#whump fic



Stories Right Now

My Current Stories! All still updating, some slower than others.

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If you use i0s, my blog will be impossible to read for you through the Tumblr app UNLESS you use your browser app and toggle your option to see sensitive content in Tumblr via the desktop version in there. This is due to Tumblr +Apple censoring agreement- nothing I can do, sorry. I have to continue to tag my posts because it still sort of mostly works to filter out people’s common triggers or squicks/nope topics.

I write Fantasy Genre whump, and sometimes a little Modern AU, all with Original Characters.

I’ve intended this stuff for a Mature audience, 16+ recommended, PG-13ish.  While there will never be anything outright explicit, a lot of heavy subject matter is handled including sexual content implied.

Each post will have tagged warning for common Triggers.

The most current map of the Tsanet setting is here

CLICK HERE on the “Read more”  to see the STORY LIST!

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i have realized that when i asked my parents to tell me “hurt and sick stories” as a child, i was asking for whump before i even knew what that was

Okay…I started writing a new thing and I want to share a sneaky peak of the beginning and gauge interest…I’m nervous for this one so be gentle and leave notes?

Smoke curled in the air around them as her cigarette burned, wrapping around them like a hazy privacy screen in the dimly lit hotel bar. She watched in silence as he meticulously set up an ancient tape recorder that she was sure was older than both of them, as he laid out his notebook and two black pens, as he narrowed his eyes as he carefully made sure everything was sitting at perfect 90 degree angles.

She had no idea why she had agreed to this interview. If it had been about money then she would have returned any of the many calls from The NY Times, The SF Chronicles, Time Magazine, or any of the other massive publications that wanted her story. Her father’s silence only made the many reporters more desperate to speak to her, like they thought she would have some key to understanding why he had done all of the things he was now accused of, as if she was the window into his mind. But instead she had chosen this one - this tiny, unassuming, seemingly neurotic reporter who ran his own online publication and didn’t make eye contact when he spoke. Somehow that was easier, like she could convince herself that she was just talking to that tape recorder, not to a person who would soon tell the world all of the secrets that she was preparing to unleash upon it.

“Okay,” he started, tapping his pen against the fresh notepad, “how about you start with your childhood, what your father was like? Looking back, would you ever have thought he was capable of all the things his victims are reporting?”

She took another long drag on the cigarette, looking through the smoke at her own memories, at summers spent laughing and playing, Halloweens in silly costumes, Christmas mornings that resulted in piles of wrapping paper taller than her. Not a single memory that would have made her think he could ever be the man that was described in those depositions.

“No,” she said as she extinguished her cigarette on the wooden tabletop, “there was nothing that I can look back on and think that my loving, attentive, kind father was the boogeyman.”

I know it’s not much but I’ve been working on it slowly and I’m debating where I want to start posting (here or AO3). I would love any thoughts!

hear no evil, part 1


cw: drugs mention, past death mention (OD), mild physical whump

“The bar is…”

Glancing up, I gulped at the looming figure who locked the front door before approaching the bar at a steady stride. He was recognizable in an instant.

I whistled twice and jerked my arm back, clicked my mouth. “Closed,” I finished.

“I’m sure you can accomodate me,” my uncle (Whumper) corrected, slamming a knife on the bar top, probably as a threat.

It worked, sort of.

It was with great anxiety my shoe lingered, inching over to reach the silent alarm positioned in the under bar.

“I wouldn’t,” he warned, and my foot slipped away.

“Why are you ha, HA—here?” I asked, hands flexing, eyes squinting.

My tics always felt twenty times more amplified around him.

My uncle’s (Whumper’s) lips curled into a knowing smile; knowing he had me in his corner, knowing he had me scared. “It’s your birthday. Right?”

Still uncertain as to what the hell this was about—he hadn’t visited on any of my birthdays in particular, just showed up randomly throughout my life here and there to ask the same old question.

Maybe this time was different.


Another set of whistles and clicks that my arm joined in on by jolting upwards on.

“I brought you a proposition,” he stated, “as a present. Now that you’re 18.”

I squinted my eyes. “I’m… I turned 20 today.”

Whatever,” he growled, irritated at the correction. “If you decide to join—”

“Here we go,” I snarked, regretting my decision.

