#the blood


Prompts used: Dialogue, Middle of nowhere, Freezing, Lighter


Content Warnings: Alcohol, possible addiction to alcohol implied, being hunted, dubcon touch

A’s knuckles turned white as they gripped the seat. The car came to a shuddering halt and B immediately opened the car door and stepped out onto the frosted grass. His oxfords now even shinier with the meltwater.

A quickly undid their seatbelt and opened the door to join B. “Where are we, sir?” they inquired, looking around the grey landscape. The pair were next to a field of cows making their way to a cowshed and beyond that was the looming darkness of a pine forest.

“I don’t know,” B said, unscrewing the cap of his flask. His hands shook, from cold, fear, or need of a drink, he didn’t know anymore. B took two swigs from the flask and offered it to A as they rounded the bonnet of the sleek black vehicle. 

A shook their head and slipped their hands into the pockets of their long black coat. They swayed from side to side, hoping B would soon say something to explain this sudden drive out into the country. Their fingers played with the small silver lighter B had gifted them at only New Year’s, the grooves of the design soothing to their cold fingertips.

But B just walked forward, towards the stile that lead into the cow field. He with ease hoisted himself up and over the stile and turned back to his puzzled friend, A. Waving them over, he offered A his hand as their short legs struggled with the swing needed.

A jumped down the other side of the stile, and B steadied them, his arms on either side of A. A looked up at their employer, their friend and could see straight through the warm haze of alcohol and to the frightened man within.

“…Sir?” asked A as B’s gentle almost-embrace did not end.

“I’ve done something very stupid, A,” uttered B, his warm whisky breath kissing the tip of A’s cold nose. He stared out, his eyes seeing something that A could not. “We need to hide, we need to disappear.”


If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue


Content Warnings: Just a little bit of angst; paranoid whumpee

“What are you doing?” asked Whumpee, sitting up in bed as he felt the comforting weight of Caretaker disappear from next to him.

Caretaker slipped on his dressing gown and turned with a small touch of a smile at his lips. “Getting breakfast for us both, but it won’t be a while yet, you can go back to sleep, handsome,” he said and leaned over to kiss Whumpee on the cheek.

Biting his lip, Whumpee leaned into the kiss and when Caretaker pulled away, he placed his hand over where his lips had been, shielding the kiss. “You’ll come back?”

“Of course,” whispered Caretaker, tears rising in his eyes. “I’ll always will.”


If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Flinching


Content Warnings: Restrained, threats of violence, threat of eye horror, blade, noncon touch with blade

Whumpee laughed and shook their head as Whumper stood breathing deeply in front of them. “You’re not gonna do shit,” they scoffed. Their breath floated towards Whumper, almost mockingly from the chair they were bound to.

Whumper looked down at the meat hook in their hand. Their brow furrowed and they looked back to Whumpee. 

Whumpee continued to smirk, their bare arms just as unbothered by the chill of the freezer as their brain by Whumper’s threats.

Whumper shifted their grip on the hook and took one step forward.

Whumpee looked up at Whumper, their grey eyes revealing no fear. “You don’t know what you’re doing.”

Whumper took another step forward and they felt their jaw clench. They had been preparing for this moment for months. Whumpee would be scared. They would be sobbing by the end of it all.

“You’re gonna just stand there, thinking you can break me just with a threat,” Whumpee chuckled again. “You’re pathetic.”

The air from ‘pathetic’ drifted over Whumper and their whole body shuddered. Whumper looked away and blinked. “God,” they muttered. Whumpee was right, they had got to actually hurt them. 

“D-Don’t make me,” Whumper warned, their grip once again shifting on the meat hook.

Whumpee cocked their head to the side and smiled.

Whumper’s arms began to tremble, as anger coursed through them. Rushing over to Whumpee, Whumper stared straight down at them.

Rather than be startled or intimidated, Whumpee continued to cockily smile, their eyebrows raised like a challenge.

Slowly, Whumper dragged the blunt curve of the hook down Whumpee’s arm, hoping the cold of the metal would elicit some sort of shudder or shake from them, but nothing.

“You can just let me go, kid,” murmured Whumpee. Their gaze followed Whumper’s as it went down Whumpee’s skin. “You can just let me go and forget about all of this.”

