#izuku x you


Deku headcannon

You and Deku are huge bibliophiles. Your favorite dates are when you go to book stores and get stuck there for hours picking out new books. Deku loves knowledge. He loves to study but he had a love for fantasy and adventure books.

For your anniversary he built you both a study in your house where you can both share your love of books. Now your free time is spent reading books together.

Dekus favorite time in the study is cuddling up to you on the round love seat. He loves carrying you in his lap while he rests his book on your thighs. It’s the perfect position to kiss your forehead and play with your hair. You’re both there for hours, him holding you to him and you being held.

Your favorite reading position is when you drapp your legs over his and he lays a hand on your legs caressing them sweetly. Ever so often you look at each other and he smiles at you with the sweetest smile, eyes glowing with love.

Pet names ft. Todoroki and Deku

because I think we all need some fluff in our lives <3


  • HEHASALIST (alongside his list of ideas for dates, ways to ask you out, and your favorite things)
  • If he really liked a certain pet name his mom said, he read in manga, heard on tv, or whatever, he wrote it down for when he actually had a partner to use them on. So now that he does… it’s go time
  • He was still really shy and awkward about it at first
  • Literally practiced in front of a mirror, only to bury his head in a towel when he felt ridiculous about it
  • Yes, he overthought every single pet name. Was it too basic? Too weird? Didn’t suit you well? Too much of a mouthful? Would it embarrass you?
  • But after he realized how much you liked pet names, he became a downright natural with it :) sure, he’s a bit more reserved in public, but he has SO many pet names for you in private
  • He uses honey, sweetie, anddear in public most of the time. They’re simple and don’t extract much attention
  • Cupcakeandsweetheartare used quite commonly when it’s just the two of you
  • When he’s feeling goofy he’ll call you cutieor one of those rambling/gibberish type pet names like shnookums
  • Angelandpreciousare generally used when something is wrong, like when you’re upset and Izuku is trying to be as comforting as possible
  • If you have a hero name, he probably has some form of a nickname for you based on that :)
  • He doesn’t add my to the front of a lot of pet names because he isn’t super possessive? I mean he’s obviously stoked to be with you, but he isn’t that outwardly possessive because he’s always worried about being overbearing

-Todoroki Shoto-

  • Given his childhood, pet names are a bit difficult for him. He’s not exactly used to using them or being called them
  • That’s not to say he dislikes it. He thinks that pet names are an endearing thing people in relationships, romantic or otherwise, use to show affection. He likes when you call him pet names, though you’re probably the only person who can notice his faint blush
  • Sometimes, he feels kind of bad about it. He sees all these other couples that have cute pet names for one another. You do the same for him, but he… doesn’t. He doesn’t mention this to you though, because he already feels like enough of a problem with the way you help him with his trauma and uncertainties with affection
  • So he does his best to figure out pet names for you on his own
  • It’s slow work, but he eventually finds a few he likes this probably involved bad advice from Kaminari and Sero. He recites them a lot, but no matter how much he practices, he can’t help but feel that… they don’t sound right in his voice
  • The first pet name he calls you is dear. His heart is racing, but the way you smile at him is all the reward he needs
  • Dear is basically the only pet name that he uses for you in public, though he may slip up and use the more endearing ones when he doesn’t realize people are listening
  • Love, honey, anddearest are used pretty commonly in private
  • He tends to use sweetheartordarlingwhen he’s extra grateful for having you
  • Preciousorbabyare used when you’re having a rough time, and his voice is always so gentle when he says it
  • Prince/princess for when he’s spoiling you after stealing Endeavor’s credit cards


tags:; izuku x reader, mentions of cheating, insecure reader, sad reader, angst to fluff, cute ending

wc: 2.7k


The image in front of you made your heart claw up your throat and drop to the pits of your stomach at the same time. 


You knew Izuku wouldn’t cheat on you. He was your little Zuzu, your baby but he didn’t know you were in the room and watching this happen. 

Hatsume was rubbing his arms up and down, batting her eyelashes at him, and flirting. He was flustered at her words and actions because she was bold, leaning towards him so he would get a better view of her cleavage as she spoke about his costume and what she could do for him. 

