#cater diamond x reader



Summary: You’ve found out Cater was a vampire, and try to express that you’re not leaving him anytime soon.

CW:Vampires, mentions of drinking your blood

Cater has always tried to suppress his desire for blood; if he was a terrying predator, it’d only drive people away. No one likes a vampire without self-control, after all. It was just uncivilised - no dignity at all!

Things were picture-perfect, right up until he met you.

See, you weren’t just any friend; you cared about Cater, perhaps a bit too much for your own good. He’d simply dub it as curiosity, but at the end of the day Cater knew it was instead worry that drove you to look into his lifestyle, and to eventually figure out what he was.

…and just to call it curiosity felt empty, didn’t it? As foolish as it was, Cater didn’t want to reduce your intentions into something as flimsy as that.

All the moments he let himself slip played in his mind as he buried his face into his pillow - a part of himself was relieved you finally knew his identity, yet another was afraid.

You weren’t disgusted by him at the moment. That much was clear from how you’re still by his side, daring to run your hand through his hair as if to calm him. Cater didn’t have to heart to tell you that your touch was just making him more nervous, and a little indignant - would you really smile at him so kindly once you saw what a monster he could be?

Cater pushed himself upright, sitting himself next to you. You were surprised by his sudden movement, but chose to watch his expression carefully instead.

Worried, curious, caring. Cater wanted to soak in your attention, and another part of him wanted to push you away.

Could he scare you if he tried? How much effort would it take?

“You’re oddly calm, Prefect.” His voice was smooth as honey. As he whispered into your ear, heat rushed to up your neck in a prickling sensation. “…Hey, since you know my secret now, can I ask you something?”

“Ask me…?” You weren’t sure what it was, but something about his tone made you tense. This wasn’t the usual Cater, he…

He sounded angry. And just a little afraid.

“Would you let me drink your blood?” As you struggled to answer, Cater drew away and laughed. “I promise it won’t hurt! But you don’t have to say yes of course, I can find other sources for food.”

He didn’t expect you to agree, nodding your head with a nervous gulp. Cater’s eyes widened for a moment, before he gave you yet another smile.

He brushed his hair out of his face as he leaned closer to you. Even if his instincts told him to bite down, Cater hesitated from piercing your flesh, instead grazing your neck with the tips of his fangs.

“Are you sure about this?”

“…I trust you, Cater.”

That was the moment all the energy seeped out of his body, and Cater surprised you by laying his head on your shoulder instead, nuzzling into you.

He hoped you wouldn’t shift to look at his face - he was sure it was burning red from how embarrassed he felt. Cater let himself rest some of his weight onto you for support. Your words played in his head like a haze, as did the warmth of your body so close to his.

How could he ever think of scaring you away?

— Are you and Cater just friends? But… Friends don’t do things like this, right? He can’t help but worry over something like that needlessly.

— tagging: @myuunji@mcdonaldsnumberone

— warnings: Sort of risqué near the end? No nsfw! Just a little bit spicy so please proceed with caution in case!

Cater has long thought about the relationship between the two of you — always so close but not close enough to the point where he could freely hover his hands over your skin. Your relationship is stuck in a limbo that dances on the fence between platonic and romantic, and Cater wasn’t the type to be able to differentiate the two so easily.

You let out a small groan as you plopped down on his bed, stretching your arms and kicking off your shoes before lying down. He invited you over to go over the materials Professor Train gave everyone earlier, the stack of books intimidatingly standing on his desk.

“Argh, Professor Trein is too cruel, don’t you think so? Giving us this much to study right before the weekend…” you complained, grabbing the soft pillows placed on his bed before turning your gaze towards him. Cater felt his heart jump a little at the sight of you clutching his pillow so tightly on his bed — there was something about the scene that set off the whole zoo in his stomach.

“Right~? I was totally looking forward to visiting this super cute cafe too.” Cater loosened his tie, tying his hair back with a ribbon he got from an online shop a few days back. He slouched back into his seat as he stared at his phone screen before his gaze eventually shifted to you.

“Our date?” You asked him absentmindedly but the impact those two words had on him was tremendous — he could barely keep himself together to hide the embarrassment tinting his cheeks. The way you said it so casually made him feel a little bit sad, is this what being in the friend zone usually felt like? Were you treating him so casually because you regard him as nothing but a friend?

Come to think of it, wasn’t there this one trend going around that had you kiss your friend to see how they react? Cater would be lying if he said he never thought about doing it to you but he was disciplined enough to stop himself from doing such a thing in case you really didn’t like him that way.

But… he felt a little bit different — a bit bolder and a tad more reckless.

He stood up and sat next to you on the bed, caging you between his arms. It wasn’t an uncommon gesture for someone as touchy-feely like Cater so you paid it little mind. But seeing his eyes telling you a different story made your hold your breath in anticipation.

He dragged his thumb over your bottom lip, a different kind of sensation sending tingles through his skin — the heat spreading inside his body was wildly different from what he’s used to. He wonders, for a second, how would you react if he kissed you?

