#i love this game

I found this out by accidentally throwing your Pokemon towards each other and they started talking, I found this out by accidentally throwing your Pokemon towards each other and they started talking, I found this out by accidentally throwing your Pokemon towards each other and they started talking, I found this out by accidentally throwing your Pokemon towards each other and they started talking,

I found this out by accidentally throwing your Pokemon towards each other and they started talking, and I was like HUH?! So then I took out my crew and they had a great chat for the first time!!!!! Look at how happy my Alpha Snorlax is!!!

This game is awesome. I would have love this when I was a kid. I am glad I get to have this now.

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there he go







what if there was a show where every character was gay and you had the token straight guy character who acted really stereotypical and was into cars beers and women and everyone was like OH STRAIGHT LARRY YOU’RE SO FUNNY AND STRAIGHT

#it’s been done

Thanks for this addition omfg that is hilarious

larry butz in 'the stolen turnabout', wearing a kb security uniform and donning his flustered talksprite. his dialogue reads, "I'm really sorry, Nick! I swear I want to change my ways."
larry butz, now shown with his crying sprite. his dialogue reads "But the thing is... I just don't have any interest in men."

not providing the scene in question is a crime

Goodness I’m in love with the Arcana! Such a good story, the characters are well written, and the minor references to other things like the Princess Bride just make it so much better.

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how great the character animations in Baldur’s Gate 3? They are so detailed and well done and at the very least unique for the major characters. You don’t even see that level of detail in role-playing games. Yeah, the dialogues have these annoying freezes here and there but that’s early access to you. Point being, I love the dialogues, you could turn off the audience and still get a feeling for who these characters are. This game is already great and it’s still in a very early access stage.

polygondotcom:Closing the gap between queer and mainstream games I sobbed when I finished Gone Hom


Closing the gap between queer and mainstream games

I sobbed when I finished Gone Home.

I sobbed because the closing beat of the narrative moved me to tears but also because I finally felt my own queer womanhood reflected back at me within the context of a fully realized game world. Queer women are so often rendered invisible or consigned to the margins of representation. But Gone Home put a queer woman front and center and allowed me to breathe in the lush details of her story for an entire evening.

My tears kept coming because I never expected to find this breath of fresh air in a video game. It’s not that Gone Home is the first video game to contain queer themes.

(Link to the full story)

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mozus trein: what happened in 1492

vil: my makeup stays pristine 

cater: i wanna go on a trip

deuce: mrooow

jamil: kalim’s probably hungry…

jack: i got distracted by the cat

One of my character in Skyrim. A long time ago that I did not draw girl …

One of my character in Skyrim. A long time ago that I did not draw girl …

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13/12/20– red rescue team is the pick-me-up we all deserve13/12/20– red rescue team is the pick-me-up we all deserve

13/12/20– red rescue team is the pick-me-up we all deserve

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sonic and the black knight is so cool, guys. do you understand how wild it is to have sonic the hedgehog warped into arthurian times by genderbent merlin merlin’s granddaughter merlina. somehow 95% of the people he talks to look exactly like his friend group. king arthur is a shadowy immortal tyrant because of a cursed scabbard. sonic gets a talking sword he constantly argues with. there’s a mid-game credit roll before a plot twist. he goes super using excalibur and gets golden armor instead of golden spines because he’s apparently the true king arthur. crush 40 sings the outro song. the post-credit scene. this game is incredible

Knuckles (Sir Gawain) also makes an attempt to commit suicide after Sonic defeats him because he feels it’s the honorable thing to do and Sonic’s reaction is literally just like “dude can you please stop being so goddamn dramatic”

infizero: this is the reguri moment in masters that truly makes me lose my mind because he doesn’t einfizero: this is the reguri moment in masters that truly makes me lose my mind because he doesn’t einfizero: this is the reguri moment in masters that truly makes me lose my mind because he doesn’t e


this is the reguri moment in masters that truly makes me lose my mind because he doesn’t even say red’s NAME in this conversation. he literally talks about red so much in this damn game that you don’t even need to be told who he’s referring to. sigh

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Me: I’m going to play HK a little, then write a little HK fanfiction and theb go to sleep early.
Me later: HTF IT’S 3 AM

Bless thy roll glitch


Imagine a vendor selling GRAB BAGS OF HOLDING

These are Bags of Holding for sale at a relatively cheap price. The catch? They’re used - plucked from the bodies of fallen adventurers. They contain random amounts of money or jewels, but are mostly stuff with 15 items of random things from the players handbook.

Characters cannot preview the contents of the bags. Items from the bags cannot be resold at that vendor for more money. And above all ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

I would ABSOLUTELY buy a Grab Bag of Holding.


What makes arknights top-tier is you can ask two fans about their favorite characters and one will explain about this angst-ridden swordswoman burdened with survivor’s guilt and struggling with her identity as a living weapon created for a war she no longer is a part of and her slowly-evolving story line of struggling to trust others and find herself even as she tries to stave off a seemingly inevitable madness,

and then you ask the second fan and they’ll be like “check out this lizard girl I want her to beat me up”

#see also: #director of an organisation directly responsible for the creation of her adoptive daughter as a living weapon in the service of capitalism #feels extreme guilt over her past actions and seeks to atone by soloing the entire military industrial complex # and ‘haha funny divorce woman’ (via @imaencuru)

Nier… the game that will always break me. Absolutely adore the story even though it always ends up with making me depressed. I knew as soon as I relived this game with the re-release of Replicant I HAD to do at least one render. I am OBSESSED with these characters and their stories, definitely one of my favourite games ever. This render was a bit of a pain because rendering it once my PC for whatever reason restarted half way through… but I managed to lower render time making it easier to deal with. Almost gave up on it but I’m glad I didn’t.
