#jamil viper x reader


300-400+ Followers Event!

Slice Of Life

Thank you all so much for your support! This particular event is just fluffy slice of life for your soul.


▪ONE character at a time! You can request more than once!

▪NO angst or yandere, this event is just fluff

▪If you want to be anonymous, I’m afraid you’ll have to message me privately and ask me to blur your name since I have no anon option

▪Choose ONE scenario from the list below (since it’ll be long becuase I’m excited):

Rainy Day

Beach Trip

First Date




Meeting the Parents


Love Language

Their Behavior Around You Vs Other People


Moving In Together

Babysitting For A Friend

How You Met


Wedding Planning

Wedding/Getting Married

Pre-Wedding Jitters

Starting A Family?

Have fun and enjoy!


mozus trein: what happened in 1492

vil: my makeup stays pristine 

cater: i wanna go on a trip

deuce: mrooow

jamil: kalim’s probably hungry…

jack: i got distracted by the cat

Messin’ With You (Jamil Viper) Evanescent

Table of Contents

  • Genre: Fluff, romance, slice of life
  • Word Count: 3,340
  • Pairing: Reader x Jamil
  • World: Twisted Wonderland
  • Prompt162 – “If they mess with you, they’re messing with me.”
  • Note: There is one line that mentions the word “girlfriend” but other than that, it’s gender-neutral.


You yawned, arms stretched above your head as you walked down the empty hallway. The moon was shining brightly outside, casting rays of moonlight through the windows. As usual, you had stayed up later than you should have playing games with Idia until Ortho made him go to sleep. You should have gone, as well, but you hadn’t gotten a chance to eat before your gaming session began and there was no way you could sleep on an empty stomach.

Students weren’t technically allowed to raid the kitchen, but the staff was rarely around so late at night. Well, technically it was early morning. Either way, you were fully intent on finding something to eat with minimal effort involved. You may be a whiz at cooking in video games, but that skill most definitely did not transfer over to real life. Not only did you hate cooking, but you were also quite terrible at it.

The cafeteria was dark and it always felt strange to not see it packed with students. It almost felt eerie in a way. At the very back of the room was the door leading to the kitchen but it wasn’t closed as it should be. It was open just a crack, allowing a strip of light to spill out into the dark room. You moved quietly, slowly pushing the door open to peer inside. It was Jamil, the second-year vice housewarden of Scarabia.

A smile formed on your lips when you saw him and you chose to just observe for a bit as you leaned against the doorframe, arms folded over your chest. As usual, he was preparing Kalim’s lunch for that day, his hands working quickly and carefully as he chopped ingredients. For your dislike of cooking, there was just something so magical about watching him work. Then again, you were pretty biased when it came to him.

You pushed away from the doorframe. “You’re up pretty late, Jamil.”

His shoulders tensed up and his head snapped toward you, eyes narrowed. “So are you.”

“I’m starving,” you complained, leaning your hip against the counter and reaching for one of the rice balls that he had made but he smacked your hand away.

“These are for Kalim. Don’t touch them.”

“You’re so cold,” you clicked your tongue, watching as he placed the veggies into a skillet. Your stomach chose that moment to growl, making you rub the back of your neck. “Ne, let’s make a deal.”

He glanced at you suspiciously but said nothing.

“I’ll help you out if you let me have a little bit of your amazing cooking.”

“Absolutely not,” he didn’t even entertain the idea. “No one touches Kalim’s food but me.”

“Then I won’t touch the food,” you replied simply, earning a confused look as he watched you approach the sink. It was half full of dishes already and you wasted no time getting to work on them.

Jamil paused what he was doing, watching you with suspicion in his gray eyes. From the day the two of you met, you’ve always been overly friendly to him, offering him help, asking how he’s doing, and generally just giving him a lot of attention that he didn’t ask for. He didn’t trust you one bit and no matter how many times he went over it in his mind, he could only come up with one ready why – you were trying to use him in order to get close to Kalim. You were an unknown, after all, appearing out of nowhere and worming your way into Night Raven College despite having no magical ability whatsoever. It was all very suspicious to him and he was determined not to let you get anywhere near Kalim.