Would you still regard him as only a friend? And so, fueled by the need to know the answer, he swooped in for a kiss. A kiss that barely lasted, as if a ghost touched your lips yet you could still feel its warmth. Cater’s ears turned red, watching your expression closely. Though the butterflies swarming inside his stomach only worsened when you suddenly positioned yourself to sit on his lap.

“Friends don’t do this kind of thing usually, don’t they?” You let out a small laugh — despite your accusatory words, your tone was coated with mischief. As if you were waiting for this moment all along. Cater could feel your lips tugging upwards as he swooped in for another kiss. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling your body closer to him as if desperate to feel your warmth.

“Friends…” Cater mumbled under his breath when he pulled back, his hand creeping up underneath your shirt. His lips nestling itself in other places where he wanted to touch you — you could only feel a shiver go down your spine when you felt his lips on your neck.

“Don’t you think we’re already way past that point?” You could feel his hot breath against your neck. “Sorry about that but I don’t plan on being just a friend.”

“Well… does that make us lovers?” Cater was the type to be afraid of such commitments despite his flirtatious advances due to his upbringing as a child. This kind of question would’ve scared him to death had you asked him months ago — though now that you were here in his room, sitting on his lap, there was little to explain about what was about to unfold when it came to your relationship.

You let out a small gasp when you felt Cater bite down slightly on the sensitive spot on your neck, you could barely make out the quick “sorry” he gave you when he felt you slightly jump in his arms. He rolled his tongue over the mark, feeling a little bit devious and topped it off with a loving kiss before replying: “If you’ll have me.”

“Isn’t it too late to ask that when we’re already doing this?” You swooped in to lock his lips with yours, wrapping your arms around his neck as your fingers played with his orange locks. This time, it felt a little bit more desperate — a little more needy, as if trying to make sure he gets your reply to his question. As if to say “yes” to him.

Cater smiled whilst pressing his lips against yours, returning just as much passion you gave him, the playful glint shining in his eyes. “Well… if you insist, I’ll take you as well ♪”

300-400+ Followers Event!

Slice Of Life

Thank you all so much for your support! This particular event is just fluffy slice of life for your soul.


▪ONE character at a time! You can request more than once!

▪NO angst or yandere, this event is just fluff

▪If you want to be anonymous, I’m afraid you’ll have to message me privately and ask me to blur your name since I have no anon option

▪Choose ONE scenario from the list below (since it’ll be long becuase I’m excited):

Rainy Day

Beach Trip

First Date




Meeting the Parents


Love Language

Their Behavior Around You Vs Other People


Moving In Together

Babysitting For A Friend

How You Met


Wedding Planning

Wedding/Getting Married

Pre-Wedding Jitters

Starting A Family?

Have fun and enjoy!


mozus trein: what happened in 1492

vil: my makeup stays pristine 

cater: i wanna go on a trip

deuce: mrooow

jamil: kalim’s probably hungry…

jack: i got distracted by the cat

Duality of a Man

Part one of Haven of those who aspire to be Villains Collab series

Featured Character: Cater Diamond

Category: reader insert

Pairings: (Unknown)

Trigger warnings: mentions of death, descriptions of mild violence, murder and blood

Warnings: Dark content ahead, proceed at your own risk!


Another photo snapped, another smile too bright and decors elaborate. Another cover up for yet another life taken, Heartslabyul’s reputation must never be tarnished with an unsavory reputation.

Roses are painted with blood red as always, table cloths a pristine white with the snacks, tea pots and tea cups arranged to ritualistic perfection.

Snap! Another photo taken, nimble fingers type on the screen of a smartphone as the owner’s smile ceased for a brief moment to create the captions.


“Cater’s been posting a lot recently.”

“Doesn’t he always?”

“No, I mean he’s posting a lot more than normal.”

“Did you hear? Another student went missing last night.”

“Isn’t that a norm at this point? I mean-”


“Quit your yapping and pay attention!” A crack of the whip silenced everyone in the room, Crewel made himself known as the heels of his shoes tapped into the marble floor of the laboratory.

“Now, be good mutts for me and put on your safety equipment, we don’t want any accidents like what happened with that unfortunate /dog/ that got himself blinded from our session last week.” His words are snappy in tone, he’s a teacher cut throat in his job to the core. The students obliged, and Cater made himself your partner for the exercise.

“Now, we will be creating a dangerous sort of acid- and don’t even think of any ideas you could form from it.” Crewel sneered at the boys from behind you, whose grins a little too wide to be considered normal; the standard for normal in this school anyways. NRC was a place of madness under the covers of a prestigious institution, this was a school of villains for a reason.

Cater shot you a smile, an all too perfect one like the ones he posts on magicam before he worked with you upon Crewel’s careful instructions and gaze. It’s only been a month, and you know nothing more than to never trust someone who acts a little too friendly around this establishment, and you unfortunately had to learn the hard way.

You know enough not to talk about things that people already know in this school publicly, even in school grounds, as if Cater’s unsettlingly perfect smile directed to you wasn’t a warning enough to keep your mouth shut.