The hook’s point flew to just millimetres above Whumpee’s eye. Surprisingly, Whumpee actually flinched and their stoney eyes actually wobbled for a second.

“Don’t mock me,” mumbled Whumper.

“Never,” whispered Whumpee.


im quite proud of this drabble actually… please like it lol

If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue


Content Warnings: Blood, blade, injury

“Now’s your chance, Whumpee,” coughed Whumper, leaning against the blood-spattered wall. “You can crush me, maim me. Then love me, care for me. Before you do it all over again. Like I did to you.”

Whumpee stood over Whumper, their hand still gripping the knife as blood circled their wrist before trickling down to their elbow and hitting the floor. Rich dark blood, the colour of the sky just before the night.

“I’d rather not,” smiled Whumpee, their eyes alive for the first time in years. “I’d rather you cry alone. Just…” Whumpee began to laugh even as tears streamed down their face. “Just you and your pain and the knowledge it is all yours.”


If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Mask, Nightmare


Content Warnings: Hospital setting, medical equipment, blood, (accidental) self harm, drugged

Caretaker woke with a start and sat up in the rough plastic chair he had fallen asleep in. 

Whumpee groaned as he tried to roll over in bed but couldn’t because of the pain in every part of him and the wires and tubes that covered him.

Caretaker eased himself up from the chair, still bleary-eyed but staggered towards his brother. Whumpee’s head moved back and forth and his hands that were covered in bandages twitched.

“Hey, I’m here,” Caretaker soothed.

But Whumpee’s head moved more frantically and his hands flew to his face. “I can’t breathe,” he croaked, pulling at the oxygen mask, but still asleep.

“No, this helps you breathe,” his brother said softly, gently trying to take Whumpee’s hands from the mask.

But Whumpee’s hands went back to his face and scrabbled at the plastic surface. His breathing became shallower, more desperate. “Please,” Whumpee gasped.

Caretaker looked down at his brother, he himself now desperate. “Nurse!” he called out into the hall.

He looked back at Whumpee, his plasters on his fingers unwrapping as he continued to struggle against the plastic oxygen mask. Wounds that had never had the chance to heal before reopened easily, and so blood began to cover his brother’s face and sheets as he thrashed around.

“God,” said Caretaker, his hands trembling above his brother’s writhing body. “Nurse!” he yelled even louder.

Whumpee pushed the mask up and off his mouth, but still, he was fighting and screaming.

“Please, Whumper!” he cried out into the hospital room, lit only by eerie electronic light. 

One of the nurses rushed in and past Caretaker.

“Stand back sir,” the nurse said, forcefully pushing Whumpee’s arms back down beside him.

“No… no…” moaned Whumpee, his head turning from side to side. 

Caretaker watched as another nurse joined the first who had a needle full of something. He pushed the mask back down onto Whumpee’s face and held his arm still.

“What are you giving him?” Caretaker asked, rushing to the second nurse’s side. 

The nurse looked at Caretaker, his brow furrowed. “Another sedative I’m afraid, so your brother can sleep dreamlessly. His brain is trying to process what happened.”

“…Well shouldn’t he?” Caretaker questioned as the nurse plunged the needle into Whumpee’s twitching arm.

“It’s too much all at once for him,” the nurse explained as he pressed the sedative into Whumpee’s bloodstream. “Whatever happened to him, will take years to fully process.”

Caretaker let out a sob and walked back from the bed, his brother’s protests slipping away as he fell into deeper sleep.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Caretaker whispered as he stared at his broken and bloodied brother.


If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Drugged


Content Warnings: Gaslighting, drugged, alcohol

“Do I look alright?” asked Whumpee, stumbling over to the couch and steading themself on the arm.

Whumper nodded, his eyes watching Whumpee’s hands and arms to keep tension. “You look fine to me.”

“I feel weird,” Whumpee muttered to themself.

“Here, have another drink,” said Whumper, holding out the third bottle of the night to Whumpee. “I’ll grab you something to eat, your sugar is probably low, that’s all.”

Whumpee took the bottle and flumped down onto the sofa, watching the ceiling dance as they sipped from it. Maybe they were just drunk, but they weren’t usually a lightweight.

As the ceiling continued to dance like the fireflies outside, Whumpee tried to think. Think anything. But their mind felt full of treacle, hard and slow effort to work their way through.

