#sanders asides


half the Logan stans: NOOO NOT LOGAN

the other half: YES BAD GUY LOGAN

What today’s Sanders Asides episode taught me:

  • Intrusive thoughts can be very time consuming and can get in the way of your day-to-day functioning
  • stress and pressure heightens the chances of intrusive thoughts
  • coffee makes it worse (trust me)
  • pretending intrusive thoughts don’t exist isn’t healthy, instead find ways to cope with them in a healthy way
  • it’s okay to hold things off to give yourself a mental health break
  • it’s okay to hold things off to give yourself a mental health break
  • it’s okay to hold things off to give yourself a mental health break :)))


hey… hey…

the Dark Sides lost Virgil… and the two Sides probably have to be balanced…

Janus and Remus may be attempting to bring Logan over to their side (“i’m not the one you need to yell that at” Remus is obviously referring to Thomas/ the other Light Sides), and his reaction to Remus is also definitely hinting at the Orange Side, which we all saw hinted at during the “SvS: Redux” episode.

@queen-with-the-quill please tell me to stop overthinking these videos

What would the dark side of Logic be???????


Logan stans prior to July 31st 2021: what if Logan’s eyes glowed orange when he inevitably snaps, hahaha that would be crazy right? Especially if it hints towards the orange side having something to do with anger/rage-

July 31st, 2021:


hehe… lycopersi k-cum

oh yeah, it’s meme time

oh yeah, it’s meme time

Post link


We do not deserve Thomas Sanders and his team because the first of the new so called ‘mini episodes’ lasts 19 minutes i.e. is longer than 75% of actual Sanders Sides episodes (yes I did the math because I am that kind if nerd)

Like, this is what they feed us to 'tide us over’ until the next 'actual’ Sanders Sides episode? I will never be not be amazed by how much work Thomas and Co. put into everything they do and I reiterate we do not deserve them

Okay bringing this back now with the newest video because yet again I’m just blown away by what I’ve just witnessed (three times today already)

A 17 minutes animatic that was so beautiful and brilliant that I laughed and cried sequentially and simultaneously (it was also the most called out I have felt in a long time how dare they be so relevant to my life but that’s another story) and I just loved everything about it so friggin much just, ugh, amazing as always

While obviously not being the original intended format I think the comic style lent itself beautifully to the concept and was everything I didn’t know I wanted and needed from the Sanders Sides universe 

The two wingmen of despair 

Roman: You know what happens now, you talk to him 


Mood Virgil, mood (this will now replace surprised pikachu for me)


Remus, sweetie, it only works when you’re not trying

Is it just me or, funnily enough, was Remus actually the most helpful one in the whole video?

Not to Thomas no, but to Logan. His “All by myself” rendition had him changing part of the lyrics to “Won’t fix this guy all by yourself” which is what he tells Logan.

Now he could just be doing the most at being annoying and petulant and pushing Logan’s buttons, however, this could also be a warning of sorts to Logan that his attempts at solo authority over Thomas are going nowhere and nowhere fast.

And if anything, him getting Logan to the dreaded “DON’T IGNORE ME” bit followed by “But who do you really want to scream that at?” is another ‘take the hint’ moment from Remus. Logan’s plans and attempts don’t work because they aren’t flexible enough for that. We see Logan doing his very best at trying to be accommodating with all the different mishaps during the day, and bless his heart he really did try, but also still being very adamant about sticking to the schedule and to-do list when all was said and done.

Call me crazy but maybe, just maybe, Remus was trying to soften the blow and prepare Logan for disappointment. Because I’d wager you that Thomas wouldn’t have finished everything Logan had planned regardless of Remus’ meddling. Sure Thomas might’ve gotten more things done and not felt as gloomy, but he would’ve still bailed on the schedule the second he got the call from Nico. One way or another Logan was going to be faced with being put on the back burner.

Remus reminded Logan that no matter how much Logan cares about Thomas and helping him be his best self, Thomas doesn’t exactly return that level of care and respect, at least definitely not in this video where he completely brushed Logan off as he bumped the box and ran out the door.

Of course this could just all be part of Janus’ big scheme, but still, food for thought.

Logan serving up the biggest burns without even realizing it

I have been at work since the asides ep came out and I wont be home till over a hour and I’ve already seen two (2) spoilers that are boutta thrust me back into a fandom I haven’t really been in for like 6 months

I already have art ideas for the spoilers. That I saw for about half a second before closing the app asap.


God the asides with the “if I’m making a mistake, I’ll add it to the list” hit hard and this episode showed how hard Roman tried to push Thomas to get what he wants but ultimately Thomas leaned towards lying to get out of things and he didn’t even listen to Roman in the end it was Virgil who pushed the last decision to talk to him.


a red colored pencil and gold pen bust drawing of Roman. he has curly hair, golden eyes, and freckles. his expression is pleased, and one arm is up in his princely poseALT
a waist-up pencil and pen drawing of Roman. he is standing neutrally, his expression expectant.ALT
a pencil and gold pen sketch of Roman. he looks deeply embarrassed, shoulders hunched and face flushed dark redALT

[IDs in alt text]

some Romans! i wanted to give him The Most pretty boy princely vibes i could ❤ all the gold here is so shiny or sparkly irl so it’s Perfect


If you’re excited for the episode clap your hands

If you’re terrified for the episode clap your hands

If you’re lying there in bed, filled with joy and also dread, if you’re gonna cry over the episode clap your hands






When shows come off their hiatus






this is the best thing i’ve seen all day

Season Finales





OMFG it’s back on my dash

So, to make sure we had sound working before watching the newest episode, myself and a few good friends ended up watching a few Flex Tape videos before the main event
