

As of today, I have now officially physically survived another year after being born and fully intend to make it everyone’sproblem.





i like mad scientists bc i think we should all get to indulge in being gay, evil, and insufferably smart

no more of that “im gay and stupid” nonsense im gay and smart and im building a man that will be my downfall

I’ve probably reblogged this before

Be gay, do crimes.


Insult names to use instead of “idiot,”

None of these are actually meant to be hateful, if any of these have truely offensive meanings (such as the r word) that I was unaware of, please tell me so I can remove it! Tried to avoid cursing, but it contains some!

  • Jerk
  • Ass-hat
  • Dumb-dumb
  • Dummy
  • Doofus
  • Dork
  • Stupid
  • Moron
  • Fool
  • Nincompoop
  • Oaf
  • Ninny
  • Blockhead
  • Dunce
  • Imbecile
  • Jack-ass
  • Dope
  • Nit-wit
  • Numbskull
  • Simpleton
  • Twit
  • Birdbrain
  • Bonehead
  • Buffoon
  • Dullard
  • Half-wit
  • Knucklehead
  • Ignoramus
  • Dingbat
  • Dumbbell
  • Loser
  • Addlepate
  • Muttonhead
  • Cretin
  • Goon
  • Pea Brain
  • Dull Pencil
  • Mole Rat
  • Turd

I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.

At my first concert!

Time to play bingo people!

Here’s mine, I got bingo three times!

… I need therapy :)

I feel too called out by too many of these.

Polar Bears are already endangered and it’s only getting worse.

According to researchers, Polar Bears are due to be extinct or nearly extinct by the end of the century.

Why might this be you ask? Well, there’s a few reasons but it all boils down to one thing: Global Warming.

Because of this, the icecaps that the polar bears depend on to survive are melting. Now, it can be argued that this isn’t that big a deal and the Polar Bears and go further south to solid land like they can do in the summer, but this isn’t fixing anything. Polar Bears can only go a few months without food, lasting that long thanks to stored up energy from their main food source, seals. But the Polar Bears can only hunt seals from the icecaps and there is simply not enough food on land to support the population of Polar Bears.

The Polar Bears are being forced away from their food supplies for longer and longer periods of time, this added to the fact that mother Polar Bears can no longer nurse their cubs for as long as they used to would lead to a quick decline for the reproduction and the survival of Polar Bears.

The Polar Bears will go extinct or be nearly extinct by the end of the century if we do not do anything to change the path our world is on. If we can reduce global warming before it’s too late, then we have a chance. Not just a chance to save the Polar Bears, but all the other species suffering and the environment itself.

I work with little kids all the time, I personally would like it if they could grow up not thinking that we did nothing to save the world we’re going to pass on to them one day.

Please share this post and make sure that people see this. I know things won’t change overnight, but I want to do as much I can at the moment.

I hate the English language.

Loved working with this cast and can’t wait to see all our hard work on stage!

Pro tip from people trying to flirt with others. Don’t wolf-whistle or catcall, don’t say something like “Hey, can I flex on you?” (actual example of what someone said to me when I was dressed femininely). When they say that they’re taken, don’t respond with “F*ck you!”, try something that doesn’t make you seem like a dick, because all of that will just make them uncomfortable. Try just being a decent human being and complimenting them like a normal person.

When you have four classes all back to back and three of them are all Chemistry 2 related


Haha, when your parent refers to you as the wrong gender, refers to your chosen name as “just a nickname”, deadnames you, and using the wrong pronouns all in one sentence.


Okay, how come Florida Atlantic University (FAU) can afford military grade equipment for the on-campus police, but not working elevators?


Okay, I am fucking ready to throw hands with the Florida Government. This “Don’t Say Gay” bill would prevent both LGBTQ children and teachers from talking about that. A literal child wouldn’t be able to talk about their own parents if their parents are LGBTQ. Not oy that, but this is severely detrimental to the mental health of both out and closeted children. I for one am disgusted by this bill and beg everyone to sign the petition to get it abolished. Signing is free and takes less than five minutes. Please, this legislation is disgusting, an infringement on people’s rights, and just plain fucked up.

Please share this!


Okay, I am fucking ready to throw hands with the Florida Government. This “Don’t Say Gay” bill would prevent both LGBTQ children and teachers from talking about that. A literal child wouldn’t be able to talk about their own parents if their parents are LGBTQ. Not oy that, but this is severely detrimental to the mental health of both out and closeted children. I for one am disgusted by this bill and beg everyone to sign the petition to get it abolished. Signing is free and takes less than five minutes. Please, this legislation is disgusting, an infringement on people’s rights, and just plain fucked up.

Please share this!

Was anyone going to tell me that neopronouns make my brain release happy chemicals, or was I just supposed to be reading a fanfic where characters were using neopronouns and have an internal crisis myself?