“—QUIET,” he bellowed, bringing a fist down.

Even my tics silenced for a moment until a whistle and a repetitive “eugh” let out.

If you decide to join the, shall we say—”

Highly esteemed cartel that deals the same drugs that killed my parents?”

ENOUGH, boy. You think this is a game?” my uncle (Whumper) snapped, storming over and rounding the bar top to me.

“N-no,” I stuttered, backing up.

“Or a joke?? Your father DIED owing me a debt. And I’m being GENEROUSby offering you a position as a falcon to repay it, and STILL offering you payment instead of forcing you to work like I should. Are we clear??”

“I-yes, but—”


“But your drugshurt people!” I protested.
The breath left my lungs as my uncle (Whumper) socked me in the stomach. “People hurt themselves.”

He picked up the knife still on the bar top and as I was doubled over, struck the handle down on the back of my neck a few times then planted his foot in my back, sending me sprawling on the floor at his feet. For some time, I don’t know how long, my lungs pleaded for air.

Clearly amused by my plight, my uncle (Whumper) chuckled and knelt down, roughly tilting my chin towards him. “Do say you’ll think about it, won’t you?”

“Fine,” I returned.

“Oh and uh…happy birthday, nephew.”

I had only just regained my footing again when the door to the bar closed, my uncle’s (Whumper’s) shadow vanishing from sight.

ask to be added if you like

hear no evil, introduction

tw: slightly? veiled? threat?

Life starts off so weird anyway. We’re passed around as screaming infants from person to person while they coo, laugh and aww about how cute we are, taking pictures and pointing out how much we resemble our parents.

We don’t resemble our parents, we don’t have our mom’s nose, our dad’s toes—we just came into this world covered in someone else’s blood; how can any part of us resemble them yet? Yet they all point out how precious our doe eyes are, how silky our hair is.

And that’s if you get a lovingfamily.

Me? I came out of the womb and they thought I was dead. I didn’t cry. I didn’t laugh. But I was breathing.

My family leaned in as a huddle when the doctor confirmed me alive but needed to monitor me for apnea. My uncle narrowed his eyes in observation, taking a hard, stone-cold look at me, then tipped his head over to my dad and whispered: “He’s gonna be the next one. Just wait and see.”

“Don’t bet on it,” Dad snarled.

“There’s a family history of them—you can’t tell me your child being so silent isn’t a sign of great skill!”

Damnit, don’t pin your shortcomings on my newborn SON just because of your desperate search for your next falco—”

My mother burst into tears as my uncle slammed the door, holding my swaddled body close.

ask to be added if you like


villain x hero’s kid 12 (final!!!!)


tw: swearing

“But your honor, she is LYING!”

“Oh will you, shut up, Hero, I have seen the evidence with my own eyes!”

“Well, you must be awfully blind,Villain!”



“—am not blind—”

Slam, slam.

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villain x hero’s kid 12 (final!!!!)


tw: swearing

“But your honor, she is LYING!”

“Oh will you, shut up, Hero, I have seen the evidence with my own eyes!”

“Well, you must be awfully blind,Villain!”



“—am not blind—”

Slam, slam.



“BITCH?! You’re the one who—”

“I SAID ORDER! Or you’ll be escorted out, one at a time! Hero’s Kid, come show me privately what you have.”

Looking to Villain for reassurance, Hero’s Kid received a nod of encouragement and followed the judge into his chambers.

Two weeks after the courtroom chaos, the judge made a decision. Hero’s Kid was placed into foster care, since no relative wanted to provide respite. She stayed in frequent touch with Villain, who was pardoned—along with Sidekick and the trainees—by The Mayor. Hero, Hero’s Husband and Hero’s Son were imprisoned for their extensive list of crimes.

Hero’s Kid should’ve been overjoyed but instead, she was heartbroken.

She had lost Villain. At least when she was sneaking out, she could actually seehim.

“I guess I just miss you, is all,” she said on one of their nightly phone calls. “What are you doing, anyway? Sounds like a lot of people.”

“I miss you too, kid. Oh, just got out of a meeting is all. Listen, you hang in there, okay? I’m sure we’ll be able to see you soon. Sidekick says hi.”

“Hi, Sidekick. I guess. …Take care.”