Whumper returned, chocolate bar in hand and broke off a square before sitting on the edge of the sofa next to Whumpee’s legs.

“There’s really not something right with me,” Whumpee mumbled as they took the square of chocolate from Whumper.

Whumper smiled and shook his head. “I don’t know what you mean.”


If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Handcuffs


Content Warnings: Restrained, noncon touch, kidnapping, creepy whumper, intimate whumper, possible future forced relationship implied

Whumpee pulled against the handcuffs a few times, but they just rattled against the radiator. Whumpee sighed, his ginger hair getting blown up out of his eyes. His captor had been gone for what felt like hours, but Whumpee knew it was probably nearer to just one, he got bored easily.

As if on cue, Whumpee heard the front door latch click and Whumper’s feet on the creaking wooden floor.

“Hi, miss me?” said Whumper with a pout.

Whumpee resisted exposing the smile that was trying to form on his lips and just looked down and forlornly nodded.

“Aw,” crooned Whumper, kneeling behind Whumpee like he was about to do his hair. “Already so lonely. Always at parties and clubs, yet no one noticed you missing.”

Whumpee swallowed. That insight had genuinely taken him by surprise. Whumpee’s phone sat on the table and hadn’t lit up once.

“Now, we are going to get to know each other,” began Whumper, his hand roughly massaging Whumpee’s neck. “…Very well. All our likes… and dislikes.”

“Like what?” whispered Whumpee, hoping that Whumper couldn’t see the way his lips were having to sit to prevent him from laughing. Whumper thought he was someone for kidnapping someone else. He was just as lonely as Whumpee was.

“I like your fiery hair, your fresh skin. And I would like to hear you scream,” uttered Whumper, his hot breath tickling Whumpee’s ear.

Whumpee waited three beats and then let out a shrill scream.

Whumper leapt up, clutching his ears. He paced back and forth, waiting for Whumpee to stop.

Whumpee grinned, seeing Whumper’s face full of shock out the corner of his eye. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to shriek again.

“Not like that!” yelled Whumper, rushing over and clamping his hand over Whumpee’s mouth.

Whumper held Whumpee’s head tight for a few moments, Whumpee making his eyes return to the doleful ones he knew Whumper would like.

Whumper gingerly took his hand away.

“A little louder?” offered Whumpee.


whumpee is a little shit and i love him

If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Conditioned


Content Warnings: Contitioning, blade, blood, death

Continued from May 22nd’s prompt

“Do you need a break?” hummed Whumpee’s boss, wiping a knife on his jacket sleeve.

Whumpee’s raw fingers clattered over the keys of the keyboard, trying to keep up with what Whumper had said.
“No, sir, I don’t want to be the cog that fails,” he said, his voice monotone and flat despite the important smile on his lips. He didn’t look up, just carried on typing, willing his brain to remember what his boss dictated.

Whumper nodded. “What happens to the cogs that fail?”

“They are discarded and melted down, sir.” Whumpee’s eyes only flicked up from the computer screen as his colleague’s body thudded on the ground. A slight smile that his boss insisted on still there on the dead man’s lips. As it should be, Whumpee thought, his own smile securely on his.

“I knew I was right to hire you, Whumpee.”


Capitalism™ is the biggest whumper of them all

If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Sobbing, Rock


Content Warnings: Non-human whump, robot whump, injury, violence, blood, death

“By my calculations, this is the best course of action,” said L-F3, their knee joints squeaking as they arranged themselves on the damp muddy ground.

Whumpee looked down at L-F3, choking back tears as he shook his head.

“I do not want Whumper finding you after the many trials we have endured,” L-F3 persuaded, their dim yellow eyes glinting in the dull light.

“That’s why I-” Whumpee clutched his chest and slipped onto the ground, kneeling with his head hung. “I can’t do this.”

“You must.”

“We can… just part ways, and I go somewhere we didn’t plan.” Whumpee didn’t want to say even that, but it was better than the alternative.

“If I am taken intact, he will use my brain to analyse where you may be. I know your patterns.”

Whumpee gave L-F3 a watery smile. “You know me just that well.”

“I do. Which is why you must damage my brain. Physically, so there are no ghosts of memories.”

