#iwaizumi x reader fluff


*GIFs not mine*

A/N: Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m back to my same old spiel of “it’s been a while” and “I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in (insert time) days!” Truth is, I just haven’t had the time to write like I know some of y’all haven’t had the time to read. However, I’m happy to be back, even if it is just for this one post. I hope y’all are doing good, and enjoy!

Word count: 1005


Bokuto Koutarou: 

  • While his falling asleep on you is usually an accident (considering it’s much easier to admire you while he’s awake), he certainly always makes the best of the situation. 
  • He nods off and his head slumps to your shoulder and instinctively you want to push him away because you just know him drooling is an inevitability but, no, a sleeping Bokuto is an adorable Bokuto.
  • He mumbles in his sleep. You’ve learned that from experience.
  • Black and white hairs tickle your neck but you don’t dare to scratch partly because one of his arms is already wrapped around you locking your own against your sides and partly because waking him would be a crime upon nature. 
  • It only tickles for a few moments anyway because in a matter of seconds he’s curling in deeper, snuggling his forehead against your throat while his legs clamber into your lap.
  • It’s awkward. It’s hot. It’s not quite a boyfriend cuddling his girlfriend and more so a koala straddling a tree branch. 
  • But it’s a classic Bokuto cuddle-bordering-on-suffocation situation so you settle in for what will be an awkward, hot bus ride. 
  • And eventually you lean your head on his and fall asleep because, eh, why not.
  • Konoha totally has pictures that he sells to Bokuto later

Tsukishima Kei: 

  • More often than not, when Tsukishima Kei falls asleep on the bus, he goes full turtle. 
  • Blond head perched back on the top of the bus seat, headphones around his neck while his mouth hangs open in a soundless snore. This dude is usually conked
  • (He’s learned to sit near the front of the bus lest he risk another session of “What can Kageyama and Tanaka throw into Tsukishima’s mouth?”)
  • So when his head lolls to the side and rests ever so delicately on the edge of your shoulder, you freeze like a deer in headlights. 
  • This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so don’t you dare screw it up. 
  • However… his glasses press really hard into the bony part of your shoulder. 
  • At first, you try to suffer through the pain, taking timed, measured breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. 
  • Then you contemplate humming to distract yourself, but you drop that strategy the instant he twitches on your first note. 
  • It’s too much. Come on, there’s no way there isn’t a bruise there by now!
  • The constant digging of plastic into your bone is insufferable at this point. You needed to eradicate the problem if this rare event was to continue.
  • You inch your right hand up ever so slowly, keeping your breathing steady so as to not frighten the flighty creature resting upon you. 
  • You turn your head just a touch and your chin brushes the hair atop his head, but he doesn’t disturb one bit at the slight tousle–thank God.
  • With two pinching fingers you grab the frames and remove them with the delicate touch of butterfly wings. 
  • Almost there… almost… have them…
  • Then Tsukishima stirs. 
  • “Screw it.” You yank the glasses away and drop them into your lap before returning your hand to the side of his face. 
  • “YN, what are you-” he cuts off in a grunt as you shove his head back onto your shoulder. 
  • “Shhhh.”
  • “YN.” His voice is muffled from his face being smushed into your shirt.
  • “Shhhh. Don’t ruin it.”
  • “YN-”
  • “Escape is futile.” You pat his cheek as the rest of his body squirms like a fish caught in a net. “Accept your fate, Tsukki.”

Iwaizumi Hajime: 

