#ive done



a spell jar to get the person you like to ask you out if the feelings mutual


  • small container (i used an old heart eye-shadow container)
  • paper
  • pen
  • rosemary = love
  • basil = good luck, love
  • cinnamon (i used powder) = good luck, love
  • candle (i used a white one)
  • rose quartz (optional)
  • offering plate (optional)

  1. light your candle and write in the paper : i wish that (crush’s name) will ask me to be his (girl for me) friend
  2. fold it and put it inside the container
  3. put the basil, rosemary and cinnamon into the container and shut the lid
  4. take your candle and put some wax on the top
  5. once the wax is still liquid but not burning hot out your finger on it and pray to your dieties whilst focusing your energy to make your wish come true if the feelings mutual (i prayed to aphrodite)
  6. remove your finger and seal as best you can the jar edges
  7. (optional) use your pendulum and talk to your dieties. (i used my rose quartz necklace but i couldn’t seem to focus on it so stopped) or hold the rose quartz and focus your intent on the spell
  8. (optional) place any left over herbs (for me the rosemary), the jar and crystal on an offering plate by your bed or on your alter

some may find this manipulative magick. make sure when you’re doing the spell you tell your chosen deity for it to only work if the feelings mutual and that asking you out is not going to put harm on the person mentally or physically. however ultimately everyone’s magical morals are different so do what you thinks right or what you want


this is a simple incantation to find what is lost

“keeper of what disappears,

i call to the to ease my fears.

it holds my mind,

consumes my thoughts,

so guide me to what i have lost”

for best results try retracing the steps of where you lost the item. if you can’t find it in the place you’re looking pray to your deities (for me the theoi) and place it out of your mind. it will eventually show up.


this is an aphrodite inspired/dedicated rose water glamour


  • fresh rose petels
  • boiling water
  • spray bottle
  • jar/bowl

  1. fill the bowl with boiling water and place inside your fresh rose petels
  2. mix in the rose petels in a clock wise motion and visualise a glowing light filling the jar. also visualise what effect you want.
  3. (optional but i did) pray to aphrodite and dedicate the water to her. ask her to grant you with beauty,love etc every time you spray it
  4. let the petels sit for around 15 minutes then remove the petels and our water into jar
  5. when you need a boost or to refresh yourself spray over your face


a spell to help you absorb as much information as you can during last minute revision


  • tea light of any colour (i used white)
  • knife (i used scissors)
  • lavender oil = calming, helps with memory, aids anxiety
  • matches

  1. sitting at your alter (or closest place to it), ground yourself and try to become as calm as you can
  2. on your candle carve the initials of the subject your studying for and an eye
  3. drip a few drops of lavander oil onto the candle and your wrists
  4. light the candle and repeat “ i will pass this test. i can pass this test. (deities name) help me” whilst focusing all your energy into the flame
  5. bring the candle to we’re you’re studying and let it burn till it runs out


a curse to inflict all the pain a persons caused back at them


  • mint = visions, nightmares, paranoia
  • red pen = passion, hate, revenge, aggression, anger
  • rosemary = tainted dreams, nightmares, clouded vision
  • post it (sticky note)
  • matches
  • a place to bury
  • tag lock : i used hair
  1. write down an itemised list of everything the select person has done to you and/or other people
  2. place the tag lock and herbs on top of the post it and fold it twice
  3. place both hands around the post-it and repeat six times : you must know you have dept to pay, and your scorened will colllect one day. ( pass your magic into the post it)
  4. light the post it on fire and watch it burn until it’s black but still whole enough to hold
  5. take the matches used and post it note and bury them outside whilst praying to your dieties (for me theoi) or repeat the sentence

note : the pain they feel SHOULD finish once their dept is done and they’ve felt all the pain they’ve caused


friday 13th 2019: The person i cursed was complying of sleepless nights
