as the main verse/group verse and everything else as aus. in the main verse, there will be plots to get involved in, activities and events. it will be easier to plot because characters will have a central setting to be in.

• yes you can have multi-verses, multi-ships and all of that. there will be different versions of fandom characters to explore. you can au fandom characters. there will be TONS of opportunities for original characters.

• we will have inboxes and memes still. there will be opportunities for m!as and other activities we will come up with. we will also have comment pages where you can leave comments/images/etc for characters at any time. we will help anyone who needs it with figuring out jcink

• with side characters, you can create just the plots you want to do with the characters and not try to generate a ton of other things. or if you want to just try out a character before making them full fledged. we have so many opportunities for playing the characters you want and how you want to.

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i posted about this a little while ago BUT shifting souls
is just about done. we will open in probably about two
weeks but right now we are doing a preview period
where we are giving the link to friends and those we
wrote with/are interested to get settled in and all of
that. we will post the link officially in the tags when we
have our grand opening.

shifting souls will be a fusion of group rps and indie
with a laidback atmosphere. we have a lot of plot
and events in mind to twist things around and there
will be plenty of chances to do all the plots you want
to do since we will have an au area. so you can have
a dozen au verses if you wanted and then the main
rp is like the main verse.

it will be hosted onjcink and it offers a lot of things
tumblr doesn’t. if you have never used it before that
is totally okay because i’ll help/teach anyone who
needs it.

over there, i’ll have: derek hale, chris argent, kira
yukimura, stiles stilinski, rick grimes, emma swan,
buffy summers and then an original character with
a ‘trouble’. if anyone wants to join up and plot with
them! i’d love to keep the verses going over there
that i had here too.

if you’re interested in getting the link and checking it
out, just like this postorsend me an ask and i’ll get it
to you. i’ll send it off to those who liked the post last
time. more details under the read more!

jcink has a waaay better pm system, you can subscribe
to topics to get notified of replies so you’ll never lose
track and everything is in one of the forums anyway.
there will be plot pages to get plotting generated. we
will have memes, comment pages where characters can
leave comments anytime for other characters. there will
be other activities to get involved in. the mini profile will
show all the important details about your character to make
it easier to know what is what.

you can use html and have templates for things like texting,
instagram, twitter and threads in general. praise train, gossip,
cbox. you can friend other members. there are options to see
everything that has been posted/replied to since you last logged
in a lot of other things. you can even search topics based on
keywords and things like that to locate things.

it will be like indie because every character is from an
alternate reality. so there can be multiples of fandom
characters and faces. we accepted fandom, fandom
originals and completely originals. there will be a lot
of opportunities for original characters.

“Aren’t you the cutest?” she smiled at them before running a hand through her hair. She hadn’t expected to be so smitten with them, but here she was cheesing like a school girl which had never been her style. “How would you like to go on a little trip together?”

Mayte had had a really nice time on their date. It was honestly the best date she had in a long while. She slowly made her way up the steps to her apartment before turning around to smile at them. “Thank you for tonight. It was so much fun.” She turned to look at the door before looking back at them. “Do you want to come inside for a little bit?”

The blonde sighed as she sat across from the man. “I’m sorry. I’m not really good at this. I don’t really go on dates. I just don’t have the time. I’m shocked that my sisters figured out how to even make this happen.” She licked her lips before draining her wine glass. “Sorry, I’m probably talking only about myself. Have you dated a lot of people?”

They had had some pretty hot make out sessions before, but this had to be the hottest. Things had become more intense between them over the last month and a half which made Mariah even more nervous. She had never even had a boyfriend in her life before, but now she had one. A really hot one at that who had plenty of girlfriends before her. She was a science nerd that guys tended to ignore, but he hadn’t. Now, she was on a couch about to do something she had never done before. “I…I have to tell you something.” she whispered against his swollen lips. “This…I…it’s my first time…”

Marlena turned on the bed as she heard the door to the penthouse open. He was late, but she was just glad he was here. It had been way too long since they had seen each other and she had to admit that she was excited. She repositioned herself on the bed as the door to the bedroom opened. “Hi, Daddy.” she said calling him by his nickname. “Baby girl missed you.”
