#irene adler


Sherlock Masturbates the night before John’s wedding.

Now don’t get too excited, this may be about masturbation but you’re not going to feel much like masturbating after this one! This was good, I truly felt the shame and regret rolling off Sherlock here. It made sense that Sherlock would have a background where he felt sex and masturbation was a dirty, shameful thing. I think it fits in well with the shows characterization but doesn’t get tropey. I love love love the addition of Irene and Mary in this (no spoilers) which is a very rare thing to find in a Johnlock fic but fits Sherlock so well. Obviously this work is explicit, however I wouldn’t describe it as raunchy. If very intense sexual themes aren’t for you, you may still like this one. This isn’t a happy story, it’s pretty sad and lonely to be honest, but if you have a weak spot for pining Sherlock you’ll hate to love it.   

Word Count: 4,354

My Rating: B+

Read it here, fic by  AlessNox

Sherlock spends exactly nineteen seconds zoned out after John asks him to be best man. He retreats to his mind palace in the desperate hope of figuring out what he wants, unfortunately for him his mind palace is full of people who keep trying to give him advice.

I haven’t read fanfic in a very long time (as our lack of updates suggests) but a link to this was on my dash and I thought ‘what the hell’, expecting to close out of it right away (no offense, that’s just my relationship with fanfic these days) and it’s honestly really good. Like because of this I might actually start to read fic again, I know I’ll check out this author’s other works. The characterization, pacing, and expressions are spot on. It’s engaging and humorous, but pulls on your heart strings as well. This story exists only in Sherlock’s mind palace, and it’s amazing how the different elements from the show and the author combined. This is exactly how I want Sherlock’s mind palace to be, especially with the memories. Honestly well done, this is a great fic for people who love unrequited love fics and pining Sherlock!

My Rating: A
Word Count: 3727

Read it here, fic by 


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Wives wives wives wives they’re wives
