#intimidating caretaker


Prompts used: Dialogue, Passenger seat


Content Warnings: Conditioning, brainwashing/culty stuff implied, shouting, noncon touch, manhandling, bad caretaker/rescuer

A looked out of the window as the trees and bushes passed the car by in a blur. C was so far away now, and he didn’t know how he felt about that. 

B switched on the radio, just adverts right now, advertising things A didn’t know existed with the number of years he had been with C.

“Do you want to choose?” asked B. “Don’t suppose C ever gave you a choice in those sort of things.”

A turned to look at B, scowling. “Don’t talk about C like that.”

B curled his lip and shook his head in confusion. “What do you mean? C was a fucking bastard, look what she did to you!” B exclaimed, gesturing to the bruises that littered A’s grimy skin. B turned back to face the road and flexed his fingers on the steering wheel.

A sunk into his seat and crossed his arms. “Turnaroundthecar,” he muttered under his breath.

B tilted his head. “Huh?”

“I want to go back home,” A mumbled.

Slamming the brakes, both A and B jolted in their seats. “What did you just say?” B growled, narrowing his eyes.

“I want to go home, turn around the car,” grunted A, picking at the car roof.

B grabbed A’s wrist. “That hell hole is not your fucking home,” spat B. “And stop messing with my car.” He flung A’s hand back onto his lap.

A squirmed for a second before trying to open the car door. “I want C to take me back!”

B caught A’s t-shirt collar and dragged him back from the door. “You. Are. Not. Going. Back.”

A struggled and kicked at the dashboard. “I want C, I need C, I want to be back with C!” A sobbed. He practically vibrated with terror, anger and sadness, his tatty shoes bouncing off the glovebox.

“You don’t fucking need her!” B yelled, shaking A. “You have me!”

A froze and sank back down into his seat and B looked down, gently letting go of A’s clothes. He paused a moment, moving his jaw back and forth.

“I’m all you need, A, I promise,” whispered B, before starting the car once again, the radio still talking of things A didn’t know existed.


This is very much out of the fire and into the frying pan, like its better but still going to be shit for whumpee

If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

When the whumpee finds the caretaker intimidating, so when they get hurt, they try to hide it from them. Them managing to hide it for a few hours, but getting caught when they end up bleeding through their bandages and onto their clothes in front of the caretaker. The caretaker noticing, and asking the whumpee why there’s blood on their clothes, and the whumpee trying to brush off their concern. The caretaker not believing the whumpee, and asking them to sit down and let them see what’s wrong. The whumpee hesitantly doing so, and the caretaker taking a minute to look at the wound, then grabbing a first aid kit and patching them up properly. The whumpee being surprised with how careful the caretaker is, and so when the caretaker gently asks why they didn’t ask for help sooner, the whumpee admitting that they were intimidated. The caretaker being caught off guard by this, since they’ve never thought they seemed intimidating, and them reassuring the whumpee that it’s okay to come to them if they’re sick or hurt, and that they’d rather know so they can help. The whumpee tentatively agreeing to tell them in the future, and the caretaker making sure to keep a closer eye on them in the future, just incase they hide something again.
