#jamie fox


Spider-Man: No Way Home is a more heartfelt, better thought out, better acted, more pleasant version of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. 

Instead of magical creatures it’s villains from across the multiverse that our hero accidentally unleashes on New York and has to collect. The hero pays the price for what he’s done. Spider-Man might find the memory spell undone in some yet to be determined sequel, and that would be a waste, but right now I like to imagine there are Warner execs getting yelled at (we want a billion dollars and can’t have it because we made an aggressively bad FB sequel, wahhhh).

Jon Watts makes it look easy. He draws a better performance out of Garfield than Marc Webb, and I say that with a lot of respect for Garfield. I think he was really good this year in The Eyes of Tammy Faye (I’ll see Tick, Tick, Boom this week).

MJ is canonized as MJ Watson and actually a character in this movie. The story is less high school centric which works in its favor. We get to spend more meaningful time with Peter, Ned, and MJ and let Willem Dafoe, Jamie Fox, and Alfred Molina show off. 

Marisa Tomei broke my heart in a good way. They actually say THE LINE in this movie. 

No Way Home is an improvement on its predecessors and a worthy capstone to a trilogy. Love it.