You watched as your senior carefully put in a drop of a chemical you had forgotten to memorize, and the cauldron sizzled on your watch. You would never miss the way Trey’s eyes would glint a knowing look at the corner as he looked at both of you, not specifically /you/ but rather /Cater/.

It never took an idiot to know as to why Trey seemed to look approving if anything, you already knew that this potion would be used to erase yet another evidence again if the need would ever rise, and you’d be there to witness it.


Cater was the perfect example of an imposter, of someone who creates certain identities to accommodate those that he never meets in real life and yet talks to as if they’re close. You don’t know why his duality never bothered you, his ability; split card, was a give away as to what and how he is as a person.

His lips are pressed in a firm line as he coldly looked at the squirming and bound body his happy clone had dragged.

The acid from the lesson earlier proved useful to him as the poor boy’s feet only showed dried and charred flesh, you could have sworn you could see his bones too as Cater’s clone mercilessly dragged him through the concrete.

“You would have been able to attend the next party if you didn’t spill you know?” If someone were to be unfamiliar with Cater, they would mistake his tone of voice as just teasing, playful and rather charming, not having anything underlying in it.

But you know better than to believe his honey coated words, the ginger took a selfie of himself under the green glowing aurora of Diasomnia, the body underneath him merely used as a stool to improve his angle.

“[Name]-chan, I’m sure you know where to leave off from here yeah?~” There seemed to be a heart at the end of his sentence as he spoke, he winked at you, and kicked the body to your direction.

“Yeah, I’ll get the bastard to cleaner-san as nicely as I can.” You nodded, you don’t find yourself disgusted nor feeling any sort of pity for this stranger you met at the halls during breaks.

“Good good! Trey would be delighted! I’ll tell him to send you macarons for your good work, so I’ll be off now okay?” The look he sent you is not the same one he sent the man under your mercy, it’s warm this time; he trusted you and that’s all that mattered for you now.

He felt like a pillow to you, cold at the back and warm at the front, you don’t really know, but you felt like the comparison fit even though you’ve never really been good at comparing things to people.

And with that, he left. Leaving you to ponder for a moment before you grabbed the body with you into a certain path in Diasomnia where no one would be able to see you enter.

The walls are moist, cold and the air is humid. The sounds of water dripping from pipes and the ‘schlop’ of your shoes against the watery stone floor of the dungeons are what you assumed would be the last good things your hostage would hear before meeting his demise.

You heard a faucet being turned off, and a short figure clad in a white suit and goggles walked towards your direction. “Are you ready?” You asked.

“Cater-senpai never really specified whether he wants this guy’s chopped or minced, please decide that by yourself.” You stated before you took a wad of cash and a carton of tomato juice from your pockets. “Here’s the payment by the way.”

Carmine eyes glinted in amusement and approval at your gesture, you’d never see it, not with the way his body is completely covered, but you felt that he’s smiling at you.

“Off you go, little one. I am not that cruel to let you see such unsavory things, though you are welcome if you want to see.”

You suddenly remembered the existence of the man Cater had gagged and poured acid on as he screamed and squirmed in his binds with newly renewed vigor, you looked down at him in pity as his mutilated feet scraped on the floors of the room, the fallen flakes of flesh clinging to stone. Then you recalled the nicely taken and innocent photos of a tea party, of this person below you who seemed to look at Riddle a little too long at the corner of those photos, of the intentions unholy that swam in his eyes before that are full of fear now, fear and desperation. You clicked you tongue and shook your head at the concept of how you came to know your senior and his duality as a person through this victim, a victim but not an innocent one, not someone you think would be worth your time playing hero to.

Not that you would even try to be a hero in the midst of people who can’t even recognize the basics of decency.

“Please do kill him quick, I think Cater-senpai never liked him in his selfies.” You commented absentmindedly, you heard cleaner-san ask if you wanted to stay, but your silence that hung on the wet and humid air gave him an answer.

“I’ll be taking that as a no then.” The poor student’s screaming went louder as a chainsaw roared to life before you left.



SCRIPTS - Thanks to everyone who was willing to help out we’ve now gotten a decently sized development team, of artists, script editors, and etc. 

And most of them had gathered to help me out and plan plots. So we’ve gotten multiple plots and now I need to work on all scripts. 

LAUNCH DATE: We might extend the date by 1 week. It really depends on my scripting abilities. 

BUTTON PROBLEM: I found a temporary solution to the issue though I don’t know if it’ll work as I’ve yet to let others test it out.

HOW TO JOIN THE TEAM: Please head on to out discord and you’ll find me and or the other mod’s, who you can ask. Though I recommend heading straight to my dm’s and or msg me.

And then we can discuss there. Thank you for all those who have joined so far. I wanna hug you. Especially Grandma Ashely. 



In the discord group you can vote on poles for what is going to added to the game and access some more minor/huge updates early. 

Also some spoilers, we haven’t decided yet. 

VIDEO UPDATES: Video updates are closed up for the time being. Please understand that everyone’s busy with the plot processing and other things. 