Villain exited the foster care training meeting and replied, “Sure will, sweetie. You too!”

Offended he would end the call so soon after she was clearly not okay, Hero’s Kid hung up and didn’t call or respond to future messages, however encouraging, for several weeks.

-I’m sorry I seemed absent. Miss you, kid.

-Hope you’re doing okay. Call me when you can.

-You’re strong, Hero’s Kid. Keep your head up. I’m here when you’re ready.

Hero’s Kid waited in the office for her Social Worker and sighed, reluctant to meet the next prospective foster placement.

The last home hadn’t worked out after she showed a little too much of an interest in weapons.

“Right this way,” the Social Worker’s voice was heard, and Hero’s Kid tensed up, ducking her head.

“Hero’s Kid? This is Villain, he’s considering fostering you,” the Social Worker introduced.

Standing so quickly, her blood pressure dropped, Hero’s Kid knocked over her chair, wholly in shock by the news. “You-wh-you are? What??”

Villain gave a gentle laugh. “Sorry I’ve been so, eh, distant lately. Lots of training to become a foster parent; Sidekick’s been taking respite care classes too. But I’d really like to foster you…if you’re open to it.”

“If I’m open to it?!”

Hero’s Kid pounced into a bear hug. She had only dreamed of something so wonderful.

“—but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. You can think about it and give us your answe—”

“No. I want to,” interrupted Hero’s Kid, holding Villain’s hand down the boardwalk and sipping her frappuccino. “If they’re really going to sign them, I want to.”

“She said they were, but you know her,” Villain snarked, shoving Hero’s Kid playfully.

“And you know me; I’ll makeher give them up if I have to.”

Hero’s Kid didn’t have to force Hero or her husband to give up parental rights at all. After the trouble she had caused them, disgusting as the simplicity was to the two of them, they were perfectly willing to sign her care over to Villain—permanently. The meeting was filled with uneasy tension, but once the papers were officially signed in the courthouse, Hero’s Kid exhaled all of her fear, turning to give one final look at Hero—the shell of the mother she once remembered herself to be so terrified of.

“You’re not the hero now, you know,” Hero scoffed, adorned only in khaki inmate apparel. “Not just because I’m locked up for now; I’m the hero. You’ll never be a hero.”

A guard began to escort Hero and her husband away but not before Hero’s Kid stepped forward, having decided on her response. “Mom?”

Hero turned, staring down Hero’s Kid with a glare that used to intimidate her.

“I am a hero. …Just not like you.”

Turning, Hero’s Kid joined hands with Villain and left the courtroom, her newly adoptive father beaming down at her with pride.

tag list (thank you for reading this series! it’s been fun!!): @jordanstrophe@whumpasaurus101@thewhumpmeisterx3000@digitalart-dwa@myst-in-the-mirror@freefallingup13@pickleking8@mercurymom@jadeocean46910@wolfeyedwitch@coolninjavoid@phantom-thiefx@sunflower1000@laves-here


villain x hero’s kid 11


a/n: should i wait till morning to post this? maybe. will i? FUCK NO! i’M TOO EXCITED TO BE BACK AFTER 3 FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!!

cw: killing/murder, bad parents (non-specific), swearing, guns/shooting

“I’ve got this, I’ve got this, I’ve got this. I don’t even know why I’m—OH-WHOA! That was a little sp-spooky,” Hero’s Kid singsonged to herself, briskly tearing through the underbrush, breaking past limbs that clung almost as tightly to her as her mother’s projection.

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villain x hero’s kid 11


a/n: should i wait till morning to post this? maybe. will i? FUCK NO! i’M TOO EXCITED TO BE BACK AFTER 3 FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!!

cw: killing/murder, bad parents (non-specific), swearing, guns/shooting

“I’ve got this, I’ve got this, I’ve got this. I don’t even know why I’m—OH-WHOA! That was a little sp-spooky,” Hero’s Kid singsonged to herself, briskly tearing through the underbrush, breaking past limbs that clung almost as tightly to her as her mother’s projection.