Izuku was completely red stuttering his words eyes trying to not stare at her but failing looking completely enchanted by her. 

Hatsume looked at you for a split second with a smug look on her face before pressing herself up against him once again, as if she was stalking her claim on your boyfriend. 

You had bad anger issues. like REALLY bad anger issues. You didn’t like your emotions controlling you and the scene in front of you was making your hands itch to grab something and start smashing.

You got up and left going back to the dorm room. 

He wouldn’t cheat…right? But he didn’t push her away or do anything to signal her to stop.

Climbing into bed you went to sleep. 

Screaming at him or begging him to not cheat wouldn’t do anything. There was nothing you could do to stop it, if your boyfriend wanted to cheat he was going to. 

Sleeping til 3pm the next day, missing class, several texts, and meals was what happened the second you closed your eyes. 

Izuku swung by your dorm around 4pm to see if you were okay and to drop off notes for you. 

“Baby? are you okay i didn’t see you in class.” He asked sitting on your bed. 

“Yeah im okay.” 

He breathed out a sigh of relief, “Okay good.”

You were being paranoid, he wouldn’t cheat on you he loves you. 

“I just wanted to stop by but I have to go see Hatsume for my costume measurements. She’s so talented.” 

Your stomach soured at his words. 


Izuku was always hyper aware of your mood and noticed how you shuffled uncomfortably at his words slightly moving away. 

“What’s wrong?” He asked concern filling his pretty green eyes grabbing one of your hands brushing your knuckles with his scarred thumb. 

“Nothing, you should go you’re going to be late.” You weakly smiled at him. 

“Are you sure? You can talk to me love.” He was trying to coax it out of you but failing. 

“Yeah I’ll see you later.” 

“Okay…can I have a kiss?” He asked his eyes hopeful.

You leaned into him giving him a soft kiss before pulling away. He smiled at you before hurriedly shoving on his shoes not wanting to be late. 

“Bye I love you.” 

“Bye Izuku.” you said at the last second as he closed the door. 

It wasn’t until he was in the elevator when his heart dropped in realization. 

You called him Izuku. 

You didn’t say i love you.

He went to the meeting with Hatsume as she kept flirting with him but he honestly didn’t notice to busy wondering why you called him Izuku. 

Maybe it was on accident? 


You made it a point to call him a petname or his favorite Zuzu. And the kiss, you didnt rub his freckles or neck and you never just gave him a peck. Always giving him multiple kisses, calling him affectionate names to give you both butterflies. 

Did he do something to upset you? Were you not feeling well? What was wrong?

He was in his own world making Hatsume frown. She was in a cropped wife beater showing off her boobs in the best way and he was busy staring at the floor in deep thought. She rubbed her hands up and down his body for measurements, leaned over to pick up a pen to give him direct view down her cleavage, batted her eyes at him, complimented him, and nothing. He didn’t give a single response, didn’t turn red, stutter or anything to acknowledge her besides following directions. 

You cried when he left and took a nap. You didn’t want to be awake thinking when he was most likely getting fondled by Hatsume. You really loved him and didn’t want to break up even if he was cheating as sad as it was to say. 

You woke up a couple hours later and just worked on your homework not paying attention to your phone. 

He called you twice and texted you 4 times since his meeting and you weren’t responding making him anxious. 

Izuku didn’t want to bombard you with messages over yourresponse but something was off about you and it made him worried. 

At the lunch the next day you finally got to see him again. He sat next to you and you didn’t pull away giving him hope. 

“Hi love.” He nervously said watching your movements. 

You quickly glanced at him offering him a small smile “Hi.”

“I got something for you.” He said fishing through his book bag. He wanted to cheer you up from this visible cloud hanging over your head. 

“Oh you didn’t have to.” You two weren’t big on gift giving as a couple. 

“No i wanted to.” He insisted pulling out a small wrapped box.

Tearing off the paper, it was your favorite candy that you rarely got to eat, from a shop across the city. 

Your eyes lit up at the gift, “Thank you this is nice Zuzu.” It warmed your heart that he still thought about you. 