“But you must also know-”

L-F3 lifted their head and took a heavy rock from beside them and placed it in Whumpee’s hand. “I know. I am sorry.”

“No, no,” Whumpee began to sob. “How can you expect me to do this if you know?”

L-F3 didn’t respond, instead, they just laid back down, waiting.

“I will go, and then-”

Still flat on the ground, L-F3 grabbed Whumpee’s arm. “I cannot allow you to do that.”

“…Let go,” sniffed Whumpee, surprised by the strength of L-F3’s grip.

“No.” Their grip tightened. “You must render my brain unusable.”

“It hurts, L-F3,” Whumpee said, his voice cracking.

“Please,” said L-F3, their fingers pressing down hard into Whumpee’s already bruised and scarred skin.

“Just let go!” begged Whumpee, desperately trying to pull away from L-F3.

“I am afraid you will have to make me,” stated L-F3, their luminous eyes flickering for a second.

Whumpee tipped his head back, panting with the pain. The tears ran down into his mouth, tasting bitter.

As L-F3’s fingers began to break Whumpee’s skin, their eyes flickered more, scanning back and forth over Whumpee’s face.

Whumpee’s hand began to curl around the rock, and he gritted his teeth as the pain, though small, somehow felt worse than anything Whumper had ever done.

Blood dribbled along L-F3’s fingers and Whumpee raised the rock above L-F3.

“Why?” gasped Whumpee, his arm shuddering in resistance as his brain screamed for freedom.

But L-F3’s finger’s only dug in further, scratching at Whumpee’s muscle.

Whumpee screamed and thumped the rock down onto L-F3’s head. 

Their eyes popped with light before the light dimmed again. 

“Why?” yelled Whumpee as he sobbed, tears soaking his shirt and dripping with a metallic ping onto L-F3.

L-F3’s eyes scanned over Whumpee’s face again, trying to form words. “I-I-I-” But all they could do was hold Whumpee tighter, deeper.

Whumpee screamed with the pain and again brought the rock down onto L-F3’s head. 

Their eyes popped and this time fizzled, only the lower half of one of their eyes staying lit.

“Why?” cried Whumpee again, as they brought down the rock once more.

“Be-Because I-I- lo-” said L-F3 through garbled and wrecked speakers. But the third impact of the rock stopped them from saying any more.

Circuitry and wires spilt and hung from L-F3’s head, sparking as water from the marshy ground swallowed them, along with everything else that made L-F3 alive.


Ah, forcing the one you love to hurt and kill you because you love them :)

If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Office, Laughter


Content Warnings: This isn’t really whump; just some sense of unease, dubcon touch

“Right you go there… and you can stand just there…” directed Whumpee’s boss. Whumpee had only been working here for a couple of weeks but he already knew his boss was a good one.

Even now, directing the office where to stand in the photograph he smiled and chatted with everyone. Not an angry word, despite the hectic day.

“Come on, Whumpee, get in,” said Whumpee’s boss, waving him over.

Whumpee slipped beside his boss. “Next to you, are you sure, sir?” he mumbled.

His smile widening, the boss slapped and gripped Whumpee’s shoulder, making him wobble a little. Whumpee’s boss continued to smile as his thumb stroked Whumpee’s neck.

Whumpee felt the urge to pull away. Maybe he even tried for a second. Time would blur that memory. But Whumpee knew he let the boss continue his grip.

“Next to me? Oh yes, I’m very sure,” his boss laughed as he turned to look into the camera.


If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Winter


Content Warnings: Torture implied, captivity implied, death, blood, hunted by whumper implied

“Are you cold?” asked A, already slipping off their heavy woollen coat.

B just nodded, her lips bound by the cold that whipped around them both.

A carefully arranged the coat on B’s shoulders before cupping her face with their hands. They were slowly cooling but still had some precious warmth, and A smiled, happy to give their girlfriend a part of them.

B closed her eyes, leaning into A’s hands and tried to forget where they were, lost on the moors.

Gradually the chilly bite of the wind hit her cheeks again and her eyes flickered open. Dense fog surrounded B, and A was nowhere to be seen.

B tried to call out for A, but her mouth was so unaccustomed to speaking now, from both the cold and what had been allowed. So her yell came out as a croak, garbled by months of silence and horror.

