
Same deal as last post! I spent most of October doing two yokai related art challenges- yokaitober a

Same deal as last post! I spent most of October doing two yokai related art challenges- yokaitober and Ayokaiaday. I forgot to mention that I made posts for both challenges on my website Cattype.net (not .com, remember that) and that I made elaborate header images for both of them. So I should probably post them here.

This is the header for my Ayokaiaday post. Here’s the link to it. Check it out for all the original tweets plus extra commentary

I thought a grid was fitting since I was posting a yokai for almost everyday on the calendar. A calendar is a grid therefore grid. See? Logic.

Top row
#jorogumo #tsukumogami #bakechochin #kasaobake #teketeke #ippondatara #hyakumeoni #rokurokubi

Second row
#gaki #hyosube #toirenohanakosan #tsuchinoko #nue #arie

Third row
#tofukozo #jinmenju #kitsune #zashikiwarashi #basan Rokurokubi (again but the bottom half)

Bottom row
#kodama #hakutaku #ittanmomen #hitotsumekozo #oni #onyudo

#yokai #monsters #myart

Post link
 #JLMyōkaioftheday : Jinmenju, or the tree with fruits that have faces  It is said that the fruits o

#JLMyōkaioftheday : Jinmenju, or the tree with fruits that have faces  

It is said that the fruits of jinmenju have such a shallow sense of humor, they will actually laugh at almost everything. 

In fact, they spend most of their time laughing! And if you slice one open, you’ll find that their seeds also have faces on them, which are laughing as well. #LOL#japanloverme Art by @littlemisspaintbrush

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