#jan 6 insurrection


The U.S. Supreme Court is a rightwing, Christofascist extension of the Republican Party and the Federalist Society. The Roberts Court is illegitimate and notapolitical.Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached and Ginni Thomas needs to be prosecuted.

Antivaxxers will be all “You can’t make me get vaccinated! There are tracking chips in the vaccine!” and then carry their cell phones around inside the U.S. Capitol building while participating in a violent insurrection.

It’s Been A While…

Hey Wizdomettes,

I hope all is well and everyone and their families have remained untouched from COVID-19. With that out the way, I’ve been dugged up out of my “Pandemic Grave” because I wanted to discuss the topic of the Covid vaccines/getting vaccinated. My question is: What is it that actually makes you think the government is trying to poison you? What possess you think that this vaccine is some sort of biological chemical warfare? What gives you the audacity to “TRY” and control a woman’s uterus but we can’t even ask you ungrateful bastards to wear a mask, wash your hands, and get vaccinated without hearing about some unwritten constitutional rights being trampled upon. This human population control theory and rhetoric has begun to get old and stale quick. I understood being hesitant in the beginning, I was hesitant in the beginning as well, so I let the first round go first, and they’re still here. However, 700,000+ Americans aren’t here because COVID KILLED THEM. COVID KILLED THEM! Not the vaccine. COVID has successfully exterminated more people than ALL 3 COVID vaccines combined! Now,I understand everyone hoping on the bandwagon of some celebrity calling it a hoax, I get it, I do, because we regular folks think that they some how have the upper hand, some New World Order organization is sliding them information that we don’t know about. NEWS FLASH: Beyonce and Ellen or whom you mf’ers look up to is not sitting around a table with the elite plotting on our demise. The FUCKING Rockafellars aren’t sitting plotting our demise.

Y’all so damn smart you’re dumb. One, it was much better ways to take out billions of people much faster than this. Just think about it. Analyze it, and ask yourself if it makes sense. Secondly, YOU, YES YOU are paying the top 1% their money.  You work for them, why would they intentionally eliminate basically they’re slaves? Why? A cease in their everyday Net Income gone make everybody think twice. Lastly, they need you patriotic Americans to fight in wars that only benefits them.

Another thing, I don’t give af if you’re democrat or republican, black/white/green, gay or straight, atheist or Christian we ALL bleed RED blood. Our genotypes may differ in certain DNA sequences but we ALL bleed RED blood. CORONA, however, don’t care about any of that, all Corona thinking about is attaching to a warm-blooded homosapien-sapien and thriving until it leaves you in an ICU bed, with machines alarming every minute, your family can’t be there, and you’re gasping for air. That feeling is real! THIS SHIT IS REAL! This shit way above Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It’s way above black/white/Asian/Hispanic. COVID is killing all of us. You know damn well politicians are using it for political gain and y'all falling for the okey doke, easily. Use your common sense, Pick up a book on Virology and learn a thing or five. Use your brain, you don’t go to a politician when you’re sick, you go to the doctor, right? So, why in the hell are you getting health recommendations from fucking Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke, why? Lastly, what gives you the authority to feel as if your right to autonomy trumps my right to live. We all deserve the common decency to wear a mask in public; unlike you healthy individuals out there who lacks the knowledge of how it really is to be ill, I, as an immunocompromised black woman, my 80 year old grandmother, your 80 year old mother, your dad with diabetes, your 6 month old cousin, and children under the age of 5 do; we have the same the rights under the Constitution of these United States that says and I quote:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” 

Loosely translated to:

“If you can monopolize off of my pussy to win an election, I can damn sure tell your ass to get vaccinated.”

Take that “TeaPinion” and run with it! 

On that note I’m out Wizdomettes,

Stay wise and stay radiant