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villain x hero’s kid 11


a/n: should i wait till morning to post this? maybe. will i? FUCK NO! i’M TOO EXCITED TO BE BACK AFTER 3 FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!!

cw: killing/murder, bad parents (non-specific), swearing, guns/shooting

“I’ve got this, I’ve got this, I’ve got this. I don’t even know why I’m—OH-WHOA! That was a little sp-spooky,” Hero’s Kid singsonged to herself, briskly tearing through the underbrush, breaking past limbs that clung almost as tightly to her as her mother’s projection.

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villain x hero’s kid masterlist

Part One-“Kinda Hope We See Her Again”

Part Two-In Which Hero’s Kid Proves Herself to Villain

Part Three-A Loving “Family”

Part Four-Hero’s Kid: Town Freak

Part Five-Villain’s Full Observation

Part Six-A Little Intervention, Courtesy Sidekick

Part Seven-Hero’s Kid: Her Mother’s Traitor

Part Eight-Villain Doesn’t Take the Deal

Part Nine-Hero Has Backup…So Do We.

Part Ten-Never Even a Villain

Part Eleven-Meeting the Mayor, Confronting the Anger

Part Twelve - Coming Soon!

villain x hero’s kid picrew

please heed all individual part’s content warnings and enjoy! thank you!

tag list (feel free to ask to be added or removed ✌): @jordanstrophe@whumpasaurus101@thewhumpmeisterx3000@digitalart-dwa@myst-in-the-mirror@freefallingup13@pickleking8@mercurymom@jadeocean46910@laves-here@wolfeyedwitch@coolninjavoid@sunflower1000@phantom-thiefx

thanks for reading peeps!


villain x hero’s kid 11


a/n: should i wait till morning to post this? maybe. will i? FUCK NO! i’M TOO EXCITED TO BE BACK AFTER 3 FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!!

cw: killing/murder, bad parents (non-specific), swearing, guns/shooting

“I’ve got this, I’ve got this, I’ve got this. I don’t even know why I’m—OH-WHOA! That was a little sp-spooky,” Hero’s Kid singsonged to herself, briskly tearing through the underbrush, breaking past limbs that clung almost as tightly to her as her mother’s projection.

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villain x hero’s kid 11


a/n: should i wait till morning to post this? maybe. will i? FUCK NO! i’M TOO EXCITED TO BE BACK AFTER 3 FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!!

cw: killing/murder, bad parents (non-specific), swearing, guns/shooting

“I’ve got this, I’ve got this, I’ve got this. I don’t even know why I’m—OH-WHOA! That was a little sp-spooky,” Hero’s Kid singsonged to herself, briskly tearing through the underbrush, breaking past limbs that clung almost as tightly to her as her mother’s projection.

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villain x hero’s kid 11


a/n: should i wait till morning to post this? maybe. will i? FUCK NO! i’M TOO EXCITED TO BE BACK AFTER 3 FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!!

cw: killing/murder, bad parents (non-specific), swearing, guns/shooting

“I’ve got this, I’ve got this, I’ve got this. I don’t even know why I’m—OH-WHOA! That was a little sp-spooky,” Hero’s Kid singsonged to herself, briskly tearing through the underbrush, breaking past limbs that clung almost as tightly to her as her mother’s projection.

Keep reading

villain x hero’s kid 11


a/n: should i wait till morning to post this? maybe. will i? FUCK NO! i’M TOO EXCITED TO BE BACK AFTER 3 FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!!

cw: killing/murder, bad parents (non-specific), swearing, guns/shooting

“I’ve got this, I’ve got this, I’ve got this. I don’t even know why I’m—OH-WHOA! That was a little sp-spooky,” Hero’s Kid singsonged to herself, briskly tearing through the underbrush, breaking past limbs that clung almost as tightly to her as her mother’s projection.

Hero’s Kid was still in shock. This entire time, she had been told, overandover,that Villain was an evil, coldhearted criminal—one who could never be trusted, one who was dangerous. But in all actuality, Hero had been killing people to keep them quiet, threatening them to cover her tracks, covering her bloodstained hands with gloves of manipulation. Each accusation against Villain was truly a confession of her own. Hero was evil.

Holding this fury at being lied to for years close to her, Hero’s Kid was well on her way to tell the truth, now at a steady jog across town.

Back in the woods, Villain and Sidekick called orders through the walkie-talkies to only defend; not attack. This wouldn’t be a bloodbath unless Hero called for one.

