#jean moreau


I’m sorry, but Neil is not literally Junior. His name is different then his fathers, Nathan and Nathaniel are not the same. He is not Nathaniel Jr. Or Nathan Jr. their names are just similar.

Someone need to give all the other exy teams their own books. Like what were they thinking, they found out they played against the son of a literal serial killer, and they never got the full story.

The entire series they were just: ?

Andrew minyard will randomly disappear at the banquets. It’s later found out that he goes and hangs out with Jeremy Knox, and they talk about surfing. Andrew can also be heard using his atrocious surfer bro accent, that he masks to keep up his image.

None of us appreciate the fact that Kevin days mom created exy. Like we all joke about the fact that Kevin knows more than the store employees, but Kevin knows more than a lot of people. Also why is no one in awe of him, like beyond him being a good exy player, no one really mentions that his mom created the sport unless it’s in passing. Like, you’re sitting with the creator of the sports son? Are you not going to say something?

I’m sorry but Abby needs more credit. She was a normal nurse, with no tragic background. And here comes this man, saying ‘hey forming a group of troubled kids, I need a nurse, you in?’. And she said yes. She never once treated any of those kids differently for what they went through, and even saw some of them as her own children.
