#jim and claire




Jim: When it comes to this relationship, there is no “I”, only “we”

Claire: Okay, “we” are bisexual

Jim: Damn right we are


*Jim waking up next to Claire every morning*

Jim: * every morning* … holy shit.

Omg, when they were going to New Jersey! I can definitely picture this happening

ToA charters if they had TikTok

Jim: would most definitely have a cooking Chanel that also dabbled in quick life hacks to get you out of a jam, along with videos of him doing cool knife tricks

Claire: definitely would participate in the acting challenge videos and would make up her own stories that she acts in. She does song covers of papa skull, dabbled in arts and crafts/ makeup tutorials, and she ended up on witch tok and has the most amount of followers.

Toby: is a chaotic meme lord. He specializes in vine like energy TikTok where he pops out of no where and will scream “ BEAAAANS WHAT THE FUUU”. He also has story times of his adventures and is featured in a lot of Jim’s cooking videos as a taste tester.

Aja: rarely posts anything but when she does it’s filled with work out videos, videos of cute dogs she found at the park, date montages with Steve ,or her messing with Krel or Vex when they are trying to sleep.

Krel: has tutorials on how he MacGyver‘s human objects into advanced technology. He goes on rants about how people need to be more open minded about others and is an advocate for equal and civil rights. A bit of a meme lord himself but his humor is too advanced so no one really gets his jokes.

Steve: He is a predominately prankster channel. His page is filled with almost nothing but prank videos he pulls on other people along with bloopers of pranks gone wrong. He has some videos of him getting cocky and flexing his muscles in the mirror. He has a lot of famous people following him and the only people he has not pulled pranks on are Aja (because he knows she’s too smart and he thinks it mean) and Claire (because he knows she will whoop his ass)

Douxie: has a fine mixture of genres. He has videos of him playing original songs he wrote and shredding on his guitar, and he also has scenery videos of the places he’s been. Definitely has tour Gide episodes where he takes us to hole in the wall places all around the world. He also makes dad jokes and has lots of videos of Archie doing cute cat things. 

jlaire-zine:Presenting……….a brand-new, exciting and completely awesome-sauce project announcement; w


Presenting……….a brand-new, exciting and completely awesome-sauce project announcement; we’re doing a Jim Lake Jr. and Claire Nuñez fanzine!!!

Right now, we really would love your help for this project by filling out the interest form (RIGHT HERE!) and by sharing this post!! We’re expecting to keep the interest form open for a few weeks, and then based on responses we will release more information and zine applications!

If you loved the Jlaire content in Wizards: Tales of Arcadia as much as we did, follow us to see where this project goes!! If the interest check goes well, more information will follow more quickly…!

I am so unbelievably excited for this

Jlaire Fanzine Interest Survey

Welllllll there was no stopping this from happening!! I’m so excited!!

Post link