Your stomach continued to growl but you ignored it as you worked, growing more tired and bored with each passing second. You hated washing dishes, or cleaning in general really, but you didn’t complain because it was worth it if you were able to offer some help to Jamil.

Jamil finished making the dishes he wanted to, carefully packing them away into plastic containers. He was about to put away the rice balls but he hesitated, glancing over at you. He hated to admit it but you had saved him quite a bit of time by washing the dishes for him and, though he technically hadn’t agreed to the deal, he felt as if you had earned at least that much.

You yawned as you put away the final dish, stretching your arms above your head and giving the male a tired smile. “Good night, Jamil.”

He frowned, watching you head for the door. “You’re going to bed without eating?”

“Too tired to care,” you shrugged one shoulder, tugging the door open.

Jamil bit his lip, looking between your retreating form and the rice balls still sitting on the counter. “Wait a minute.”


He quickly wrapped one of them with clear plastic before approaching you, gaze to the side. “Here. Take it.”

“You sure?”

“A deal is a deal.”

“But you didn’t even agree to it.”

He gave you an exasperated look. “Just take it before I change my mind.”

The corner of your lips twitched up as you reached out your hand, but you didn’t take the food. Your fingers curled around his slim wrist and you tugged him forward so you could press your lips to his cheek. “Thank you, babe.”

His body tensed up, eyes widening and cheeks burning. Before he could fully process what had just happened, you pulled away, taking the rice ball with you. He could only stare at the door in disbelief as you disappeared.


Jamil held his books to his chest as he walked down the hall toward his next class. He glanced down for just a moment when he felt something hit his shoulder hard, knocking the books to the ground. His eyes narrowed at the two Pomefiore students standing in front of him, smirks on their faces.

“Watch where you’re going, dog,” the blonde snickered.

Jamil’s lips pursed in annoyance but he said nothing as he bent down to pick up his books. It wasn’t the first time he had been bullied like this and he knew it wouldn’t be the last either. Not only would he gain nothing from fighting back, but it was also a waste of his time. He stood up and tried to brush past them but they weren’t done with him yet.

“Oi, you ran into us, you should apologize,” the pink-haired boy huffed, folding his arms over his chest.

“Seriously, what is Kalim teaching his dog? No manners, at all!”

Jamil clenched his jaw, eyes narrowed at them. “You ran into me.”

“Are you really talking back to us, dog?”

“You’re just a lowly servant, what right do you have to talk back to us, huh?”

Jamil felt arms wrap around his waist from behind and he tensed up. You rested your chin on his shoulder, glaring at the two males. “There a problem here?”

The two exchanged a look before smirking.

“What’s this? You have to get your little girlfriend to stick up for you?”

“The magicless and the dog. A match made in heaven!”

You pulled away from him, your lips quirking up as you stepped toward them.

The blonde closed the distance, giving you a challenging look. “What are you gonna do, huh? Cry?”

“Nah, I have a better idea.” In the blink of an eye, you cocked your fist back and smashed it against his face, sending him to the ground in a heap.

The pink-haired boy stepped back, looking between you and him. “Are you crazy?!”

“Yeah, I am,” you tilted your head, taking a threatening step toward him. “You wanna be next?”

He scowled at you before helping his friend up and running away before you could get violent again.

Your expression softened when you turned toward Jamil. “You okay?”

His own expression didn’t soften, eyes narrowed at you. “I don’t need your help.”

You frowned when he brushed past you, making you follow after him. “You shouldn’t let them talk to you like that. Why didn’t you say anything?”

He scoffed, not sparing you a glance. “Someone like you wouldn’t understand.”

“Which is why I’m asking.”

“Look,” Jamil suddenly turned around, eyes narrowed at you. “I don’t know what your plan is and I don’t care. I’m not going to fall into your trap so you can stop trying and I’m certainly not going to let you anywhere near Kalim.”

“Is that what you think?” you questioned softly. “You think I’m trying to get to Kalim?”

“There’s no other reason for you to get close to me.”

“No other -” you released a huff of frustration before grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him closer so you could claim his lips. His body tensed up, his mind going into overdrive as he tried to process what was happening.

