#janus sanders


29 days so I know he’s an Aquarius but what zodiac does he seem the most like

28 days what love language do you think is least likely to be his

27 days I can’t remember if I did or not but I think for the tarot countdown I forgot about the seven of swords which is completely about lies and deception gn

26 days what would y’all say is your least favorite thing about him,,, I know this is a stan account but idk we can mix it up a little

25 days I’m p sure I’ve asked before but what height do y’all headcanon him as

(I know that everyone is 5’10 canonically but shhhh /j)

24 days what drawing medium do you think he’d use

22 days and what kind of hat do you think he’s least likely to wear

21 days and ty to the one who reminded me about the sweet/sour lies/truths headcanon I completely forgot but it’s so cool fr

20 days since we’ve seen Janus do y’all think he’s more into sweet or sour things

Just an Apology

Tw: unhealthy relationships, kind of unsympathetic Janus, ducking out.

This is just a vent fic for me that I wrote in like 5 minutes so don’t take it to seriously. It’s set pre AA and is a little take on Virgil and Janus’ relationship. It isn’t my headcanon, just fueling my anger into something productive.


Just an apology. Just two fucking words. That’s all Virgil wanted to hear but he knew he wouldn’t. He knew because it had never happened before, not even when his arguments came piled with facts and he could debate anything thrown at him, because it didn’t matter.

All that mattered to Janus was that he was right and he wouldn’t cave. Well Virgil was stubborn to. Yeah, usually he was the first to break, but not this time. Not until Janus truthfully said ‘I’m Sorry.’

Virgil knew he wouldn’t, it was a waste of time. He should just go back and apologise and lie about how he was wrong, and Janus was right - how Janus was always right cause he was older and therefore had more ‘experience.’ Still, the anger that built up after years of crying and trying to brush it off was slowly bubbling and getting ready to blow.

And he did, but not outloud. He stayed in his room and waited for Janus to crack first.

He waited, and waited, and waited. Remus came in at some point. Still, Virgil waited and waited until it became to much.

But he wasn’t going to break, not this time. He would get an apology or stay like this for as long as it takes. It hurt but he could manage. Until, he couldn’t.

Ducking out was easier. After that it got a little better. He became closer to others, the ones Deceit told him to be cautious of. Eventually Deceit became one of the ‘others’ to Virgil.

He was able to forget for a while. It hurt to see Deceit again though.

3 Sides on a couch

Last night I dreamt that the new episode was out and Virgil, Logan and Janus were all on this couch talking through their issues (mainly Virgil and Janus as Logan acted as the mediator).

It was a cool dream but as I was watching it there was a murder or something going on in the town so, unfortunately I got a little distracted with that but the scenes were great.

The one I remember the most was Virgil jumping down from the ceiling, tossing Janus into the air. It was a wild time.

Some spiders, after the capture their prey, will spin a web and their movement is compared to a dance.

So, whenever Virgil gets food, though he won’t web it up, he’ll pick up the plate or hold the food item itself and spin around a few times. Since he hasn’t told any of the light sides about his spidery self, they are all just assume its some habit or something.

When he stayed with the dark sides, Remus would join him in the spinning and Janus would spin once before serving it on the table.



I discovered that spiders ‘drum’ when they are trying to mate, so now I have the headcanon that Virgil will just tap on a table as a way to flirt.

So, whatever character you ship him with (for me it’s Logan), he just sits down next to them and taps and THEY TAP BACK! Virgil freaks out and blushes cause he takes it all seriously when in reality the other side just thinks they are playing a game or talking in code or something.

Roman makes a little rhythm out of it and Virgil just kinda goes along with it but he’s blushing majorly

And then Remus comes out of nowhere and kidnaps Roman so Janus can give him the rundown on what Virgil was doing

Awww that’s both adorable and hilarious! :D

I discovered that spiders ‘drum’ when they are trying to mate, so now I have the headcanon that Virgil will just tap on a table as a way to flirt.

So, whatever character you ship him with (for me it’s Logan), he just sits down next to them and taps and THEY TAP BACK! Virgil freaks out and blushes cause he takes it all seriously when in reality the other side just thinks they are playing a game or talking in code or something.

Stress Webbing (Spider Virgil Headcanon)

As a child, Virgil had many nightmares and would go to Janus at night. They would hug and Janus would comfort him. Throughout his process Virgil would wrap his spider legs around Janus’s arms but he would start to web Janus up. It was only light but it’s Virgil’s way of making sure Janus would stay and hold him.

When he leaves, he mainly just webs up his room even more as an attempt to sooth his mind and make his room even safer.

I’m Not Sorry