“Villain, I know you’re out there, you scheming bastard,” Hero yelled, pistol held upright as she approached the shed.

“Sounds like you’re afraid of me,” he called back.

“I’mnot, dumbass, I’m sick of your bullshit. Give me my daughter; that’s why we’re all here. And where is my son??”

“In the shed,” Villain replied coolly, unfazed by this fake care for Hero’s Kid.

“Come out, then,” Hero demanded.

“Nah. No thanks.”


Hero began firing shots at the shed, and her backup followed suit, shooting rounds into the empty house like homicidal maniacs. Seeing no one evacuate, Hero held up her hand, waving them off. “Alright, alright already! Idiots! Just because I fucking fire doesn’t mean all of youshould!”

Villain laughed a hearty laugh from his hiding spot. “That was brilliant, Hero! Wasting all of your bullets on an old shed? Go on, do it again.”

“I suggest you shut the fuck up,” Hero snapped angrily, reloading her pistol.

“Again; no thanks.”

Knock, knock, knock.

“Hello? Mr. Mayor??” Hero’s Kid called out, out of breath from the remainder of her sprint.

It took a lot of convincing for the secretary to even let her in, and having The Mayor not even respond raised her heart into her throat. Hero’s Kid knocked again, tears pricking at her waterline.

This could be our one shot…

“M-Mr. Mayor? Please?”

“And just what do you think you’re doing??” Hero’s Husband demanded, approaching Hero’s Kid with a ferocity Hero’s Kid had never seen before.

She pinned herself against The Mayor’s door, eyes wide. What is he doing here??

“Please,please, Dad, I only wanted to—”

“You wanted to snitch, didn’t you? You changed sides, because you’re a little traitor. After everything we’ve done for you, too? Let’s go. We can’t keep doing this with you. I can’t believe you!” Hero’s Husband snarled.

“Dad, don’t! I was just trying t—”

“To get back at your mother? For doing the right thing?” he yelled, reaching for Hero’s Kid’s arm.

Before he could grab her wrist, The Mayor’s door swung open. “I beg your pardon? Is there a problem out here?” The Mayor asked.

No,” Hero’s Husband replied, shooting daggers at Hero’s Kid with a gaze of warning. “Everythi—”

“Y-yes!Please, Hero’s my m-mom and I know she w-works for you but I need to talk to you, please, sir, please—she’s doing something wrong, she’s…please, do you h-have a minute, I have to talk to you, Mr. Mayor, please!” Hero’s Kid begged, tears threatening to pool over.

The Mayor looked between Hero’s Kid and Hero’s Husband, seeing the desperation in one and rage in the other. “Come inside.”

Hero’s Kid bolted for the office, and when Hero’s Husband attempted to follow, The Mayor put his arm across the doorjamb. “Not you. Wait in the hall.”

Hero’s Kid took deep breaths to calm herself down as The Mayor locked the door behind him for security.

You’ve got this, sweetie. You’ve got this.

“So you; you’re Hero’s Kid. I’ve seen you around,” The Mayor began, taking a seat behind his desk. “You said Hero’s doing something wrong? What is she doing wrong?”

Hero’s Kid sat down in front of him, tapping her foot anxiously. “I-I know it might be hard to believe, sir, since…since you don’t know her like I do. But…but she says that V-Villain is the one killing people, a-and hurting others; she even says she-she is helping other people, but…but she isn’t. Villain and Sidekick have only ever helped others, sir, I…” A tear plopped into Hero’s Kid’s lap. “Hero—she’s the one killing innocent people. I’m sure it’s hard to b-believe—”

“It isn’t,” The Mayor answered, shaking his head. “I’ve had my doubts about Hero for a long time. Always wondered why she was so quick to be loved by all, and it was always so suspicious how people who filed complaints against her quickly turned up dead, presumably by Villain. But it’s not something the town would want to believe.”

Shocked that The Mayor was on her side, Hero’s Kid stared up at him in hope. “Can’t you help them believe it, sir? …All due respect.”

The Mayor shrugged quietly. “Afraid. See, I’d be attacked, too—who knows who by? I’m not strong enough to go against someone like Hero.”

“That’s what Villain thought until Hero went after his friend.”


