#its not that hard


Can I trust people? Probably not. Do I trust people? I wish I did. But I can’t, and that’s my fault for choosing the wrong people to trust and setting expectations about it that were apparently too high for people to reach.

All you have to do is NOT lie to me. The most I’ll do if the truth upsets me is avoid you by reading books in the school fucking library, and I’ll be PERFECTLY FINE THE NEXT DAY.

It’s not that fucking difficult of a concept to grasp.

The coneheads could be so much cooler than what they get.The coneheads could be so much cooler than what they get.

The coneheads could be so much cooler than what they get.

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Guess the anime


Neuromancer Characters

Don’t manipulate my art. 

Haha, when your parent refers to you as the wrong gender, refers to your chosen name as “just a nickname”, deadnames you, and using the wrong pronouns all in one sentence.



Okay, I was initially soooo excited about 4hills for the women, but guys… This is literally the worst possible outcome. Garmisch for the women when the men are in Oberstdorf and vice versa? And the Austrian venues might even be other hills? So wtf is the difference between this and the Silvester tour then? No one will be watching them live in Garmisch when they could be in Oberstdorf to watch the men instead! And who would want to miss watching the traditional men’s new years day competition to go watch another “random” competition so close by?

Why is FIS being so idiotic and making the women compete with the men for an audience (which the men will no doubt win overwhelmingly) when they could’ve just let them jump on the same location without an overlap? But instead “no one” will come to the women’s venue just like always. And the TV networks will likely not cover it any more than they have covered other women’s competitions. What is even the point then? Why couldn’t they just fucking let the women have their competition on the men’s quali day, then the huge crowd that comes to watch the men’s quali can also watch a competition as well! But no, working around those logistics apparently isn’t worth it, so let’s just shove the women somewhere else instead

Getting the women to 4hills would be an amazing popularity boost for their sport if they could have the same audience and viewers as the men, but instead FIS is giving them competitions in another location that will overlap with the men’s! So counterproductive ffs!

i saw Juby’s dancing post and was inspired !!i might do more, i really want to add mettaton and muffi saw Juby’s dancing post and was inspired !!i might do more, i really want to add mettaton and muffi saw Juby’s dancing post and was inspired !!i might do more, i really want to add mettaton and muffi saw Juby’s dancing post and was inspired !!i might do more, i really want to add mettaton and muff

i saw Juby’s dancing post and was inspired !!

i might do more, i really want to add mettaton and muffet at least ♥

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So this dude today was talking all about the gym and how great it is but apparently thinks it’s impressive to walk a quarter mile. Like, I walk that much just going to class everyday.