He shoved you away, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. “W-What are you doing?!”

“Sorry to break it to you, but I don’t give a damn about Kalim. You’re the only one I have my eye on, Jamil.” You took a step toward him, prompting him to take a step back. “You are the most amazing guy at this mess of a school and you don’t even realize it. You’re smart and strong, you never complain even when you’re overworked, you do so much for Kalim while also keeping on top of your own shit. Jamil, I -“

“What are you pups doing?”

You cursed when Crewel stepped around the corner, his hand on his hip.

“You’re late for class. Get going!”

Jamil didn’t spare you a glance as he turned on his heel and hurried down the hall toward his class. You tried to follow him but Crewel barred your way, clicking his tongue.

“Your class is on the other side of the building, pup. Move along now, quick!”

With a scowl, you allowed the older man to push you toward your class.


You yawned, rubbing the back of your neck as you stepped into the empty cafeteria. Once again, the kitchen door was cracked open and you knew who was inside before you even opened the door. There was Jamil, working hard as he prepared Kalim’s lunch for the next day. A smile tugged at your lips and you moved quietly until you were behind him, your arms wrapping around his waist and your chin on his shoulder. Like always, he tensed beneath you and you chuckled, pressing your lips to the space beneath his ear.

“You’re up late again,” you hummed softly. “Always working so hard, you really are admirable. If I had a small fraction of your productivity, my life would be so much easier.”

Though his body remained tense, he didn’t push you away and focused on the chopping he was doing. He hated to admit it, but he was beginning to get used to you appearing out of nowhere and holding him, peppering him with kisses and compliments. He hated it, felt like he didn’t deserve the attention you gave him, but part of him longed for it.

You pressed a soft kiss to his neck before pulling away and approaching the sink, getting to work on the pile of dishes he had created. Jamil paused his cutting, glancing over at you. He knew you were beginning to wear him down, worming your way into his heart without his consent. It was driving him mad but he didn’t know how to stop it and at this point, he wasn’t so sure he wanted to.

You yawned as you set the dish on the drying rack. “I can’t believe you do this every night but still wake up early. I think I’d die in the first two days.”

“Once it becomes routine, it becomes easy.”

You hummed. “You say that, but I’m pretty sure the average person couldn’t do what you do. Give yourself some credit.”

He paused, looking down at the vegetables with a frown. “I heard you got detention for punching that Pomefiore student.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” you scowled, scrubbing the plate a bit harder than you should have. “Two weeks of helping Crewel grade papers and take care of his dogs. What a joke.”

“Why did you do it?”

“Is that not obvious by now?”

He huffed, sliding the vegetables to the side so he could peel the potatoes. “If it was obvious, I wouldn’t have to ask.”

You turned the water off, shaking your hands before leaning against the counter. “If they mess with you, they’re messing with me. Even if I have to spend my life dealing with Crewel, I’ll happily beat the ass of anyone who messes with you. Just say the word and I’ll take care of ’em.”

“I didn’t ask you to do that. I don’t need nor want your protection.”

“Too bad, babe, because you got it.”

“You’re so frustrating,” he muttered, slamming the potato on the counter and turning to you. “Why can’t you just leave me alone? You’re making my life difficult.”

“Why?” you hummed, closing the distance until he was pinned between you and the counter. Your hand rested against his cheek, feeling the warmth against your palm. “At this point, I don’t think I could leave you alone even if I wanted to. You’re a beautiful man, you know? Inside and out. You work harder than anyone I know and your loyalty to Kalim is admirable. You’re also smart, always at the top of your class, and you even help Kalim with his own work. You never stop going but you never complain about it, either, and you refuse to take a break which is honestly frustrating. For you, I’d destroy the world because you are precious, Jamil.”

With every compliment, he felt his heart beating quicker. He had never been a man to take a compliment, mostly because he rarely received them, and he honestly didn’t know how to react or how to feel. He just wanted you to stop speaking so he did the only illogical thing he could – he grabbed the front of your shirt and kissed you, preventing you from speaking another word. You were surprised but you recovered quickly, grabbing at his hips as you tilted your head to the side to deepen the kiss. His fingers curled around your shirt, his mind alive with so many thoughts that he couldn’t settle on just one.