“Villain actually thought he wasn’t strong enough to go after Hero—that’s why he never did—until she killed Sidekick’s and his close friend. The two of them taught trainees petty crimes as a coverup; a distraction; so they could warn whoever was on her hit list before they could be reached. Villain and Sidekick are good people, Mr. Mayor. My mom…isn’t. You’re not the only one afraid of her, but if we all stood up against her, we could actually take her down,” Hero’s Kid encouraged.

“So Villain wasn’t really committing mass murder, eh? Hm. I believe it. Villain was always my best student.”

“Huh? Student?”

The Mayor smiled at the curiosity. “Your mom and Villain trained at the academy where I was instructor; many years ago. Villain didn’t like the path Hero took. Don’t blame him. I could look into expunging his record if we really take Hero down. I just have to think of how.There’s not a goddamn way I can think of.”

The two sat in mutual silence for a few moments, both baffled not only by their shared disappointment, but their lack of ideas, until:

“Wait, Mr. Mayor… Doesn’t she have to…wear a body cam when she’s at work? Does anyone ever check that footage?”

“—about to snap, I just reallywant her to die,” Sidekick snapped, getting upset at Hero’s monolog.

“NO, don’t kill her, Sidekick, we can capture the four of them in a minute, now hold on,” Villain replied.

“Capture?? That’s not enough! She is explaining to us how she hurt Hero’s Kid!” came the whispered protest. “That’s fucked!”

“I know.”

“She’s a KID!”

Villain nodded, staring at the 20 men already taken down, not one of them from Villain’s side. “I know.”

The training methods Hero’s Kid had taught them worked. Stealth, precision, stamina. Each of them had been accounted for in this battle of wits and timing, until…


A bullet rang out from Sidekick’s gun.

He had had enough. Enough of the endless monologuing, enough of the lies. When Hero’s right hand man went down, Villain grabbed Sidekick’s gun from him and widened his eyes when a shot and blood splatter followed. Sidekick had been hit, right in the arm, but was able to keep mostly quiet.

“I told you not to fucking shoot just because you were angry!” Villain whisper-yelled, torniquiting Sidekick’s bicep.

Seeing Hero and the remaining 3 begin to approach their long-term hiding place, Villain picked up the radio and gave the signal. “Close in the best you can; we’ve got to capture them; close in and capture carefully,” he ordered, hearing his phone buzz.

He checked it quickly.

-good news: the mayor is going 2 help us he believes us. i hope everything is going ok there you got this s**t

Villain looked up in time to see Hero get tackled by 4 members of his team, leaving a semi-conscious Sidekick and sprinting for the finals to help. He was able to send a reply within 8 minutes.

-Going fine, kid. Great work; meet you in town. Send Sidekick well wishes, he got a boo-boo.

Some of the group took Sidekick to the emergency room, and the rest transported Hero and her surviving crew to The Mayor.

They’d see if he was truly going to help them now.


tag list (feel free to ask to be added or removed, and if i have forgotten to add you since last time, hit me up!): @jordanstrophe@whumpasaurus101@thewhumpmeisterx3000@digitalart-dwa@myst-in-the-mirror@freefallingup13@pickleking8@mercurymom@jadeocean46910@wolfeyedwitch@coolninjavoid@phantom-thiefx@sunflower1000@laves-here (if i’ve messed up the new one i’m sorry it used to be @lavmars and i think this is your new one i just haven’t postedin for + ever so i could be wrong )


So casually cruel

A closes their eyes against the harsh sting of B’s palm slapping their face. They’re hunched over with their hands on their knees. There’s not enough air in the world. Their chest burns from running so fast for so long, it feels as if they’re about to throw up.

B’s hand cups A’s cheek, grabbing the skin on their cheekbone painfully. ‘Get up. Fucking get up A, I swear,’ B yells.


A closes their eyes against the agonising pain of their wound. They keel over, dust parting as they thud onto the ground. It feels as if all they’ve ever known is blinding, burning pain. There’s not enough air in the world. Everything burns.

B skids to A’s side, cupping their cheek softly in their hand. They rub their thumb tenderly over A’s cheekbone. 'Get up. A please get up, I swear,’ B’s voice breaks on the edge of a sob.