Gingerly, B began to move in the direction A and her were heading in, against the harsh wind.

“Are you there?” B managed after walking for a while and seeing nothing but empty shadows.

No answer.

B continued over browned heather and frosted grass. Her whole body felt like it was ceasing up, bit by bit. First her fingers, then her toes. Now her ankles and now her wrists as she tried to pull the coat closer and feel A’s love.

Head bowed, B followed a sheep’s track cut through the heather and scrub grass until red flowed onto the sepia scene. 

And there was A, their hands so so cold as blood flowed from their wrists and throat into the earth.


If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Camping


Content Warnings: Manipulative whumper, toxic friendship, controlling whumper, scalding, blood mentioned

Whumpee found a brook, a thin mossy stone-lined trickle of glittering coolness. Dipping the kettle in the water, Whumpee looked around, his eyes looking at the new green leaves on the beech trees and the buds on the oak. He breathed in the fresh air of spring, clean and without the taste of blood in the air. Birds called loud and passionately to one another, hopping about from branch to branch before flying off with a beak filled with moss or twigs. Whumpee sighed, wishing that camping would be a regular thing with Whumper. But he got bored of everything, well, everything but that taste of blood.

Whumpee walked back to the clearing where Whumper still sat, prodding at the fire with twigs.

“Didn’t find anything?” Whumpee asked, despite knowing Whumper hadn’t even attempted to look for supplies.

“No,” Whumper sneered. “It’s a shit forest.”

Whumpee shrugged and poured the water into an iron pot hanging over the fire. “I don’t know, I think I spotted some wild garlic near the brook.”

“Shoulda got some then,” said Whumper, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, probably should have,” Whumpee agreed. “Shall I go back?”


Whumpee sighed and trudged back to the brook and went up a little, nearer the crest of the hill where green leaves of wild garlic grew in abundance. He picked several leaves quickly, the strong smell making his tummy growl. It had been a day since he’d eaten and goodness knows how long it had been since Whumper had.

When Whumpee returned to camp and found Whumper sprawled out on the ground.

“Your water is boiling,” Whumper said, staring up into the sky.

“It’s gonna be pretty plain, I’m afraid, but it will be filling.”

Whumper sat up and grinned through the steam.

Whumpee ripped open the packet of pasta and narrowed his eyes, trying to judge how much to pour into the pan.

“Oh, give it here,” groaned Whumper, leaning over the fire.

The water hissed and burned as it hit Whumpee’s skin, soaking into his jeans. “Fuck!” yelled Whumpee, jumping back up and away from the campfire. “What the hell did I do wrong?”

“Nothing,” Whumper’s bottom lip wobbled. “I’m sorry, it was an accident.”

“Yeah right,” said Whumpee, hopping back to the tent and stripping off his jeans as he went.

“You aren’t going, are you?” whimpered Whumper, looking down at the floor.

Whumpee shot an angry glare back, but his face softened, tears actually seemed to be coming from Wumper’s eyes.

“I was thinking about-” Whumpee began.

“Please don’t leave me here!” Whumper blubbed, drawing his knees to his chest.

Whumpee shoved on a pair of shorts and walked back over to his crying friend, looking as he did back at school. Whumpee crouched beside Whumper and opened his arms, offering a hug.

Whumper flopped into Whumpee’s arms and nuzzled his head into Whumpee’s chest for a second. “We’re leaving together,” he muttered. “Camping is shit.”


thought i might try i different dynamic where the whumper is a bit more sneaky about hurting his whumpee so he can keep him around without need for restraints

If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Passenger seat


Content Warnings: Conditioning, brainwashing/culty stuff implied, shouting, noncon touch, manhandling, bad caretaker/rescuer

A looked out of the window as the trees and bushes passed the car by in a blur. C was so far away now, and he didn’t know how he felt about that. 

B switched on the radio, just adverts right now, advertising things A didn’t know existed with the number of years he had been with C.

“Do you want to choose?” asked B. “Don’t suppose C ever gave you a choice in those sort of things.”

A turned to look at B, scowling. “Don’t talk about C like that.”

B curled his lip and shook his head in confusion. “What do you mean? C was a fucking bastard, look what she did to you!” B exclaimed, gesturing to the bruises that littered A’s grimy skin. B turned back to face the road and flexed his fingers on the steering wheel.