He breathed out a sigh of relief. 

You offered him one but he shook his head, “Nope they’re all for you.”

“Are you sure?” You frowned 

“Yeah I felt bad you deserve it putting up with me.” He nodded 

You stopped mid chew at his words. 

You two weren’t a gift giving couple

And I deserve a gift…for putting up with him

You had your suspicions but those words somehow confirmed what you were thinking. 

He was cheating and he felt bad about it so he got you a gift. 

The candy in your mouth now had the texture of chalk and you were holding back tears. 

“Lovey what’s wrong?” Izuku frowned at your stiffness. You were happy just a second ago.

You cleared your throat to stop it from blocking up, “Nothing I just forgot to do something.” You lied packing up your stuff and running out of the cafeteria before he could follow. 

Booking straight for your dorm room you needed to go to bed. You were going to have a breakdown. 

Making it just in time as tears started to fall you shut off the lights and collapsed in bed crying. Not caring that you would miss the rest of the day, or that you just left Izuku for lunch or anything. 

Your pillow was soaked in tears that seemed unable to stop falling. You thought he was different. He treated you like a princess and was unlike any guy you met before. So you put your guard down and fell in love with him only to be feeling the same way you did with every other guy before. 

At least Izuku said that he felt bad and he got you a gift, that’s more than what your other boyfriends did. 

He was always the nicest.

Izuku was confused and stressed out. You were happy when you got the gift then immediately shut down and ran off on him. He couldn’t even chase you down because he would miss class. He upset you to the point of ditching class and running off, over a gift? It didn’t seem like you to do that so what did he do to make you this upset? 

Ever since you left, he started mumbling trying to piece together everything and failing. 

The entire class was on their last nerve with him when it was nonstop muttering. 

“Midoriya? Are you okay?” Ochaco asked worriedly at his behavior watching strings of words float in and out of his brain. 

“I gave her the candy-oh um no.” He deflated at his words. He hated when you were upset and now you were upset with him. So much so that you ran off. 

“What’s wrong?” Ochaco asked worries about Izuku. 

“It’s y/n she won’t talk to me and she’s upset.” Izuku said frustrated. 

“Where is she?” She looked around the classroom noticing your empty seat. 

“She ran off because she was upset.” He said slumping in his seat. 

“Oh…um what did you do?” Ochaco asked

“I-I don’t know and it’s stressing me out because I want to fix it.” 

“Just sit down and talk to her im sure you two will work it out.” She suggested patting his shoulder 

“Yeah. you’re right.” He agreed anxiously waiting for the bell to dismiss so he could find you. 

He picked up his suit from Hatsume and went straight to your room hoping to find you there. 

Izuku opened the door to a dark room and you cuddling your favorite stuffed animal with tear streaks dried on your sleeping face. He turned on a small lamp at your nightstand and rubbed your back until you started to stir in your sleep. 

He felt awful, you were so upset and he was the reason. 

Opening your eyes you saw familiar green eyes and fluffy hair staring at you. Your eyes widened sitting up at his presence. 

Kneeling he slowly sat next you in bed not wanting to make you uncomfortable. 

“Hi Izuku.” you yawned wiping your wet face, hoping he didn’t notice.

“Can you please just tell me what’s wrong, i’ll fix it, i just don’t want you upset.” He pleaded puppy eyes blinking at you. 

You sighed scrubbing your face with your hands. “You hurt my feelings really badly but don’t worry I’ll get over it soon.” 

“What did I do? I’m sorry.” His lips trembled. Guilt was eating him up inside the more he watched and listened to you. 

Oh he wanted you to say it. 

You looked down and saw the familiar bag that all support classes gave heroes once their costume was done. 

He went to see her before coming here. The bag kind of felt like a slap in your face only making you more upset. 

“I know you’re with Hatsume. If you are going to keep on seeing her could you just not let me know. I know that’s a lot to ask…But um don’t worry I’ll get over it and i won’t hold it against you. You already said you felt bad and you got me a gift.” You reassured chewing your lips, eyes burning from the tears you refused to let fall. It felt like knives were digging in your chest. You didn’t think you would have to have this talk with him. 