Hidden Injury dialogue that makes my heart just stop beating

  • ‘Whose blood is that?’
  • 'Do you know how pale you look right now?’
  • 'You’re burning up’
  • 'You’re sick’
  • 'You can barely keep your eyes open.. When was the last time you slept?’
  • 'Take off your shirt. Don’t give me that look’
  • 'What was that? You winced.’
  • 'You’ve got to do better than that if you want to fool me’
  • 'Walk then. Come on, walk towards me. I bet you can’t even take a step’
  • 'You’re hurt’
  • 'I know you’re hurt. And I’m tired of waiting for you to bring it up’
  • 'You can trust me’ (Whumpee denies it) *Caretaker gives them a pat and leaves. The first aid kit sits in their place
  • 'I knew it, you’re sick.’ 'Go away’
  • 'I’m fine’
  • 'Don’t give me that bullshit’
  • 'We need to get you to a medic NOW’
  • 'I just need to rest’
  • Caretaker desperately shaking whumpee awake, calling their name over and over
  • 'How could you let it get this bad?’
  • 'I’m no use to you, injured’ 'You’re even less use if you’re dead’


Hero and Villain - a hurt/comfort scene

Hero lays bleeding as villain’s blade arcs down for the final blow. But it stops short.. Hero grits their teeth as they desperately hold the blade in their bare palm. Blood streams down their arm, splattering on their face.

Villain’s furrowed face mirrors theirs, pushing the blade against them.

‘Hero,’ their words are sharp. 'Let go.’

Hero is unrelenting- despite being mortally wounded their hand holds the blade firmly.

'Hero, you’ve lost. It’s over’ Villain’s tone is softer but still holds its devilish edge.

The edges of Hero’s vision turn fuzzy then dark. They’re fading. With one last burst of strength they pull the blade from Villain’s hand. Villain flinches as the momentum pulls them down, but the knife clatters away as Hero tosses it aside. Villain’s hands drop beside Hero’s head, their face just inches away.

Hero’s eyes look weakly into Villain’s.

'This was never about good versus evil’ Blood gurgles in Hero’s throat as they speak.

Villain cocks their head to the side, intrigued. 'What was it about then?’


'You think I love you?’ Villain’s voice grows deep yet doesn’t betray emotion.

'You fear..’ Hero coughs weakly, blood spraying onto Villain’s face. 'That you have broken the toy that promised never to break’ They breath shakingly. 'You cannot bear grief’

The corner of Villain’s mouth turns upward as they watch Hero’s eyes close and their breathing slow. 'Dear Hero, you cannot trick me into saving you’

Hero’s mouth opens slightly, 'What trick?’

And Villain’s face falls.

They roll onto their side, off of Hero’s body. Kneeling beside them, they place their hand on Hero’s neck - two fingers feeling for the pulse. The coldness of Hero’s skin is surprising but they kneel for a minute, feeling Hero’s pulse drop with every beat. Then when it’s a beat away from stopping, they yell.

'Help! There’s someone dying here!’

And run.

‘Help me’ - the moment of vulnerability trope

'Help me’

A normally stoic and stubborn character (A) painfully pushes the words out past their dry lips. The words themselves are wounded, barely unable to reach the other’s (B’s) ear. But they’re heard and the admission of weakness tightens B’s chest more than the sight of A writhing in a pool of their own blood. Their history doesn’t matter, really, when one is the picture of health and the other is closer to hell.

Help me - the phrase is so simple but it carries so much weight. Help you? For what in return? At what cost of my own? What if I can’t.. B’s eyes are widened as thoughts fill their mind. Yet they cannot waste time.

'Fuck it’

It’s a decisive thought, one to end all thoughts.

B bends down to staunch the wound and ties it up haphazardly. And when A starts to fade, they call their name. It’s almost casual at first but it grows in panic. And while they carry A to safety, they’re exhausted and panting but still, they call their name.

Why? Because they care. And seeing A hurt to the point they asked for help, wrenches them.

