#it reminds me of my ghost boy



For those with more stoic, less likely to speak their affections, f/os;

Just think about the little things they do to show you that they love you.

• Maybe they make your favorite food (or at least attempt to) when you’ve had a long day.

• Or they let you use them as a pillow when it’s obvious you need a nap.

• They’ve definitely given you small treats and gifts before. Nothing major but you know they bought them with you in mind.

• Sometimes, it could be just laying in bed and they randomly pull you closer so they can hold you just a little tighter.

They may not say those 3 little words a lot, but they’re in everything they do for you.


Imagine you’re asleep, and your F/O whose been having trouble sleeping tonight looks over to your peaceful expression.

“S/I…” they mutter deep in thought as they look at your vulnerable state at the moment, they feel themselves fall under a spell.

They brush your hair from your face and look at you in awe. “Day in and day out you do so many amazing things, i wish you saw yourself the way i saw you.” Your F/O says.

But for now they decide it’s enough for them to wrap their arms around you, protecting you from the cruelty of the world.

In their heart they decided to protect and care for you forever.


♡ Imagine your grumpy f/o showing you affection! We all have that one grump who might find it hard to outwardly express how much they love you all the time, but on those nights when they want to hold you and tell you just that, grumpy expression and all, it’s always welcomed! Your grumpy f/o loves you so much!


Imagine having to wake up early, but your f/o is clinging to you in their sleep. You try to get free from their grasp to begin your long day, but they suddenly tighten their hug and mumble in their sleep, their voice a sweet plea.

“Don’t go…please…stay with me.”

You’re not going anywhere today. You are exactly where you should be.