A sunk into his seat and crossed his arms. “Turnaroundthecar,” he muttered under his breath.

B tilted his head. “Huh?”

“I want to go back home,” A mumbled.

Slamming the brakes, both A and B jolted in their seats. “What did you just say?” B growled, narrowing his eyes.

“I want to go home, turn around the car,” grunted A, picking at the car roof.

B grabbed A’s wrist. “That hell hole is not your fucking home,” spat B. “And stop messing with my car.” He flung A’s hand back onto his lap.

A squirmed for a second before trying to open the car door. “I want C to take me back!”

B caught A’s t-shirt collar and dragged him back from the door. “You. Are. Not. Going. Back.”

A struggled and kicked at the dashboard. “I want C, I need C, I want to be back with C!” A sobbed. He practically vibrated with terror, anger and sadness, his tatty shoes bouncing off the glovebox.

“You don’t fucking need her!” B yelled, shaking A. “You have me!”

A froze and sank back down into his seat and B looked down, gently letting go of A’s clothes. He paused a moment, moving his jaw back and forth.

“I’m all you need, A, I promise,” whispered B, before starting the car once again, the radio still talking of things A didn’t know existed.


This is very much out of the fire and into the frying pan, like its better but still going to be shit for whumpee

If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Reading


Content Warnings: Conditioning implied, sleep deprevation implied, self harm

“And so Beowolf…”

Caretaker looked over their tortoiseshell-rimmed glasses to Whumpee, his eyes open and wide, still alert but looking nowhere in particular. Caretaker shifted in their armchair, their teeth running over their lip in thought.

“It’s getting late, Whumpee,” they said, closing the book they had been reading to him.

Whumpee’s gaze remained unbroken. “Please carry on,” he said, far away.

“You need sleep,” Caretaker explained, easing themself up from the old armchair and taking off their glasses. “You’ve done so well so far, learning not to clean all the time. And now you need rest.”

Whumpee’s head snapped to look at Caretaker. “No,” he whispered, his eyes passing beyond Caretaker.

Shaking their head, Caretaker continued to the bookshelf and placed the book between a book of Arthurian legend and The Hobbit. Their hand lingered in the air, their finger hovering over the spine. Caretaker sighed, their whole body moving with their lungs.

“Another then,” said Whumpee, desperation entering his voice.

“No, Whumpee,” insisted Caretaker, looking back at Whumpee on the edge of the bed. They shook their head and let their arm slip into their trouser pocket. There, their hand played with the house key. “You need sleep.”

“I don’t!” Whumpee suddenly yelled, his arms gripping the bed, shaking with sudden anger. His face was red and pained as he shook his head.

Surprised at Whumpee’s anger, Caretaker pressed the point of the key into their palm. The door was locked, locked like Whumper’s front door always was. Caretaker kept their lips pressed together so as not to let out a whimper of pain.

“You need sleep, Whumpee,” Caretaker repeated as they felt the key dig into their hand. Their hand didn’t move though.

“No, I don’t,” Whumpee whispered softly. “That’s laziness.”


Today in I read and watched too much dark academia recently…

If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Garotte, Forced to watch, Carried


Content Warnings: Restrained, noncon touch, creepy whumper, death, blood, captivity

“Nnngh,” groaned Whumpee as she felt her body being turned. Her legs, on reflex, kicked out. But bedsheets as her body expected weren’t there, instead, her legs flew through empty air.

Whumpee groaned again, her eyes still closed as she tried to snuggle back into her bed. 

Someone chuckled lightly as she tried and Whumpee felt her bed come up around her, embracing her.

Whumpee blinked, her eyes flickering open for the sun to pierce into. She tried to raise her hand to shield her eyes as she adjusted but found it bound to the other. 

Looking around she realised she was not in bed, instead, she was up above the ground, arms below her. Whumpee looked up, and Whumpee saw the soft smile of Whumper as they carried her.

“No,” Whumpee whispered as all her senses focused in on reality. Cold stone surrounded them, passages and hallways. Whumpee knew where these went, the courtyard. The one slick with blood.

“What’s that, sweetheart?” murmured Whumper, looking down at Whumpee.

Whumpee struggled as the misplaced kind smile of Whumper shone down at her like the sunlight, her eyes pained just looking at the smile.

