#fo x si



No one ever talks about this but like, do any of y'all have f/os that don’t have canon voices so you either have to either make one up yourself or find a headcanon voice?

I’ve found some voice actors that I’ve really liked the voice they do for him but for a long time I kinda imagined he sound like a more gravelly, slightly deeper version of Dean Winchester


For those with more stoic, less likely to speak their affections, f/os;

Just think about the little things they do to show you that they love you.

• Maybe they make your favorite food (or at least attempt to) when you’ve had a long day.

• Or they let you use them as a pillow when it’s obvious you need a nap.

• They’ve definitely given you small treats and gifts before. Nothing major but you know they bought them with you in mind.

• Sometimes, it could be just laying in bed and they randomly pull you closer so they can hold you just a little tighter.

They may not say those 3 little words a lot, but they’re in everything they do for you.


Y'know, I need some new music recommendations;

Selfshippers, name off some songs that remind you of your f/o or your relationship with them.


Imagine having to wake up early, but your f/o is clinging to you in their sleep. You try to get free from their grasp to begin your long day, but they suddenly tighten their hug and mumble in their sleep, their voice a sweet plea.

“Don’t go…please…stay with me.”

You’re not going anywhere today. You are exactly where you should be.

Imagine you having a fear of storms and your f/o’s first instinct is to cuddle with you until you feel better.

the most romantic thing in the world is when your f/o is fluent in another language and the first phrase they teach you when you ask is ‘I love you’.


Imagine your f/o wiping your tears with their thumb, holding you close. They see you in a raw, vulnerable state of being — and they’ll try their hardest to support, comfort, and help you. All without judgment.


Imagine your f/o stroking your cheek with their thumb before kissing your nose gently, you both giggle softly as your nose scrunches up.


Imagine being vulnerable about your relationship with your romantic f/o. They begin to open up. “I just feel lucky because you chose me out of anyone else. And for that, I am so grateful. Because it means I get to be with one of the most lovely people I’ve ever met, and I will never take that for granted.”


Imagine you and your F/O(s) taking a nap together! Maybe it’s sleeping in a little extra in the morning, or an afternoon snooze, or accidentally dozing off with your F/O.. regardless of the time, know that they absolutely love getting to hold you or getting to be held by you.. just remember that they love you wholeheartedly and love falling asleep with you and waking up to your amazing face.


Imagine holding hands with your f/o and swinging your arms gently as you two walk together.


friendly reminder that your big bad grumpy f/o has a soft spot exclusively for you ♡ no matter how prickly they may seem, they alwayshave time for you and want to know what’s on your mind. you’re so so special to them— they can never stay grouchy around you for long ♡


Imagine venting to your f/o about feeling left out or pushed aside in some of the connections you have. They look at you with caring eyes and say, “I notice, you know. I notice those times where you smile and reassure your loved ones that you’re okay. When it hurts to be brushed off during conversations and feel ignored when around people, but you keep quiet to keep things from getting chaotic. I see you, I hear you. I acknowledge you, your feelings, and existence. I want you to know that you never have to feel invisible, you’ll never be that way to me. Because when it comes to you, you’re who I constantly consider and think of with everything. You mean the world to me.”


friendly reminder that your f/o loves your body, no matter what ♡

stretch marks? your f/o is proud of how hard your body worked to grow, amazed at how your skin maps out the ways you’ve changed over time. you’ve come so far from the person you used to be— what lovely new person will you grow into next?

scars? your f/o gently traces them, fingers ghosting over your skin. you always bounce back; you wear proof that you’re always stronger than whatever hurts you. your f/o admires your strength, but the time for hurting is over. they’re by your side now— and whatever you face, you they won’t let you face alone anymore.

upset about your weight? your f/o sees you frowning at yourself in the mirror, wishing you could fit into different clothes, going on about how you shouldn’t do this or that. god, what they wouldn’t give for you to see yourself through their eyes— it’s you they love. the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh, how their breath catches in their throat at seeing you all soft and sleep-tousled in the morning, how perfectly you fit against them when you cuddle. they desperately wish you could see that they look at you with nothing but pure, unwavering love, no matter your size ♡


imagine your f/o getting jealous. that person you’re talking to keeps getting awfully close— dipping down to say things in your ear, playfully slapping your arm with a hand that lingers a little too long, watching your lips a little too intensely when you talk. an itchy heat crawls over their skin from across the room. they know that look. it’s the look that theyandthey alone give you, and they’re not willing to share with someone new.

imagine they take a long, slow breath to steady themselves and then stride over to casually throw an arm around your shoulders, squeezing you lightly into their side. “you two are getting along well, huh?” their smile slides to the person you were talking to, ice crackling in their eyes. “guess y/n just has that effect on people! i can’t believe i got so lucky~”

they press a pointed kiss to your cheek, delighting in the blush that creeps across your face and the flush of embarrassment on theirs. your new friend excuses themselves with an awkward mutter, disappearing back into the party as quickly as they’d appeared. even still, your f/o’s hold on your shoulder doesn’t loosen— they keep you tucked tightly against them the rest of the night. even the thought of someone looking at you like that again has their blood boiling