[The vulnerability trope is not just about a strong character succumbing to injury but also about the character who puts aside their coldness and finally admits that they’d seriously grieve if they lost the other]

Hoist the sails! It’s the Seasickness Trope, me hearties

  • The walkway on the water giving way as whumpee steps off of land, causing their knees to buckle slightly before they quickly correct themselves
  • Always being near the edge of the ship and keeping a firm grip on the railing
  • When whumpee has never been on water before but they lie when asked
  • Their pale face speckled with cold sweat
  • Dry, cracked lips
  • Gulping constantly, even hiccupping a bit when they speak to another character and pounding on their chest to try to get rid of that sickfeeling
  • The constant sway and creak of the boards beneath them, they cannot stand still without feeling lightheaded and dizzy
  • Walking or stumbling at a diagonal while the world spins around them
  • A headache forming, a bad one, with high pitched ringing
  • The contents of their stomach rising with a sudden heave
  • Sneaking away from the rest of the crew to rush to the toilet
  • Reaching for the edge of the seat and vomiting into it
  • It’s a lot and they cough miserably at the end before they let themselves fall back and lean against the wall gasping
  • But the ground beneath them won’t stop moving, their head is pounding heavier with every throb
  • Yet they drag themselves up, afraid of what the captain will say if they are missing from their post but when they stand, the vomit rises again and they collapse back down to throw up
  • The captain finding whumpee as a pale, sweaty mess on the floor and instead of being unkind they place whumpee’s arm around their shoulders and help them up
  • [Pirate ship with a found family vibe] The rest of the crew helping to make a brew that will cure whumpee’s seasickness and being so relieved to watch the colour return to their previously pale, sickly face

Dare I say

The only thing better than hurting a character so badly they faint, is waiting till they recover and enter confrontation (albeit bandaged, braced with a residual limp or stagger) before WHUMPING THEM AGAIN. IN THE SAME SPOT! LEAVING THEM MORE INJURED THEN THEY WERE BEFORE

And it’s not an argument without evidence:

  • The flash of white bandages around a character’s abdomen that peek out from inside torn clothing and the scarlet blood that blooms through their bandages as a sharp object is brutally stabbed into them. Their weapon clatters onto the ground before they collapse beside it, writhing and screaming in agony.
  • A character on crutches being pushed down stairs. The nauseating feeling of their injured leg crumpling under them as they fall, unable to do anything. The loud crash at the bottom, followed by heavy silence filled with the feeling of being so broken.
  • After spending days in bed, restless with intense fever, a character’s fever finally breaks. They start to eat again and move around, slowly regaining their strength. But it’s not fast enough; too soon, the character is forced to traverse an extremely harsh environment on little rest. Eventually, they’re overcome by intense hot and cold flashes and blurring vision as they collapse to the ground, convulsing.

What I’m actually thinking about 90% of the time is

The magic trope where character A uses some of their life source to heal character B’s otherwise fatal injury but as a result, B can now sense A’s energy level. When A is tired, the magic fades in proportion - the wound would throb if it was a small tired but grows more intense the more the magic dissipates.

Anyway the particular scene I love goes like:

A and B are separated in battle with A facing the big bad while B handles things on the ground, fighting off minions and evacuating civilians. B is running through the battlefield and they double over in pain as if someone is stabbing them over and over. They’re bleeding heavily, but there’s no one around them. B’s heart drops - the magic, the tether.. is just gone. Screaming A’s name, they stand, gripping their wound and leaning on their sword, and stagger towards the centre of conflict to find them.

Hey, escape with me for a minute

Character A: a healer that treats by absorbing pain, no one knows about their power they just think they’re an amazing healer, chatty, hilarious, never seen outside the healer’s tent


Character B: stoic soldier who can’t feel pain, has a menacing aura, not one for words but can’t help but smirk at A’s jokes, lots of emotional baggage

Scenes goes something like:

B is brought into the healer’s tent after sustaining a serious abdominal injury during battle. They’re losing consciousness and blood pours out of their wound. B is placed on the bed and A presses down on the wound with a cloth. They try to work their magic but there’s nothing. A removes the cloth, pressing into the wound with their bare hands, blood immediately coating their arms. Nothing. Shit, they have to do this the hard way.


When B wakes, they see A checking their fluids beside them. A looks pale and their breathing is shaky. Another patient screams on a bed somewhere. A inhales sharply, pressing a hand to their face and closing their eyes. When they open them, they see B’s eyes watching.
