#izuku midoriya x you


They discover that his girlfriend is a cosplayer


Part 1: Bakugo and Dabi

Izuku Midoriya

❖ He found out from Mineta …

Aizawa hadn’t come to the classroom yet so you were talking to Izuku about the new series you were watching when Mineta spoke:

“Hey Y / n, the Black Widow cosplay was hot,” she said getting everyone’s attention.

“I thought I had blocked your account” you replied with a frown.

“Do you cosplay?” the green-haired boy asked in surprise.

“I thought you already knew,” you said just as surprised.

❖ Weeks ago you had sent photos to Izuku with different All Might wigs. He thought you were just playing around, not that you bought the wigs to cosplay.

❖ After the revelation Izuku started stalking your Tik Tok account, he liked and left nice comments … he also reported every new account that Mineta became.

❖Do you want to cosplay Mystique or Starfire? Don’t worry, your precious boyfriend has no problem helping you with the painting.

❖ Don’t you know what cosplay to do? It’s okay! Izuku can tell you hundreds of hero names.

❖ Izuku has no problem helping you record although he sometimes can’t help but utter a “cute” or “cute” in the middle of the recording causing the two of you to blush.

❖ Your followers already know of the existence of your boyfriend thanks to that.

❖ You noticed that Izuku looked a lot at your All Might costumes and wigs so you suggested that they do a cosplay together.

❖ And that’s how they ended an All Might and Sir Nighteye cosplay… Because of you people began to ship the two heroes.

“Next time we can be Eraserhead and Present Mic,” you said already starting to look for their costumes online.

On the other hand, Izuku was panicking thinking how this could have angered his mentors. He was still safe because All Might nor Nighteye texted him.

“Are you crazy? Do you want Aizawa sensei to kick us out of class?”

“It’s just a cosplay” you pouted but still couldn’t get away with it.

Shoto Todoroki

❖ He found out from you, you told him … Of course, Shoto had no idea what cosplay was so you had to tell him to explain everything.

“Why do you do it?” asked your boyfriend “You don’t earn anything”

You didn’t take it the wrong way, you knew he was just curious.

“I’m just having fun”

❖Shoto doesn’t really care; he just likes everything even though he has no idea what character you’re in costume.

❖ Sometimes he helps you style your wigs. At first, he did it just because he wanted to spend time with you but then he ended up liking it, for some reason relaxes him.

❖After hearing Bakugo call Shoto “copy of Zuko” you couldn’t stop thinking about your boyfriend dressed as Zuko.

❖ One day you took courage and asked him to do a cosplay with you. You wanted him to be Zuko while you would be Katara.

“Shoto, I’d like you to cosplay with me,” you said in the middle of lunch “Just if you want, I don’t want you to feel obligated” you clarified quickly while moving your hands nervously.

“Okay” he replied taking your hands making you blush “Show me”

❖ And that’s how Shoto ended up watching Avatar with you.

❖ Taking advantage of the fact that Endeavor wanted to fix their relationship, Shoto used the old man’s card to buy the best quality costumes.

❖ You thought that Shoto was only going to want to take pictures so you were surprised when he saw that he was learning the dialogues of some scenes to be able to do tik toks.

“Why do you pause it all the time?” you asked confused.

“I’m writing the dialogues so I can learn it. I also want to see the expressions well. I don’t want to embarrass you.”

“Aww, Shooo!” you took his face in your hands and began to spread kisses everywhere “You are the best, I would never be ashamed of you” you smiled “Besides just taking pictures of us I’m fine”

❖In the end, they did both. And you two ended up trending on Tik Tok, you managed to increase your followers.

❖ Shoto ended up liking it so they made more videos of different scenes. Even some of the incorrect quotes and Q&A.


Y / n: Momo, do you know that you are the person I love the most in the world?

Momo: What do you want?

Y / n: Can you create this costume for me? * you show him an Alice in Wonderland costume * Please!

Momo: Y / n, three days ago I made you a Belle costume.