You tugged at his bottom lip, pulling away for air. Your eyes flickered to the counter behind him and you quickly swiped the cutting board to the side, not caring about the potato as it rolled away. He tried to protest but you quickly shut him up when you lifted him up and onto the counter, claiming his lips with more fervor than before. You wanted him to feel everything that you held in your heart for him, all of the love and admiration you felt toward him. You wanted him to know that he was loved and appreciated, that he was so much more than just Kalim’s servant.

Jamil put his hands on your shoulders, keeping you in place when you tried to follow him as he pulled away. His breathing was heavy, heart beating so loudly within his chest that he was sure you could hear it.

You rubbed circles into his side, gaze meeting his own. “I want your heart, Jamil. Will you give it to me?”

“No,” he breathed out, seeming to come to his senses as he pushed you back, sliding from the counter. “I’m not that easy.”

You chuckled. “I know. That’s why I love you so much.”

His face heated up at the words and he huffed, turning his back to you to resume his work. You smiled, returning to the dishes.


The day finally ended and Jamil held back his sigh of relief, ready to get back to his dorm despite knowing that his work still wasn’t done. At least he wouldn’t have to deal with any more students for the rest of the day, apart from those that resided within Scarabia. An arm was thrown over his shoulder but it felt different from when you touched him and he knew immediately that it wasn’t you. He shoved the person away, taking a step back.

It was the two Pomefiore students from before, smirks on their lips.

“You seem to be in a hurry, dog. Rushing back to your master?”

“I don’t have time for you,” Jamil told them flatly, trying to brush past him but the pink-haired boy grabbed his arm tightly, keeping him in place.

“We’re having trouble with our homework. Won’t you give us a hand, vice housewarden?”

The blonde snickered, shoving his books against the male’s chest. “You should be used to it since you always do Kalim’s.”

“Do it yourself.”

“What’s this? The dog is talking back?” the blonde’s eyes narrowed and he lifted his hand only for you to come up behind him, grabbing his wrist in a vice grip. “What the – you again?!”

“I guess you didn’t learn the last time, so let me teach you again. You fuck with Kalim, you fuck with me and I’m not a very nice person.” Your gaze darkened as you yanked his arm back, making him cry out in pain. “If you touch him again, I will kill you. Clear?”

“You’re crazy,” he scoffed in disbelief, trying to yank his arm free but you just held him tighter.

“Yeah, I am. And I’ll break every damn bone in your body if I see you near him again. Do you understand?”

“You can keep your damn dog, just let me go!”

You released him and he glared at you before grabbing his friend and walking away, making you click your tongue in annoyance. Your gaze fell to Jamil and you smiled, cupping his cheek. “Are you okay, Jamil?”

He didn’t fail to notice the stares of the other students as they passed by. It made him feel self-conscious and he found himself stepping back away from you, not wanting them to get the wrong idea. He didn’t want them to talk about you or make fun of you for being interested in someone of a lower class like him.

You noticed how his gaze flickered to the other students before lowering his head and you knew what was going through his mind. The corner of your lips slid up as you closed the distance, grabbing the back of his neck and bringing him into a kiss right there for all to see. His eyes widened, hands pushing at your chest to push you away.

“You’re crazy,” he muttered, hearing the whispers of the other students.

“The crazy ones are always the best,” you smirked.

“Everyone’s going to talk about you. They’re going to say -“

“What? They’re going to say that I’m dating an amazing man? They’re going to say that they’re jealous that I got to you before they could.” You moved your hand to the side of his neck, bringing him closer until your forehead met his. “I love you, Jamil.”

“I -” He swallowed, his eyes searching yours for any sign of deceit but he found only warmth and love. “I don’t know if I love you. I’ve never… been in love before. I don’t know what it feels like.”

You hummed, running your thumb across his lower lip. “Well, let me tell you again that I love you and I’ll do anything to make sure you feel that. No matter what it takes, I won’t stop until you realize just how much you mean to me.”