“W-what did I do?” stuttered Whumpee, twisting her body as Whumper’s arms grew tighter around her.

The pair were now in the courtyard, a crow fluttered off with viscera of some sort as Whumper’s shoes clopped on the flagstones.

“Hush now,” soothed Whumper, lowering Whumpee onto a chair beside another. “Whatever made you think did something wrong?”

“We are here!” Whumpee panicked, shaking on the chair.

“Ah, well, we are here,” smiled Whumper. “To view, not partake.”

Out of another passageway came a man, his bound feet being dragged along the stones, rubbing them raw and leaving a trail of blood as soldiers held him by the shoulders.

“Caretaker!” Whumpee screamed and she tried to leap up from the chair.

Whumper put out their arm, winding Whumpee and forcing her to hobble back to the seat.

Whumpee looked at Whumper, her eyes wide and her mouth moving but unable to plea like she wished.

Caretaker was dragged over to a chair blackened with blood. Despite his bleeding feet and weeks of less and less food, Caretaker still twisted and turned as the soldiers bound his legs and torso to the chair with thick leather straps. His hands however were cut loose just as one of the soldiers looped wire around his neck, twice and looked to Whumper.

Whumper gave the nod to the soldier as Caretaker attempted to pull the garotte off his neck. However, when he pulled on one of the lines, the other cut deep into his neck. Caretaker slowed his struggle, but struggled nonetheless as blood seeped from the cut.

Whumpee wriggled in her chair, her own hands still bound. “You said he could leave!” she screamed as tears that stung burned their way down her cheeks. “You promised!”

“He is leaving,” said Whumper, gesturing with their head to the scene before them.

The soldier continued to twist the wooden handles attached to the wire as Caretaker struggled and choked. His eyes looked to Whumpee and his hands dropped from his throat.

“It’s alright,” he rasped, tracing the outline of her face from the chair.

Caretaker’s hand dropped to his lap as his head also dropped, slumping forward as life shuddered from his body.

Whumpee couldn’t look at Caretaker’s lifeless body, still sitting bound to the chair. She squeezed her eyes closed, hoping she could go back to sleep and wake later to find this nightmare.

Suddenly there was a heavy thump on her legs and she opened her eyes. Whumper smiled at her and rubbed her knee, lovingly, as a parent would.

“That was a lot for you, I know. Let’s go back inside,” Whumper comforted, a sweet smile still on their lips.


If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Prompts used: Dialogue, Façade, Behind closed doors


Content Warnings: Abusive relationship, smashing objects, emotional whump

“Well, I said I’d be back for eleven to Kristie and it’s half ten, so I’ll be seeing you,” said Whumpee’s friend, slapping his knee and standing up.

Whumpee blinked and looked down at the floor, nodding slightly as his friend began to put on his coat.

“What’s wrong mate?” his friend asked, pausing putting his jacket on.

Smiling weakly, Whumpee shook his head and looked beyond his friend to the kitchen where his boyfriend was pouring a drink. He shuddered. Soon they would be alone together again, something most couples looked forward to. But not him. Whumpee crossed his arms, ashamed.

“You sure?” Whumpee’s friend asked, wriggling his arms into his jacket.

“Yeah, just wish we could all spend more time together, but… stuff,” Whumpee shrugged and continued to smile. His eyes though drifted back to his boyfriend, back turned while he inspected one of the glasses. Whumpee’s boyfriend raised up the glass and tilted it, shaking his head as he spotted something.


Whumpee’s face betrayed this thought as his mouth wobbled and his brow furrowed.

Leaning in, Whumpee’s friend whispered, “You’re scared, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” Whumpee mumbled. His shoulders relaxed a little; his friend saw it too.

But Whumpee’s friend just chuckled and clapped him on his muscular arm. “Moving in with someone is quite nerve-racking, but you’re gonna do just fine.”

His friend hadn’t seen his boyfriend’s small looks, after all, just his own worried ones.

“Bye then, see you soon!” Whumpee’s friend called loudly so Whumpee’s boyfriend could hear.

“It was great to meet you!” Whumpee’s boyfriend called back, his voice bubbly and cheerful.

Whumpee’s friend gave a nod to Whumpee and then opened the door and left. Leaving Whumpee alone with his boyfriend.

