

i know im not who you crave

i know im not what you need

bright colors fill your head like you’re in a rave

i want to be freed

so tell me im pretty

and tell me im witty

so i may lay my head in rest in peace

losing hope

losing weight

losing trust

losing happiness

losing you

losing myself

(No you don’t need to see part 1 and 2 although I’m certainly not going to stop you!)

Male spiders can offer gifts wrapped in silk to mates. Virgil finds it a very sweet and follows his instincts. To the side of your choice (for me it’s Logan) he gives them some flies because that’s a tasty treat for anyone, obviously! 

He’s very confused by the hesitant and slightly confused reaction but they take it, meaning they reciprocate his feelings. For the next few weeks Virgil believes they are dating, at least until they all realise what’s going on. Don’t worry though, they get together in the end – looks like those feelings were reciprocated after all.

Also shoutout to @beetlewine-art who guessed this one! Having spider knowledge is awesome!!

Stress Webbing (Spider Virgil Headcanon)

As a child, Virgil had many nightmares and would go to Janus at night. They would hug and Janus would comfort him. Throughout his process Virgil would wrap his spider legs around Janus’s arms but he would start to web Janus up. It was only light but it’s Virgil’s way of making sure Janus would stay and hold him.

When he leaves, he mainly just webs up his room even more as an attempt to sooth his mind and make his room even safer.


Here’s a headcanon I just thought of!

Virgil can make his whole eye go white, like when people put their pupils up and you can’t see them, but he can still see!

It freaks everyone out but Remus who thinks it’s the coolest thing ever and tries to do it himself but can’t. He gets upset but then Virgil just goes over and hugs him telling him how he can do a whole load if disturbing stuff. That makes him feel better and then they sit down in the dark side of the mindscape, along with Deciet, and watch horror movies.

Of course they cuddle which Deceit and Virgil deny.

It’s not easy to resist the dark side… especially not if it’s a sassy snake with multiple hands.

I love all of Virgil’s outfits but the skeleton onesie…. oh my heart, it makes him extra cute Janus agrees with me.


(No you don’t need to see part 1 and 2 although I’m certainly not going to stop you!)

Male spiders can offer gifts wrapped in silk to mates. Virgil finds it a very sweet and follows his instincts. To the side of your choice (for me it’s Logan) he gives them some flies because that’s a tasty treat for anyone, obviously! 

He’s very confused by the hesitant and slightly confused reaction but they take it, meaning they reciprocate his feelings. For the next few weeks Virgil believes they are dating, at least until they all realise what’s going on. Don’t worry though, they get together in the end – looks like those feelings were reciprocated after all.

Also shoutout to @beetlewine-art who guessed this one! Having spider knowledge is awesome!!


Stress Webbing (Spider Virgil Headcanon)

As a child, Virgil had many nightmares and would go to Janus at night. They would hug and Janus would comfort him. Throughout his process Virgil would wrap his spider legs around Janus’s arms but he would start to web Janus up. It was only light but it’s Virgil’s way of making sure Janus would stay and hold him.

When he leaves, he mainly just webs up his room even more as an attempt to sooth his mind and make his room even safer.