He closed his eyes, resting his hand over your heart, the gentle thrum against his palm calming his nerves. “What did I do to deserve you?”

You smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips. “You exist.”


In which (Y/n) stumbles upon an otter while being forced to catch a snake.

Little does anybody know that these two are Kalim and Jamil who have turned into a helpless otter and a frightening snake respectively.

Requested by @poetictinkerer and anon.

“And how exactly did a snake get onto campus, Headmaster Crowley?”

You couldn’t help but sigh in disbelief while the headmaster continued to drag you through a hallway leading to the labs. His pace was quick, and his hold on you was strong despite the intensity that his hands shook with. The complaints that left your lips barely reached his ears, much to your frustration.

“H-How would I know how a snake got onto campus? All I know is that it is a dire threat!” Crowley cried out when he finally came to a halt in front of an inconspicuous door. “Just get rid of it! Quickly! No time to waste—” Without a warning he flung the door open, pushed you inside, and locked it behind you within a matter of seconds.

Your heart rate dropped to a zero once the sound of the lock clicking caused realisation to dawn upon you. A scream escaping your lips, you flung yourself at the door and banged your fists against the heavy wood — but to no avail. You seethed out in frustration. “How am I supposed to deal with a snake—? Let me out!”

“I’ll let you out once the snake is under control again!”

You narrowed your eyes at the door to glare daggers at the man on the other side. However, you gave up after just a few minutes of complete silence from outside the laboratory.

With your back pressed against the locked door, you let out a sigh and closed your eyes in fear. “…I hate it here…” you muttered under your breath before letting your eyes flutter open at the sound of glass shattering.

Your blood froze cold in your veins, and your eyes snapped around in search for the source of the noise. Inwardly, you prepared yourself for facing a snake — and that this would be your end. Your gulp resonated through the room as you continued searching. And eventually, your gaze fell on the hairy creature innocently sitting on one of the tables; it seemed to have fun rolling the test tubes around the table — until they rolled off the side and crashed to the floor.

Suprise flashed across your face when the creature turned around to look up at you with wide eyes. “Wait— you’re not a snake. You’re…” For a moment, your breath remained stuck in your throat. “…an otter?” you cried out in disbelief.

After a few seconds, a large smile blossomed on the otter’s face, and it stormed over to you at the speed of light. Before you could even properly comprehend the situation, you gazed down to find the small animal looking up at you with a happy smile on its face.

Without even hesitating, you wrapped your arms around the creature and cradled it like a newborn baby. “And an adorable otter at that!” you cooed and tickled its belly, much to its delight as it soon began to let out coos of pleasure. Your eyes softened at once. “Don’t worry, sweetie. I won’t let any of the meanies around here hurt you.”

The otter nodded happily.

Your heart fluttered at the sweet gesture, and you couldn’t help but bring the otter up to nuzzle your noses against one another. “Yes, aren’t you just adorable?” you cooed between fits of laughter. “Yes you are~”

However, you soon snapped out of your trance at the sound of another test tube colliding with the ground. Your eyes hardened at once, and you realised that there still was a snake roaming the school — or was that simply a rumour? The fervour with which the headmaster had given you your task earlier pointed towards the former.

A distressed frown on your face, you narrowed your eyes in confusion. “But… I don’t see a snake around here,” you muttered under your breath, only to be distracted from your thoughts when the otter began pawing at your arm. Your gaze drifted downward, causing the otter to hum in satisfaction. At that point, your mind seemed to be made up. “Oh well, Crowley must have seen things that simply don’t exist…”

You sighed dismissively and turned around to see that the door was ajar. A relieved smile grew on your lips at the sight of it.

“Let’s get you to somewhere with water,” you said to the happy otter in your arms. “I know a lake nearby.”




The journey to the lake had been quiet with no other soul passing by due to the lockdown that a concerned crow-man had initiated. It was only you and the otter that lent you its soothing company. And somehow, this small animal was enough to brighten your day after everything that could have went wrong actually went wrong.

All your woes were forgotten when you sat on the side of the lake, peacefully watching your otter-friend that busied itself with splashing around and swimming a dozen laps.

