#it’s fine


Me: is it wrong to persecute senior faculty?

Tristan: it depends on what they’ve done

Me: it’s more what they haven’t done. Which is my bidding.

Meet “Bob”!

Bob was purchased at an antique store (as a full shoulder mount) by one of my roommates, so that he could use his antlers for his own future mount. He didn’t want the form, just the antlers and the eyes, so I figured I would strip it and keep the form as a cool antique, since even before the removal of his antlers he was not in the best shape.

It took quite a bit, and he still has a little ways to go (especially around the mouth), but I’m so excited to be adding him to my collection. Can y’all believe he was mounted in ‘71?? Crazy.


patiently waiting for someone to fall in love with me. i refuse 2 date. i refuse 2 flirt or make a move. how could this go wrong.



me: what’s the point of working hard for hours on creating content if it’s just going to flop?
also, me: *opens photoshop*



a fictional man: *is kinda fucked up*

me: i want him so bad

it’s been two months since supergirl ended and i’m still weirdly annoyed at everything about it


“How did things go so wrong?!” My brother in Christ, you invited John Constantine to handle a supernatural issue.

Everything is Stupid but… aaaaaaaaaaaaa!

My Hoya callistophylla is blooming!

It is Tiny ™️ (1.25 inches maybe?) and smells vaguely of musty artificial lemon, but aaaaaaaaa!

She’s throwing a tiny tantrum (one leaf has unexplained spots and the growing tip of this stem dropped suddenly) but I think on the whole, she’s still doing great! Maybe I’ll be lucky enough that her second bloom will land on my birthday!


*through gritted teeth* it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be done. it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be done. it doesn’t have to be-
