#jackie and hyde


This is one of the most romantic gestures anyone can make to their significant other.

Seriously, I will never forgive the season 8 writers of That 70’s Show for robbing us of a happy ending for Jackie and Hyde. They belonged together.

New Chapter of That ‘70s Show Fanfic

Title: Strangers in the Night Chapter 5

Summary:After suffering the loss of each their spouses, neighbors Red Forman and Kitty Halpert come up with a sleeping arrangement so that neither one of them have to face a lonely night in their empty houses again.The arrangement causes quite a buzz in their small town as well as within their families.

Red’s daughter Jackie claims she’s never seen him happier. However, Kitty’s son, Eric who is going through his own marital troubles, does not like or trust Red because of Red’s darker past. And though Red gets the approval of Eric’s son, as well as Eric’s best friend and Kitty’s adopted son Steven Hyde, Eric’s dislike for Red does anything but lessen.

Still Red and Kitty continue to spend their nights-and their days-together, and as they learn more about each other their bond grows stronger. Could an unconventional sleep arrangement lead the way to a second chance at love?

Alternate Universe, give it a shot, but please be kind!

Pairings:Red/Kitty, Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna



NEW Chapter of That ‘70s Show FanFic

Title: Strangers in the Night- Chapter 4

Jackie’s first appearance in the story, think some of you might enjoy this chapter, hope you will!

Summary:After suffering the loss of each their spouses, neighbors Red Forman and Kitty Halpert come up with a sleeping arrangement so that neither one of them have to face a lonely night in their empty houses again.The arrangement causes quite a buzz in their small town as well as within their families.

Red’s daughter Jackie claims she’s never seen him happier. However, Kitty’s son, Eric who is going through his own marital troubles, does not like or trust Red because of Red’s darker past. And though Red gets the approval of Eric’s son, as well as Eric’s best friend and Kitty’s adopted son Steven Hyde, Eric’s dislike for Red does anything but lessen.

Still Red and Kitty continue to spend their nights-and their days-together, and as they learn more about each other their bond grows stronger. Could an unconventional sleep arrangement lead the way to a second chance at love?

Alternate Universe, give it a shot, but please be kind!

Pairings: Red/Kitty, Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna



NEW Chapter of That ‘70s Show FanFiction

Title: Strangers in the Night- Chapter 8

Summary: After suffering the loss of each their spouses, neighbors Red Forman and Kitty Halpert come up with a sleeping arrangement so that neither one of them have to face a lonely night in their empty houses again.The arrangement causes quite a buzz in their small town as well as within their families.

Red’s daughter Jackie claims she’s never seen him happier. However, Kitty’s son, Eric who is going through his own marital troubles, does not like or trust Red because of Red’s darker past. And though Red gets the approval of Eric’s son, as well as Eric’s best friend and Kitty’s adopted son Steven Hyde, Eric’s dislike for Red does anything but lessen.

Still Red and Kitty continue to spend their nights-and their days-together, and as they learn more about each other their bond grows stronger. Could an unconventional sleep arrangement lead the way to a second chance at love?

Alternate Universe, give it a shot, but please be kind!

Pairings:Red/Kitty, Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna



NEW Chapter of That ‘70s Show Fanfiction

Title: Strangers in the Night- Chapter 7

Summary:After suffering the loss of each their spouses, neighbors Red Forman and Kitty Halpert come up with a sleeping arrangement so that neither one of them have to face a lonely night in their empty houses again.The arrangement causes quite a buzz in their small town as well as within their families.

Red’s daughter Jackie claims she’s never seen him happier. However, Kitty’s son, Eric who is going through his own marital troubles, does not like or trust Red because of Red’s darker past. And though Red gets the approval of Eric’s son, as well as Eric’s best friend and Kitty’s adopted son Steven Hyde, Eric’s dislike for Red does anything but lessen.

Still Red and Kitty continue to spend their nights-and their days-together, and as they learn more about each other their bond grows stronger. Could an unconventional sleep arrangement lead the way to a second chance at love?

Alternate Universe, give it a shot, but please be kind!

Pairings:Red/Kitty, Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna




One thing I love about Jackie and Hyde’s relationship and something and why I find it by far the best relationship on the show is that their intimacy doesn’t have to be defined by sex.  If you look at the other couplings (among the “teen” cast) they literally talk about sex all the time and sex is always used as  a humorous plot device.  The relationship between Jackie and Hyde seems much too mature to be constantly making sexual jokes.


There is a huge contrast in Jackie and Hyde’s relationship compared to Jackie’s relationship with Kelso.  The Kelso/Jackie relationship was really only about sex, which was always used as a means of providing humor; whereas, Jackie and Hyde are really the only couple to never once be mentioned as having sex.  It can definitely be assumed that they definitely are but it is never made nearly as explicit as the other relationships on the show.

It makes a nice change in a show where, despite loving it, I do notice a lot of the humor does come from sexual situations/jokes from the characters of Fez, Kelso, and Eric.  All three characters are constantly thinking, wanting, talking, and/or having sex. It nearly seems to define aspects of their characters and their romantic relationships.  To think of relationships as being defined by sex is and  immature outlook– and this does fit the different levels of immaturity of their characters.

These views on relationships compared to Jackie and Hyde’s relationship really just works to emphasize Jackie and Hyde’s characters as having matured more than their friends regarding relationships.  This is also true when compared to their earlier selves from earlier seasons.


Hyde in earlier seasons seemed to talk more about sex and would joke about it more. Yet, he clearly viewed relationships more seriously as depicted through his views regarding Kelso’s cheating while Kelso and Jackie were together.  As the seasons go on these traits become stronger (for obvious reasons) and while he will joke with his friends regarding sex it is never nearly as explicit as the other three guys in the group.  In Hyde’s mind Jackie is the complete opposite of him and on some level her immaturity and personality seems to influence his opinion of her– but despite this, he is mature enough to care for her and know that Kelso is in the wrong in his treatment of her. 