For a few moments, there was no noise but the clock ticking, but this only added to the slow crawl of sweat down Whumpee’s back. He stood by the door, waiting, knowing.

Then it came.

“Babe, come here a second.”

Whumpee practically sprinted to the kitchen, his tall large body making the flat’s floor shudder a little. He winced, knowing that would also be a fault.

“What is this?” his boyfriend asked, clasping the glass in his hand by its bottom, his five fingers holding it like claws hold jewels in rings. The glass shimmered like it was new from its box.

“I…” Whumpee moved closer, trying to see what he had done wrong.

His boyfriend looked up at him, eyebrow raised, annoyed that Whumpee couldn’t see it straight away.

“You scratched it,” he pointed. “Here.”

The line was so fine and so short that Whumpee blinked, his eyes struggling to see the mark. “I…” Whumpee repeated, unsure of what to say.

The glass crashed at Whumpee’s feet, leaving only shimmering drops of light. Whumpee gulped back a sob.

“YOU will buy another. Once something is imperfect or damaged…” his boyfriend whispered, going on tiptoes to reach Whumpee’s ear. “You can either mend it or break it. And breaking it…”
The glass scrunched under Whumper’s shoe. ”…Is so much more fun.”


this is my first drabble edited using peoples advice i really hope my editing efforts have come through
its hard for me to realise where ive gone wrong in bits that arent the examples people have shown instead i just get a feeling of something is wrong so i need to get my brain honed in on the exact problem which is going to take a bit of practice
but i did realise there was fifteen wases in this so thank you @leyswhumpdump​ for pointing out i do that a lot

If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

This week: Well, how could things get worse?Next week: Some folks just cannot catch a break.TAPASTICThis week: Well, how could things get worse?Next week: Some folks just cannot catch a break.TAPASTICThis week: Well, how could things get worse?Next week: Some folks just cannot catch a break.TAPASTICThis week: Well, how could things get worse?Next week: Some folks just cannot catch a break.TAPASTIC

This week: Well, how could things get worse?

Next week: Some folks just cannot catch a break.


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been thinking of vamp alsipsy

captaincravatthecapricious: My second contribution to the tpp bang!  @penumbrabangThis is for the wocaptaincravatthecapricious: My second contribution to the tpp bang!  @penumbrabangThis is for the wo


My second contribution to the tpp bang!  @penumbrabang

This is for the wonderful fic by @alexandenight

Fic info:



Image IDs:

[ID1: A full color digital picture depicting Juno from the shoulders up.  He is a dark skinned nonbinary person.  He’s wearing a strappy red dress, purple lipstick, a purple eye patch, golden triangular earrings, and gold eyeliner.  His hair is short cropped and he’s face is scarred and flushed.  His nose is bleeding and a black blaster with electric blue and green detailing is being held against his left temple by a tan person in a blue tank and dark blue trousers.  The person is almost completely out of frame.  Judging by Juno’s positioning, he’s likely being held on his knees.  The assailant right hand is on Juno’s right shoulder.  They are both facing the viewer against a dark purple background.  Juno looks put out and grumpy, but not particularly scared.  The artist’s signature is in the top left corner in a light purple.  It reads “@captaincravatthecapricious.”  End ID]

[ID2: A mostly grayscale digital illustration depicting Peter Nureyev and Juno Steel.  They face each other, Peter angled towards the viewer, and Juno angled away.  Peter is a mixed Filipino man wearing a loose shirt under a corset.  He has oversized glasses, tight trousers, an ear cuff, and sharp teeth slightly visible through full lips.  He’s avoiding Juno’s gaze, and waving his hand, partly obscuring his face.  He’s deflecting, while Juno is trying to look into his eyes, checking for a concussion.  Peter is bleeding on his right side, visible as a coral red, just above his corset, Juno is applying pressure.  Juno is a dark skinned nonbinary person wearing a backless dress and triangular earrings.  He’s wearing eyeliner and an eye-patch and has visible armpit hair.  He has scars on his visible skin, full lips, and he’s looking tender and concerned.  He’s cupping Peter’s face with his right hand, looking into his eyes.  He’s flushed the same coral, feverish.  The artist signature is visible on Peter’s right thigh.  It reads “@captaincravatthecapricious.”  End ID]

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