Izuku stopped breathing at your words. 

You thought he was cheating on you. 

You, the one he completely adored and couldn’t imagine a life without. You. who could make him physically ill at the thought of being upset. who he wanted to be held and loved by til the day he died. 


“Could you just not let me know?” You repeated fiddling with your stuffed animal for emotional support. You tried to not stare at the bag on the floor but you were failing. It was like a symbol that you failed in another relationship.

You couldn’t look at him and say this, it hurt too much. 

“Why would-you think- but…i.” He was at a lost for words

You thought he was cheating on you and forgave him already. 

“I would-i could never cheat on you. Why do you think that?” He asked almost shaking. You didn’t look at him the entire conversation just playing with your stuffed toy. 

You wouldn’t look at him. 

He grabbed your wrist, “Baby please just talk to me why do you think that?” 

You stopped moving your hand and slowly looked him in the eye. 

“I saw you during the fitting and how she was acting towards you and you didn’t do to stop her while I was there. I saw the way you were acting with her. And you’ve been going by yourself a lot…” 

Yeah it was true that Hatsume was flirty with him but after a while he got used to it and doesn’t even notice. He usually didn’t notice at all with other girls since he started liking you but Hatsume was so forward with him it sometimes tripped him up. But he didn’t even let the thought pass through his brain. 

“I’ve only been going over there for only costumes please baby you have to believe me. I would never ever cheat on you. Hatsume does flirt and it sometimes gets me nervous but i don’t even think about touching another girl. I love you too much to even put myself in a situation where I can lose you.” He pleaded trying to make you believe him. 

“Can you just give me the decency to not lie about it. This is hard enough as it is.” You insisted. 

“I’m not baby please you have to believe me.” 

You sighed in response trying to not choke on tears.

Izuku frowned rethinking your words from earlier, “Wait what do you mean 

I felt bad and got you a gift?”

You tilted your head, “You got me those candies Izuku. I know they were hard to get, thank you I really appreciated them. 

He was at a lost for words, how could you be thanking him right now?

“No! That’s not…i got you those candies because you were sad and I couldn’t do anything to fix it so I felt bad.” He said eyes widened in shock now realizing why you ran off. You thought he was giving you a gift for cheating. 

He felt sick. 

You looked so sad and tired, you could barely hold eye contact with him. 

He only wanted to make you smile. You were sad because of him making him start to cry. 

“Please I love you so much I would never.” Tears starting to fall down his freckled cheeks. 

“Don’t cry Izuku.” you said wiping his face.

“You don’t trust me anymore and i don’t know how to fix this.” He sobbed “It is just a costume, I would never jeopardize what we have for anything, I love you too much.” He begged trying to grab your hands but you’re trying to resist. 

You felt conflicted. Initially you had no doubt in your mind that he would ever cheat on you but he kept going over there.

 But it’s also your Zuzu who would bring your flowers randomly, pick you up whenever you wanted, loved cuddling with you, spent all his free time with you, and looked at you like you hung the stars. He is an amazing boyfriend. He wasn’t like your exes. Were you just projecting because of the past? 

After a beat of silence you said in a small voice, “You really only went over there for modifications.”

His teary emerald eyes widened at your words, “Yes! yes nothing more. She tried to flirt with me but I always left and came to you.” 



He had never lied to you before. Ever. He couldn’t even keep secrets for more than ten minutes without wanting to explode. 

“Okay I believe you.” You said feeling a weight lift off of your chest. 

“Really?” More tears streaming down his face. 

“Yes Zuzu.” You nodded. 

Izuku tackled you onto the bed sobbing even harder. His hands tightly holding onto you like you were going to disappear. 

“I love you thank you for trusting me. I’m sorry that I made you uncomfortable and let it get that that point. ” He said buried in your chest. 

“Thank you for the apology baby. I know you didn’t mean it.” 

You ran your hands through his hair to relax him until he fell asleep. His hands still firmly gripping your shirt even asleep.