  • Sticky. Sweaty. Warm. 
  • You have no doubt that as soon as Iwaizumi wakes up, you will have to peel your shirt from his face like a sticker. 
  • But you figure he deserves the rest. He played a great game and is understandably worn out. 
  • And you’d be damned if you didn’t want to play pillow for him from time to time. 
  • No, he’s not your boyfriend, but you certainly wish he was. 
  • One of his hands fell onto your thigh the second he drifted off and your own hovers over it, an eagle waiting to land. 
  • God, he’s so warm. Like a personal heater. The bus was pretty cold too considering Iwaizumi had the bright idea of leaving your seat’s window open for whatever reason. 
  • The first time you complained about the cold, he offered you his jacket. However, two seconds after his offer your cheeks were burning enough to warm the rest of your body so refused. 
  • And now here you were, almost losing consciousness yourself on account of how comfortable you’d grown in this position. 
  • A nap… surely a nap wouldn’t hurt. 
  • Today’s game had asked for a five a.m. arrival at the school, one seven hour bus ride down to the opponent, and one returning. It was understandable that you were exhausted yourself. 
  • The eagle landed and your drooping eyes slipped closed. Iwaizumi’s hair–so soft–felt like the perfect cushion as you slipped into warm, deep sleep. 
  • The soft pressure on Iwaizumi’s head allowed for a small smile to grow on his face. 
  • Fucking finally.
  • Just one eye peered open and though he couldn’t see much, your hand resting flat on his just so happened to be the perfect sight. 
  • He waited until your breathing truly evened out before moving, slowly flipping his hand palm up and intertwining your fingers between his. 
  • His eyes began to blur once more and he gave your hand a gentle squeeze before giving in to the tiredness completely, grinning at the soft sigh you released. 
  • Yes. Finally.

“baby steps” 

iwaizumi x reader

genre: domestic fluff (dad/husband iwa)

note: here comes my baby fever word vomit. this also had not been edited.

about fifteen months ago, you told iwaizumi that you were pregnant with his child through the phone as he was at work. you remember ushijima of all people answering hesitantly informing you that your husband had needed a minute, having just fainted.

he’d ended the training with the team early, rushing back to you, engulfing you in his arms the moment he saw you. since then, he took care of you, helping you through out the struggles of pregnancy: holding your hair back whenever you had morning sickness and concocting whatever food you craved, no matter how gross. 

six months ago, he held your hand in the delivery room as you gave birth to your daughter. after nearly ten hours of labor, you held your daughter in your arms. looking over to your side, iwaizumi was too shocked to even express himself. his glassy eyes giving away his emotions. 

“hajime,” you cooed, just as speechless as him. in your arms you cradled the small infant as iwaizumi’s arm wrapped around her. looking at him with a soft gaze, you brought her to him, “hold her, love.” 

he held his breath, holding her like she was made of glass. you watched, your felt the same flutter in your heart when you first met your husband. iwaizumi smiled, both to you and to your daughter, finally letting go of a sigh. he leaned towards her, gently placing a kiss on her forehead. over the moon was an understatement. 

iwaizumi looks at you lovingly, “i love you.” he reminds you, and you return the feeling. iwaizumi lets a single joyous tear run down his cheek, “i love us.”he mentions the new human resting in his arms. 

now, six long, sleepless months after that, your daughter, mizuki, is just over a year old. iwaizumi can’t believe it, it feels like he just blinked his eyes and his little girl was already getting so much bigger. 

he’s seen all the milestones, her first word, which he proudly reminds everyone were ‘da-da’ to which you only teased: “nine months of pregnancy, ten hours of labor only for her to like you more.” 

now, your daughter, stands between the two of you in her nursery, it’s past her bedtime and the olympics start tomorrow. everyone of you should be in bed but both you and iwaizumi watch her with wide eyes. 

“get your camera haji.” you instruct him. she’s been close to taking her first steps for a while, was this really going to be it? 

“come to da-da, mizuki.” he calls, his arms wide and ready to catch her in case she trots over to him and falls. to which she giggles at her name being said. mizuki took one step and both of you cheered with glee. 

iwaizumi was still recording, another step, you sat behind her, encouraging her to go towards iwaizumi. a big smile was displayed across your face as she finally made it, her last steps being more of hopes. 

“she did it! she did it!” you both chanted, iwaizumi gave her a big kiss to the forehead ending the video. you sat back, watching with happy tears forming in your eyes. 

mizuki was clapping her hands, joining in on the excitement as she sat in iwaizumi’s arm. the two of you stood and he brought you and his daughter in for one big hug. 

he too, was feeling all the emotions he assumed his own parents felt when he took his first steps. it was a moment he didn’t think he’d ever experience with anything else. he kissed your lips, adrenaline pumping through your veins. 

you praised your daughter, catching iwaizumi staring at you. you grinned, unaware of the thought on his mind. 

he was so in love with not just you but with the family you two had created. that no matter how things went down at the olympics tommrow, that this would be his happiest, proudest moments. 
