#johnny depp



“Tell the world, Johnny.”

And so he did.


[ID: A red userbox, there is a picture of Johnny Depp dressed as Jack Sparrow. In black it says “This user supports Johnny Depp and wants his abuser to get what she deserves” /END ID]

Friendly reminder to all that if you support Amber Heard, please unfollow me now.



Yasss!!! Truth will always prevail!!!


Johnny Depp’s statement.


“Tell the world, Johnny, tell them, ‘Johnny Depp, I, a man, I’m a victim too of domestic violence’ and see how many people believe or side with you.”


Mother fuckers see one man win a case and think it’s over for women who’ve been through domestic abuse. It’s not. Don’t come to court making up shit you know is false and you won’t have this problem.

Anyone can be abused even MEN. Not all women are fucking victims. Amber fucking heard isn’t a victim!

And for anyone saying his “abuse was proven” in the UK trial, that was also a defamation trial and it was against The Sun. It was not a criminal/abuse trial. Amber was a “witness”, and she was not required to provide extensive evidence. All that needed to be proven was that The Sun didn’t defame Johnny by making up damaging claims. They quoted Amber, so that can’t be counted as defamation. The judge even said some of her allegations on their own didn’t have sufficient evidence but seemed likely when grouped together, whatever tf that means.

This trial changed things because it was entirely live-streamed so the contrast between what ppl were seeing and what the media was spinning became very evident, and because it was the first time Johnny was able to give his evidence and Amber was extensively cross-examined.


J*hnny d*pp has earned $116 million since amber heard first came out about him abusing her. He continued to be in h*rry p*tter, murder on the orient express, pirates and several other movies. The idea that his career was ruined by her allegations are a joke, never mind that benign article where she didn’t even name him, considering he earned $116 million after


“You know how many men are starting to sarcastically call their wives/girlfriends ‘Amber’ or ‘Miss Heard’ when they are upset or angry?

I keep getting messages and comments from women saying this is happening to them in arguments with spouse or exes.

The damage is done.

This case and the societal response to it, the global bullying, mocking and hatred towards Amber is destroying VAWG, feminism & any progress we’ve made breaking down stigma of domestic/sexual abuse - either that - or we had never made any progress at all & we were in an echo chamber.

Last week was the first time a woman commented to tell me that her ex has started calling her ‘Amber’ as an insult.

Then another woman commented that her husband threatened her and when she cried, he called her ‘Amber’

I’ve started seeing more and more comments.

This morning I woke up to a comment from a woman who said her ex was screaming at her in front of their daughter so she asked him to stop screaming and lower his voice and he said ‘Ok Miss Heard’ and DARVO her.

The fact that these comments appear to be from women from different countries, different ages, different backgrounds and yet men are starting to use ‘Amber’ and ‘Miss Heard’ as an insult is fucking terrifying.

I keep finding myself questioning what the real agenda was of televising this trial, and the media coverage of it.

What was the real purpose of tearing apart a woman like this for the whole world to watch on YouTube and Tiktok with their popcorn?

I think we are finding out.”

Dr. Jessica Taylor


sorry but i’ve decided i’m not going to shut up about the implications of the depp vs heard spectacle. it’s genuinely frightening how this is radicalizing people into thinking the legal system is FAVORED on the side of women naming their abusers and rapists when that could not be further from the truth. i’ve seen more incel propaganda repeated word for word in the last few weeks than i’ve seen in years. please PLEASE use your brains. this is bigger than stanning a single celebrity and hoping they ‘win’. Me Too, despite being localized around abuse in hollywood, had a measurable impact on how victims were treated outside of that sphere of power. this case and how people are reacting to it online will also have an impact. it’s just all so incredibly irresponsible.


Crazy how many of y'all fell for the PR case of the century… It being televised, weird ass tik toks, youtube pushing compilations of this man mumbling nonsense, while jobless bitches chuckle and swoon in the background, because they watched a few pirate movies years ago. Of all people to have as an example of “a man can be abused too”, for some bird brained reason you lot chose that nasty fucking man and stuck by him, and for what? Another notch to put in your virtue signalling belt. Outstanding how moral obelisks of tumblr have chosen the worst possible case to not even give a chance to what this woman was saying/sharing. This is an instance that will surely bite yall in the ass in the upcoming years, when you find yourselves complicit. Maybe you’ll touch some grass and give your brain a chance to mature a bit, this is referring to the teens that went on a witch hunt, for you middle aged bitches, you are going to hell and he isn’t gonna fuck you <3.

Johnny Depp is a cunt, you weirdos need a lobotomy, being chronically online has rotted your brains.

*tries not to scream* *screams* AHH SO GOOD! Wow new wizarding america! Much new people, terms, creatures, and more! Very more acting potential with older, experienced cast, allows for darker tones in what was darker movie, will probably continue with darker movies in sequels. Big mysterious mystery, figure out who is who (Doge figured out both parts of this, but I’m getting better at doing that). Fantastic big magic action fight scenes, reminiscent of HP7part2. Such anticipating sequel because only get bigger and darker. Can’t want to see Ilvermony (next movie, PLEASE!!!)! Must watch again to catch new creatures and terminology again and learn, study all before sequel. AHHH! 4 Paws!

All right my Comanche, Creek, and Cherokee fam: if you have ANY dirt on Johnny Depp’s claims to any of these cultures and want to debunk them, message me, comment here with sources, etc. Please let me know if you want to go on the record (anonymously, if you feel more comfortable that way).

Edward Scissorhands (1990) dir. Tim BurtonEdward Scissorhands (1990) dir. Tim Burton

Edward Scissorhands (1990) dir. Tim Burton

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