A solemn smile grew on your lips when the otter briefly paused to look at you in curiosity. “You like it here, don’t you?” you asked softly. “The water must be nice and refreshing.”

You perked up when you noticed that the otter was approaching you, waddling towards you on two legs with its paws hidden behind its back. A cheeky smile grew on its lips as it crawled into your lap and extended its paws out towards you — to reveal a shimmering stone to you.

Your eyes grew in delight. “Oh? Is that for me?” A smile on your lips, you took the stone and held it up into the air to marvel at it more. “Thank you, ottie,” you cried out happily and pecked its head.

Much to your surprise, the otter let out a discontented huff and crossed its arms.

You furrowed your eyebrows in concern. “What?” you asked and took its paws into your own. “You don’t like the nickname?”

The otter nodded as it climbed out of your lap to disappear behind a bush. Before you could get up and search for the otter, it had reappeared — with a stick in its paws. After having waddled over to you, it began dragging the stick across an exposed patch of dry soil. And letter by letter, it spelt out a word. On closer look, it wasn’t just any word… it was a name.

“…Kalim?” you read out loud, surprised. “Wait, Kalim— this is you?!” Your hands clasped over your mouth, you stared at the otter as it nodded eagerly.

You shook your head in disbelief. “How did you become an otter…?” The animal simply shrugged before crawling into your lap again to lay down happily. You eyed it quizzically as it curled up and fell asleep within seconds. “And more importantly, why hasn’t Jamil turned the school upside down yet to search for you?”

Just after you had uttered that sentence, the rustling of shrubbery behind you caused you to jolt upwards in alarm. The otter let out a little whine as it was flung out of your lap when you jumped to your feet. A yawn escaping its lips, the otter eyed your frightened face in concern.

That was until its red eyes fell on the snake slithering towards him.

Screams escaped your lips. “A snake! A snake—!”

However, the otter didn’t share your fear — no, it simply got up and sprinted towards the snake, no fear visible. The sight caused you to shriek in horror. “Kalim, get away from the snake! It will swallow you whole!” you yelled out when the snake had wrapped its thick body around the innocent otter. A look of disbelief flashed across your race. “What are you doing?! You should be running!”

When the otter simply wrapped its short arms around the snake, you saw yourself forced to lurch forward and free your friend from the vile predator. Without any fear evident on your face, you grabbed the neck of the snake and pulled it away from the small otter.

“Let Kalim go!” you hollered while clumsily holding the thrashing snake away from you. After a few seconds, it seized to whip its tail around — instead, it calmly gazed you in the eyes. You froze in horror, recognising those beautiful eyes — they were calm, yet hypnotic and enchanting. There was only one person whose eyes could have such an effect. “Jamil—?” At once, you dropped the snake to the ground.

You watched in surprise as the snake slithered over to the otter and dusted the dust off its fur by running its tail over the mammal’s fur. The sight was reminiscent of a parent cleaning up their child, and all of it made sense now due to knowing who these animals truly were: Kalim and Jamil.

A confused sigh escaped your lips after having just endured a heart attack. “What… in Twisted Wonderland is going on…”



SCRIPTS - Thanks to everyone who was willing to help out we’ve now gotten a decently sized development team, of artists, script editors, and etc. 

And most of them had gathered to help me out and plan plots. So we’ve gotten multiple plots and now I need to work on all scripts. 

LAUNCH DATE: We might extend the date by 1 week. It really depends on my scripting abilities. 

BUTTON PROBLEM: I found a temporary solution to the issue though I don’t know if it’ll work as I’ve yet to let others test it out.

HOW TO JOIN THE TEAM: Please head on to out discord and you’ll find me and or the other mod’s, who you can ask. Though I recommend heading straight to my dm’s and or msg me.

And then we can discuss there. Thank you for all those who have joined so far. I wanna hug you. Especially Grandma Ashely. 



In the discord group you can vote on poles for what is going to added to the game and access some more minor/huge updates early. 

Also some spoilers, we haven’t decided yet. 

VIDEO UPDATES: Video updates are closed up for the time being. Please understand that everyone’s busy with the plot processing and other things. 