Y / n: It’s not my fault I’m poor! * you pout *

I made a kofi so if you want you can help me by giving me a tip or asking for a commission: https://ko-fi.com/mai_dragoste

I would greatly appreciate it

tags:; spiderman!izuku x reader, established relationship, fluff, manga spoilers, kissing, domestic fluff

wc: 863

a/n: i saw that tiktok artist @alehkus draw spider-man izuku and it’s been plaguing my mind so i wrote this. it’s not my best and i didn’t proofread but whatever i need to start writing like i used to and hopefully i’ll get back to before


Izuku was rushing around the apartment as you were half asleep face buried into the mattress. It was 6am too early for any human to be functional except your boyfriend who was currently late for patrol. He was running around like a chicken without a head throwing clothes on the floor and lifting items up. 

After another two minutes of hurried shuffling you turned your face to the side eyed still sealed shut, “Honey what are you doing?”

He paused with wide eyed surprised you were awake even with all the noise he was making, “I can’t find my belt or shoes.” 

“Under the kitchen table babe.” You sighed before turning your face into the mattress your brain succumbing to the darkness of the pillow and falling back asleep. 

“Thank you!” He yelled 

Izuku ran into the kitchen and let out a sigh in relief before changing and running out the door without a second thought. 

You kept him sane. 

It was a Saturday so you slept until 12 before finally getting up to an empty bed. No shock there Izuku was a workaholic. 

You moved around the apartment noticing the path of hurricane Izuku when he was rushing around this morning and began to clean. Clothes and items everywhere. 

Izuku was on patrol and came to a realization around 9am. He didn’t get a kiss or hear I love you from your lips. It’s this realization that put him in a bad mood. 

After two defeating two criminals he was getting antsy. Your kisses to him were lucky and not getting one from you could make or break his day. 

He didn’t get off of work until 6 and he couldn’t wait that long but he was still on patrol.

It wasn’t until 12 that he was patrolling in the city near your apartment

You were in your own world cleaning your apartment. Still in pajamas, hair tied up, and music playing you were in the bedroom picking up scattered items and clothes from the previous busy week. 

Izuku turned down a street and noticed he was only a block away from your apartment. He could be in and out in a couple minutes to see you and his brain wouldn’t be plagued with his mistake from earlier. 

Screw it.

Using black whip he hopped onto the roof building and swung himself to the 11th floor window that you resided in. 

Peering inside he saw your familiar back of your head sitting on the floor of your bedroom. You were in one of his oversized shirts, sitting criss cross apple sauce with piles of laundry around you and headphones residing in your ears.

He held against the building and started to push against the glass. You whipped your head at the noise with scared eyes until you recognized who it was and sighed. 

Izuku yanked up his mask and gave you a smile leaning into the bedroom. 

“What are you doing here?” You said walking towards the window as he sat on the ledge allowing you stand in between his thighs. 

He pouted with warm eyes, “ I didn’t get a kiss from you this morning, beautiful.”

Izuku’s eyes were crackling with green electricity from his use of black whip, slightly chapped lips, and a loving expression on his face, with his mask resting just above his hairline allowing some curls to escape.

“You came back home for that?” Wrapping your arms around his neck and his around your waist.

“Of course your kisses give me good luck.” He shrugged his thumbs caressing you.

“If you insist.” You smiled bringing one hand to his freckled face and one to the nape of his neck lightly tugging on his hair. Izuku snaking his tongue in your mouth to deepen the kiss, pressing you further into him. 

“I love you.” He said in between gasps of air. 

“I love you too.” Izuku continued pressing his lips into yours soaking up whatever time he had left with you, even if it was a couple minutes. 

“Okay you have to go to work.” You laughed giving him a slight push. 

He groaned in response dropping his head on your shoulder before you gently moved his face back up. Gently using your pointer to connect the dots with his freckles making both of you smile. 


Leaning to the side you saw a new scratch on his face. Assuming correctly it was a villain he defeated earlier that day. 

“Zuzu you have to be careful okay?” You sighed giving him a kiss on his new mark. 

“Of course angel.”

“Go, and you better come back to me.” You whispered foreheads leaning against each other. His hands tightly on your waist and pressing against his abdomen. 

Being a pro hero was so dangerous and it was a risk every time he stepped through the door. 

“Always.” He replied giving you one last quick kiss. 

Izuku leaned back from the window dropping from your view. He knew it gave you a mini heart attack each time he did it but he wasn’t worried. Getting an earful from you at dinner before you smother him with love didn’t seem to bad. 
