#ive connected the dots


buck’s hair being all curly ‘cause he only thought to grab a handful of things before crashing at eddie’s and on that first morning when he’s complaining when he realises he didn’t grab any gel, eddie just casually mentions that he likes it curly and buck’s brain short-circuits for a second while eddie innocently hands him a cup of coffee over breakfast :)

i really like the transition from “free” to “choreomania” in dance fever. to go from, “and for a moment when i’m dancing i am free,” to dancing yourself to death, even if it’s metaphorical, is a great metaphor all on its own

how could i resist? its a classic! can’t believe it took @incorrectdisasterlineage for me to think of drawing it. yes this account is most of what i’ve been drawing but its good practice so,,

You can’t convince me that the first place Wanda’s going after she gets out of the rubble isn’t to reluctantly go find Agatha and get some answers.