“I love you too.”

tags:; spiderman!izuku x reader, established relationship, fluff, manga spoilers, kissing, domestic fluff

wc: 863

a/n: i saw that tiktok artist @alehkus draw spider-man izuku and it’s been plaguing my mind so i wrote this. it’s not my best and i didn’t proofread but whatever i need to start writing like i used to and hopefully i’ll get back to before


Izuku was rushing around the apartment as you were half asleep face buried into the mattress. It was 6am too early for any human to be functional except your boyfriend who was currently late for patrol. He was running around like a chicken without a head throwing clothes on the floor and lifting items up. 

After another two minutes of hurried shuffling you turned your face to the side eyed still sealed shut, “Honey what are you doing?”

He paused with wide eyed surprised you were awake even with all the noise he was making, “I can’t find my belt or shoes.” 

“Under the kitchen table babe.” You sighed before turning your face into the mattress your brain succumbing to the darkness of the pillow and falling back asleep. 

“Thank you!” He yelled 

Izuku ran into the kitchen and let out a sigh in relief before changing and running out the door without a second thought. 

You kept him sane. 

It was a Saturday so you slept until 12 before finally getting up to an empty bed. No shock there Izuku was a workaholic. 

You moved around the apartment noticing the path of hurricane Izuku when he was rushing around this morning and began to clean. Clothes and items everywhere. 

Izuku was on patrol and came to a realization around 9am. He didn’t get a kiss or hear I love you from your lips. It’s this realization that put him in a bad mood. 

After two defeating two criminals he was getting antsy. Your kisses to him were lucky and not getting one from you could make or break his day. 

He didn’t get off of work until 6 and he couldn’t wait that long but he was still on patrol.

It wasn’t until 12 that he was patrolling in the city near your apartment

You were in your own world cleaning your apartment. Still in pajamas, hair tied up, and music playing you were in the bedroom picking up scattered items and clothes from the previous busy week. 

Izuku turned down a street and noticed he was only a block away from your apartment. He could be in and out in a couple minutes to see you and his brain wouldn’t be plagued with his mistake from earlier. 

Screw it.

Using black whip he hopped onto the roof building and swung himself to the 11th floor window that you resided in. 

Peering inside he saw your familiar back of your head sitting on the floor of your bedroom. You were in one of his oversized shirts, sitting criss cross apple sauce with piles of laundry around you and headphones residing in your ears.

He held against the building and started to push against the glass. You whipped your head at the noise with scared eyes until you recognized who it was and sighed. 

Izuku yanked up his mask and gave you a smile leaning into the bedroom. 

“What are you doing here?” You said walking towards the window as he sat on the ledge allowing you stand in between his thighs. 

He pouted with warm eyes, “ I didn’t get a kiss from you this morning, beautiful.”

Izuku’s eyes were crackling with green electricity from his use of black whip, slightly chapped lips, and a loving expression on his face, with his mask resting just above his hairline allowing some curls to escape.

“You came back home for that?” Wrapping your arms around his neck and his around your waist.

“Of course your kisses give me good luck.” He shrugged his thumbs caressing you.

“If you insist.” You smiled bringing one hand to his freckled face and one to the nape of his neck lightly tugging on his hair. Izuku snaking his tongue in your mouth to deepen the kiss, pressing you further into him. 

“I love you.” He said in between gasps of air. 

“I love you too.” Izuku continued pressing his lips into yours soaking up whatever time he had left with you, even if it was a couple minutes. 

“Okay you have to go to work.” You laughed giving him a slight push. 

He groaned in response dropping his head on your shoulder before you gently moved his face back up. Gently using your pointer to connect the dots with his freckles making both of you smile. 


Leaning to the side you saw a new scratch on his face. Assuming correctly it was a villain he defeated earlier that day. 

“Zuzu you have to be careful okay?” You sighed giving him a kiss on his new mark. 

“Of course angel.”

“Go, and you better come back to me.” You whispered foreheads leaning against each other. His hands tightly on your waist and pressing against his abdomen. 

Being a pro hero was so dangerous and it was a risk every time he stepped through the door. 

“Always.” He replied giving you one last quick kiss. 