This is also why I think Jackie showed early attraction to Hyde– whenever these moments would happen it was when Hyde was reacting to Jackie’s emotional vulnerability, and not with sex, but genuine care and protectiveness. 

Unfortunately, she doesn’t handle them maturely as she has not yet fully come into herself and her understanding of a strong relationship.  But I do see these moments of having an emotional connection with Hyde, without the expectation of sex, and therefore arguably very intimate moments, as preparing her for a more mature relationship by experiencing what is missing from her relationship with Kelso.


Jackie in earlier seasons is clearly vain and generally sleeps with Kelso after being pressured into it (maybe not explicitly) or she uses sex to control him.  Sure, they know each other (such as likes and dislikes), but their emotional connection is very shallow– even more so by Kelso’s constant cheating and views of sex.  Even Jackie herself views sex very immaturely early on– but it makes sense as Kelso was literally her first everything (love, sex,  relationship).  Their relationship started when she was younger than the other members of the group. She seems to fall more into the relationship and stay in it mostly because it is her first serious relationship.  Everything about it is immature.


But oddly, whenever she needs emotional support she doesn’t often turn to Kelso (even in the very early seasons!)– she turns to Hyde.  

She is mature enough to look past what she would claim she dislikes about Hyde and is willing to accept his support and advice regarding things.  She recognizes that Hyde would provide her with emotional support that Kelso can not provide in his constant immaturity.  He never even really seems to attempt to understand or connect with Jackie on an emotional level.


When they actually become a couple Hyde’s maturity regarding relationships reasserts itself with reminders that he never liked Kelso’s cheating on Jackie.  I enjoyed these moments because it was a great reminder of how Hyde has always defended Jackie on this topic (even when he supposedly disliked her).  Kelso, again, goes to sex or things he clearly thinks would lead to sex when thinking about any opportunity when Jackie might come to him for emotional support during problems…the kicker is that she either turns to Donna or literally talks to Hyde about the problems.  Kelso and Jackie never talked about problems in their relationship; whereas, Jackie and Hyde tend to confront them together.


As the seasons go on both characters only mature more regarding relationships and it comes to fruition when their relationship begins, and continues to grow throughout their relationship.  Even if their romantic relationship is initially begun through make out sessions born of boredom it quickly becomes more– their is a clear sexual attraction but what really sells the couple is the emotional bond and maturity.  In fact, the sexual factor becomes almost absent after their initial 1-2 episodes as a couple and the two decide that they actually are a couple and not just a fling.  It is as if they literally can’t see them selves in such a relationship— they want more.


Their relationship is quickly depicted as being about more than sex but there is still a very deep and easy intimacy between them that I really love. They are always showing small forms of affection and simple forms of intimacy.

Sitting on laps, arms around each other, holding hands, etc.  This implies a contentment in just being near each other– simple, but effective and intimate.


 Their maturity in their relationship is further emphasized by depicting how polar opposite Jackie’s relationship with Kelso was.  Hyde cheats.  Not that it is ever a good thing, Where Kelso continuously did so with purpose Hyde did so in a misunderstanding.  Where Kelso would lie regarding his affairs Hyde immediately comes clean and confesses everything to Jackie.  While the bombshell did cause a hick up in the relationship I believe it was the maturity they showed in actually confessing to and discussing the issue. 

It was similar to the two confronting the issue regarding Jackie’s slip of calling Kelso her boyfriend and being a little jealous.  Yes, it was a fight, but neither ignored the problem and ultimately confronting the problem was healthy for them.  Jackie was very mature in her explanation of how Kelso was her first love, Hyde listens, voices his concerns, and he listens to her in return.

their maturity in a relationship is further emphasized by not only how they learn to compromise in order to not only better themselves but their relationship. They are both genuinely aware of each other as noted by each several times in the show. both accept each other’s quirks and compromise where and when necessary.  For example, when they discuss the idea of gifts.  Jackie, as usual, has high expectations and likes nice things.  Hyde thinks gift giving is ridiculous.  After discussing the issue they come to a compromise that they both find acceptable.

Hyde even gives her one of his favorite shirts, which used, black and of a rock band, all of which Jackie would normally hate.  But ultimately Jackie expresses appreciation for the gift.


It should also be noted that even though the discussion of sex between Jackie and Hyde is zero and no jokes are made regarding it (maybe some assumptions, like her being caught staying at the Foreman’s), they are the most entertaining couples on the show because they offer something different then the other couples.  If you had to compare them to any couple they would be most similar to Red and Kitty– a couple that doesn’t seem to really match but greatly compliments each other and is a great balance of physical and emotional intimacy.


They are two opposites that actually work together to better each other but the continued differences in their characters as they grow to care for and love each other is what provides the humor.  They mature, yes, but do they completely change who they are– no.   They are both aware of their differences but it is ultimately that fact that they’re different that makes the relationship work.


The humor in this couple comes from their actual care of and for each other rather than constant sexual jokes.  When I think of the funniest moments that I enjoyed the most…most of the moments that I think of involve these two.


Interestingly, while in early seasons the differences they saw between them was initially something they claimed to greatly dislike each other when they become a couple it was those same differences what they ultimately like most about each other, as Jackie has admitted– she likes that Hyde makes her less shallow and think more deeply.   


And vice versa she makes Hyde a little softer.


That is where the humor comes in– seeing the changes in the characters, their shock at realizing it, as well as others noticing it, and their not sexual but highly relationship based humor.
