#international baccalaureate



my plushies say hello ・:*。(ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*)~。*:・゚

valentine’s day is coming up~ do you guys have any plans? ♡ ♡ ♡


Here’s me in my favourite starbucks doing my chemistry IA !!! been feeling pretty down lately but working alone in my own space has made me feel a little better~ school has been extended to 25 feb because of the coronavirus!! just tryna keep up with work! stay safe everybody, remember to wash your hands!!


impacts of humans on our ecosystem! just had an option c test on ecology recently —> some notes from it


messy like …. my LIFE

guys i start school on the 19th AAaAaaaaHHhHh it’s my final year before i go off to uni and i’ll be applying to colleges soon!!!! i’m so nervous hope the upcoming school year is good to you!!!! ✍

been thinking a lot about life lately and i think i had my Awakening today and i honestly feel a lot better!! reflecting helps me a lot :”) i also hope august is good to you guys! i start school on the 19th and it’s my final year!!! Hope everything goes well and i study my butt off


been a long time people!!! but i’m on summer break right now and haven’t really been feeling the motivation to do much ….. :( but hey i hope everyone is having an amazing summer, remember to take breaks!!


study + relaxation ((loads of me time!))