Izuku leaned back from the window dropping from your view. He knew it gave you a mini heart attack each time he did it but he wasn’t worried. Getting an earful from you at dinner before you smother him with love didn’t seem to bad. 


tags:; fluff, mentions of food, izuku x reader, cute ending, super short

wc: 355

Izuku loves seeing you when he’s working. He loves seeing you in general but you going out of your way to see him at work makes his chest feel warm.

You walked through his lobby and waved at his receptionist. She waved you through, recognizing you from the picture on Izuku’s desk.

Opening the door you saw Izuku hunched over his desk completing paperwork.

“Hi, baby.” You called out holding out his lunch.

His head swung in your direction at the sound of your voice. Pulling back his chair and standing up, his hands reached out for you.

“Hi, sweetheart. What are you doing here?” Eyes lighting up at your presence.

His full height was a whole head taller than you and he kissed the top of your head. “I wanted to see you,” you said holding onto him.

You dropped his lunch on his desk and cupped his face. Holding his face in your hands you gave him multiple kisses turning his freckled face red, his hands wrapped around your waist.

“How was your day I missed you.” You asked combing your hands through his curly green hair.

“Good now that you’re here.” He admitted leaning into your touch.

“I know you would skip lunch so I brought it for you.” You nudged the box on his desk.

“Thank you, love.”

“Okay, I just wanted to say hi. I don’t want to distract you.” You began to pull away but he tightened his grip around your waist. “Don’t you want to eat lunch with me?” He pouted

“Are you sure I know you’re busy with paperwork?” You leaned to the side-eyeing the heavy stack filling his desk up.

“I’m sure please I want to spend time with you.” He nodded pulling you into his lap.

You spent the hour talking to him about your own work drama in his lap feeding him and stealing some of his own lunch for yourself.

This week you were discussing two of your coworkers having a very obvious affair, giving him chopsticks full of rice so he couldn’t even respond; only giving you small nods. You were so distracted you stole some of the food you packed for him.

Not that he minded, whatever was his was yours, including the ring box resting in his pocket.

Leaving at night prank


tags:; tiktok prank, tired izuku, established relationship, domestic, living together, happy ending
wc: 411

“Zuzu.” You whispered nudging him awake looking over him.

Izuku was sleeping in bed softly snoring, jumping awake at your soft touch.

“Huh? yes baby.” He yawned blinking up at you.

“I’m just letting you know that i’m going for a walk, so you don’t worry where I am. Go back to sleep.” You whispered running your hands through his hair to pull him back to sleep.

“Okay baby.”

You got up kissing his cheek and turning away.

Izuku rolled over and squinted looking at the window and noticing how dark it is, whipping his head to the alarm clock on the dresser saying 10:38 pm.

He shot up out of bed scrambling with the blankets on him trying to catch you before you left without him.


You were in the bathroom wide eyes at his panicked reaction.

“What’s wrong Izu.” you asked

He was out of breath, only in boxers, blankets wrapped around his legs, and frantic eyes.

“I thought you already left.” He sighed out in relief leaning his forehead on your shoulder.

“I was about to go…”

“No! It’s dark outside you can’t walk alone it’s too dangerous.” He said putting his hands on your waist.

“It’s just walking around the park I’ll be fine.” You tried to reason.

“No baby it’s not safe to go by yourself. Let me go with you.” He tried to compromise.

His bags were heavy under his eyes and he had been working so many shifts.

“You’re tired I’ll be 20 minutes.”

He didn’t like telling you what to do.

“No I’m not let me put on my shoes. Going on a walk with you will be good for me.” He lied walking back into the bedroom.

Okay the joke was over you didn’t want him to fully get up.

“Never mind Zuzu I’m feeling kind of lazy do you want to cuddle instead?” You asked shutting off bathroom light and laying in bed.

“A-are you sure.” He asked in the middle of throwing on a hoodie.

“Yep I want to cuddle you and your abs.” Stretching out your hand for him to grab

He yanked his hoodie off and fell on top of you with a groan.

“Please don’t go off by yourself. If anything happens to you I won’t be able to handle it.”

You rubbed his abs making his cheeks flush and gave him little kisses, “I’m sorry.”

“I love you.”

“I love you more.”
