


Things Fictional Introjects are: 

  • A real and valid part of having DID/OSDD.
  • Dissociated parts, just like the rest of their system.
  • Created by trauma, stress, overwhelming experiences, or the system’s inability to integrate new materials into existing alters/parts.
  • Centered around a “substitute belief” and can be based on characters and media that you have no strong attachment to or may not even like.
  • Worthy of the same care and support everyone in the system deserves.
  • Capable of growth beyond their source material. 

Things Fictional Introjects are not

  • The same thing as “kins” or “kinning” with something. 
  • Createdjustby liking, identifying with, being strongly attached to, or being attracted to a character. 
  • A completely different “type” of alter that should be treated differently than the rest of the system. 
  • An exact copy of their source. 
  • Incapable of growing beyond their source. 

[ This post is about Fictional Introjects as experienced by people with DID and OSDD. Please keep reblogs and replies relevant to DID/OSDD and dissociative experiences. ]
