#jim howick



Witchfinder’s Direct|Horrible Histories S01 Ep 03, requested by anonymous

Bonus Yonderland pride

[image description: Trevor the Blob placed onto the aroace, oriented aroace and aro allo flags. The next three images are Negatus sprawled on his throne with one knee up on the arm and one hand behind his head. This image has been placed onto the genderqueer guy, queer and aro ace flags. The last three images are Kendall smiling down at someone off camera placed on the oriented aroace, polyamorous and asexual flags. End image description.]

Sometimes a blob of blue jelly is a pride icon

[image description: Trevor from Yonderland placed onto the aromantic, bisexual, asexual, nonbinary, lesbian, gay man, queer, pastel rainbow, genderqueer and 1978 rainbow flags. End image description.]

Lee, the Historical Fashion Fix presenter, and his personal friend Tudor Barber Bob the Barber.

[ID: a photo of Lee and Tudor Barber Bob the Barber kissing each other on the cheek in greeting. Tudor Barber Bob the Barber is facing us but Lee has his back to us. This image has been put onto 5 different pride flags - 1978 rainbow, mlm, gay, bisexual and queer chevron. The left column is normal and the right column has the flags blurred slightly. End ID.]
